Hello everyone. I had an old thread about a bright object that tracked with the moon one morning and I took several pictures of it.
Many members felt that I conclusively, captured images of Venus. This conclusion is acceptable to me, as the curvature of the earth can distort images
viewed from the planet surface.
I posted an update of another set of images taken in the
opposit side of the sky as to rule out planets, comets and other natural bodies (ie.
These photo's were taken in the western sky ....I truly believe that this photo has NOT been explained to my satisfaction and felt it deserved its
own thread. An astute member pointed out that Sirius is close, to the position of the photographed anomoly...unfortunately..
Sirius is 8.7 LIGHT
YEARS away and the object I photographed were clearly right next to the moon.
(Here is the update)
I observed a (possibly multiple) object(s) again, in very close proximity to the moon. So I went into work and grabbed the company camera (a sony
something) and squeezed off a few pics of this brightly flashing (red, blue, green) object(s).
I of course did not have a tripod and am not familiar enough with this particular camera to set it up on a timer, plus it was cold as @#%$ but what
the heck...mabey I would get lucky and get a decent image...this thing was bright and its close proximity to the moon led me to believe that this
might be one of the satellites in orbit around the moon right now.
(Venus was present but in the EASTERN SKY) So...without further a due...
I'm not here to "convince" anyone of much of anything...I saw an anomalous object, close to the moon but in the western sky almost directly up, and
took a few photos of it...I found it intriguing that there appears to be
three different or separate objects there...I could not see that from
the ground. I thought this warranted further SERIOUS investigation as I am not claiming objects "shooting plasma rays" or "starfighters docking
with the mothership"...
[edit on 2-12-2007 by 1nL1ghtened]