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Fred Thompson alien morphing video

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 06:21 PM
If the reporters did not notice does not mean they do not have psychic abilities to make people round them not notice either, this to add to the equation. Remember snakes in nature have the ability to hypnotise it's prey also. I am not sure if this is real and not sure if it's bad video quality but it's interesting least to say. If people can get orginal video footage without compression as such then it might also help. Maybe the computers have a ghost in the machine making us all fight.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
If the reporters did not notice does not mean they do not have psychic abilities to make people round them not notice either, this to add to the equation. Remember snakes in nature have the ability to hypnotise it's prey also. I am not sure if this is real and not sure if it's bad video quality but it's interesting least to say. If people can get orginal video footage without compression as such then it might also help. Maybe the computers have a ghost in the machine making us all fight.

The original will be Fred Thompson talking normally without anything changing on his face or shirt. I watched it on TV and nothing bizzar happened.


posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 10:34 AM
Then if it was okay in a different format then guess it's a technical error as such as many people have said. But there is still a possibility that by changing the images we see (not in speacial FX terms) in terms of changing the light setting and changing the frequency of a TV image may able us to see things differently. Polarised filters for camera's let us see clouds we can not see with our eyes or infra-red with the same principle really.

Guess for some it can be an obession as such but in a way why not? could make them think less inwardly and less self Godly to think of others and the world for the greater good which is not a bad human trait.

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