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Is Christianity Dying?

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posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:21 AM
Is this is reverse psychology? or someone angry at christians? either way. the numbers don't mean anything. Christianity is NOT dying, in any way or form. People are rushing to convert and join us in the fight against the pesky anti-christians around the world. Islam may be a controlling religion. but again, christianity is not a religion, it's a form of life. So if Christianity dies, so will so many believers.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
Is this is reverse psychology? or someone angry at christians? either way. the numbers don't mean anything. Christianity is NOT dying, in any way or form. People are rushing to convert and join us in the fight against the pesky anti-christians around the world. Islam may be a controlling religion. but again, christianity is not a religion, it's a form of life. So if Christianity dies, so will so many believers.

Or you could, you know, just hang out with other Christians to worship as you please and leave everyone else alone. Though, I guess that's asking too much.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by aylyan
off topic? i quoted the op and this is the religion forum

I didnt say it was offtopic, I said it could lead to offtopic arguments.

howso? my post addressed the op's post.if the op is off topic then this will be moved or locked.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by aylyan

howso? my post addressed the op's post.if the op is off topic then this will be moved or locked.

OK your right, it wasnt off topic, I just really meant that it would lead to arguments, because the comment was a little offensive thats all, and it may lead to people arguing over it forever with no conclusion.

But I guess my comment was what lead to an offtopic discussion lol how ironic.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:46 AM
heh np,you're right i guess

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 05:10 AM
I personally believe no opinion polls. They are open to skewing and the agenda behind the poll is needed to be known. Either way the truth is the truth no matter what someone believes

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by luxor311

It is not the first, nor will it be the last, religion to die out. You don't hear so much about people praying to Thor, Apollo, or Enki anymore, and just as that is now, so will Jesus be considered "just a myth" in the future. It's the way things are.

[edit on 2/12/2007 by Thousand]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:55 AM
my family are christians and catholics... and thats cool... but i beleive its good ... if christianity is dying in the form of churches.. not in the form of the holy spirit.. because... u go to church.. and listen to someone... but the bible is for you to read and catch and understanding of it yourself... not by someone elses understanding... and plus if the church dies.. thats good its corrputed in all sorts of ways..i wont read the bible... its incomplete the cathlioc church has takin to many things out of the bible and has hidden it ... i dont got time for that.. why read something incomplete... ? + there one of the major supporters of the nwo*fundingwise* so u wanna be religious twards the christian beleif... do it within the privacy of your own home... or ull become brainwashed

^ and i dont care if you agree with me...

wat do i beleive in, A higher power what ? i dunno yet ill tell you when i die and meet it.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:59 AM
Me, personally...

Do I despise organised religion in any shape or form ?

You bet...

Is my Brother Jesus Christ, his Father and His mother the greatest. most calming influence on my life over the last two years...

You bet


posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:51 AM

Why is the interest in Christianity dying? comments?

I must have misread this

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Thnx, I know it was a little windy, but believe it or not, I wrapped it up well-before I had actually made it down to "E". I think it was too long for the OP's taste, tho

Your avatar is just . . . cute! Makes me smile everytime I see it.

Prosperity and Peace.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Is Christianity dying? you betcha it is but it is hardly a new thing. In the U.S. A growing number of the population hasn't actually lived up to the title of thier religion in decades. It is a call to follow the teachings of Christ, how many Christians have you seen that actually doing just that? Today the typical Christians are to caught up trying to obtain material wealth, instead of practicing the hallmarks of their faith; chairity, tolerence, and forgivness. All one really needs to do is turn on the T.V. to see what the once venerated preacher has turned into, little more than a salesman selling a get rich quick scheme. Not to mention the Catholic sex abuse scandals. Not to mention that for some reason people run around believing that salvation through Christ is a blank check to run around acting as heinously as they want, offer a half-hearted I am sorry and its ok mentality. Now having these images associated with your faith it is very easy for one to become disenfranchised with it. Then to top it off you have the ones trying to hijack the Government of the U.S. and turning it into something it is not. The purpose of the Government is to ensure that all of the citizens of this country are protected and treated equally and fairly under the law(for those of you still paying attention this falls under tolerence) nothing more nothing less. Christianity as a whole would be better served by the supposed adherents actually living the example instead of trying to legislate it.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 12:15 PM

(for those of you still paying attention this falls under tolerence)

Enjoyed your post, my sentiments, as well. A massive increase of tolerance and peace would be such a beautiful addition to the world, right now.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
I think the Catholic Church is dieing because it is rotting from within. (Think pedophiles and other detatchments from reality in the modern world.)

Or even just reflect on the history of the Catholic Church, the Inquisitions, its involvement in the genocide in the Balkans in WW2 (search Cardinal Stepinac, Ante Pavelic and how the vatican gave him safehaven after the war). There is much hypocrisy and evil among the authorities in the Catholic Church throughout history, and even begining with the first Pope who approved of murder and torture and was an evil maniac

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Listen I came up with the numbers from numerous sources. If you want me to list them I will be happy to, there is quite a few including a news-week article as well as CNN international. Pro Christian arguments will try to counter with there own stasticle articles Thats fine. look around at our society I do think people are starting to question Christianity more and more (just my observation).

This is not a Christian bashing thread. If you feel it is just dont comment. The subject besides numbers addresses that Christianity is losing its momentum which it has shared for years to different ideologies and religions. Islam is a religion and a way of life so is Buddhism for that matter. I think people who are looking for some type of spiritual direction are no longer bound to the New testament teachings exspecially in this country. This tread is not about which camp has the correct exact statical numbers its about a possible shift in world religion and its underlying reasons.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 01:16 PM
Yes I would say so last year 4,500 churches closed. And our local one was very close on closing last year in October was down to 6 people with no pastor.

Tonight we're having a 2nd year christmas play.

Edit- Had around 150 people show up for the play.

[edit on 12/2/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Its not just Christianity thats dying, ALL religions are dying. Atheism is the fastest growing "religion" in the USA, and its getting higher in other countries too. People are just converting to Islam because of the war. Once thats over then the Islam population is gonna drop. Just look at history, old religions are replaced by new religions. Give it 100-150 years, Christianity will be called Mythology.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 02:05 PM
Interestingly, according to the NT itself, in the "last days" the faith would indeed diminish, at least from its pure core intention.
Rev. 3:15-17

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by OptionToChoose
Interestingly, according to the NT itself, in the "last days" the faith would indeed diminish, at least from its pure core intention.
Rev. 3:15-17

And which religion did Christianity steal that one from? come on everything from Christianity is stolen. Symbols, laws, the messiah, etc, etc. ALL from other religions

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by luxor311
I know many that are saying that Christianity has been a perpetuated lie throughout the ages and the bible was and is just a means to control the masses, through fear.

This could be said about organized religion in general, not just Christianity -- although the "fear and lies" part of your statement isn't necessarily always true to the extent that you imply.

Some organized religions are well-intentioned. All cultures and civilizations have used organized religion of as a way of spreading morals that are good for the society as a whole. Every leader wants a moral society -- it's easier to lead people who have morals rather than trying to lead an unruly society. That's not to say that religions don't get so powerful as to be corrupt, just like any other powerful organization.

You should try reading "Foundations" by Isaac Asimov. One of the themes of that book was how a religion based on science was created to help hold together a once mighty galactic empire that had collpsed -- much like how Christianity helped hold together Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and during the Dark Ages.

[edit on 12/2/2007 by Soylent Green Is People]

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