posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 12:49 PM
well i dunno which is growing faster than which, but here are some facts about Islam,:
Islam – The Truth of a Monotheistic Faith
In the Koran, Jews are damned by Allah, and Christians are told that faith in Christ as God incarnate is "blasphemy"... but the same Koran praises
and recommends the Torah and the Gospel of Jesus, which is a contradiction.
read some facts below:
The Koran, denies the 3 facts... but then, praises the "Gospel of Jesus"... that's a "gross error of the Koran", because if Jesus is not God, and
he was not crucified, the Koran should say that the Gospel of Jesus is wrong, instead of praising the Gospel, and advising to follow the doctrines of
the Gospel in Suras 5:46 and 5:65... the divinity of Jesus, his crucifixion, and resurrection at the third day, is the "heart of the Gospel"
This is another "missing" of the Koran...God is eternally the Father of Jesus Christ, eternally begotten, not made, and one in being with the
Father; Jesus is eternally God as the Father, because if at any moment God would not have had a Son, at that moment God would not have been a Father,
which is an impossible... and Jesus Christ is as much God as the Father, God from God... but not two Gods, only one God!... like the water and ice,
not 2 waters, but the same substance in different forms... and the Holy Spirit is like a cloud, also the same water, who proceeds eternally from the
love of Father to the Son and the love of the Son to the Father... and there are not 3 Gods, but only one eternal God: The God of Abraham and Ishmael
and Isaac, of the Sura 2:133, which are not 3 Gods, but the only one God... and that's why the only one God speaks as "We" and "Us" and "Our",
at least 17 times in the Sura 37 of The Ranks, in verses 70-130.
Mohammmad says:
1- "Invitation first" (that is, call them first to embrace Islam).
2- "If they refuse, then war." "The sword", said Mohammmad, "is the key of heaven and hell; a drop of blood shed in the cause of Allah, or a
night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting or prayer: whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven, and at the day of
judgment his limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and cherubim.
(nice guy, huh? real peaceful)
The Quran:
There are 123 verses in the Quran about killing and fighting. (Jihad)(religion of peace? ya sure)
Here are 4 of those 123 verses:
1- "O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you, and let them find in you a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing" (Sura
al-Tawba 9:123). the Quran
The unbelievers are the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Indians, atheists... any one who is not a Muslim.
2- "Fight against those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger, have forbidden -- such men as
practice not the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book -- until they pay tribute out of hand and have been humbled" (Sura
al-Tawba 9:29). the Quran
3- "The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution,
or crucifixion, or cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy
punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;" (Sura Al Ma idah 5:33). the Quran
4- "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing
which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Sura AL-BAQARA 2:16) the Quran
1- Egypt - Egypt has been terrorized by Muslims since the time of Umar II (8th Century AD.). With Umar’s raid on Egypt began the destruction of
Egypt’s Christians. Their Churches were destroyed, Umar imposed Jizya—a special tax that was invented by Mohammed , where all the
"non-believers" had to pay or face death.
2- 2- Algeria - Algeria has been under Islamic terrorist attack for quite some time now. Accurate casualty figures are difficult to acquire, but as
many as 50,000 Algerians (militants, security personnel, and civilians) have died as a result of the nearly four-year-old insurgency.
3- 3- Pakistan - Like East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Pakistan was also founded by the terrorist leader, Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Ever since its foundation,
Pakistan has sponsored terrorism and Islamic terrorist groups all over the world. Pakistan’s main focus of terrorist activity has always been India.
This nation is obsessed with the downfall of India and will do anything to accomplish this goal.
4- 4-The Mideast war is not about occupation. Israel occupies neither Gaza nor Lebanon. This war is about two terror organizations, Hezbollah and
Hamas, and their patrons Iran and Syria, which have stated unequivocally their intent to destroy the sovereign state of Israel.
"We now in the Middle East have an axis of terror and hatred comprising Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah, which is trying to attack Israel and
prevent peace in the area," said Israel's consul general in New York, Arye Mekel.
Many other countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Syria, Indonesia, Palestine, Libya, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Mauritania, Cyprus,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, etc. can be added to the above list.
Islam: God promised to Abraham through Ishmael another two things:
1- I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count. (Gen16:10) and so it happened! with the 1.1 billion Muslims today, and
still counting.
2- Ishmael...12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers." (Gen.16:12) ... and it did happened! with the history of wars of Islam.. and even today with the terrorism