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We all say we want a world at peace. how will we ever get there

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posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:36 PM
I haven't a clue. Certainly Dictators of all stripes and authoritarians goverments that answer to no one " least of all their own people" won't relinquish their power with out a fight. They are getting more powerfull weapons and no less brutal. Squables about what to do about them when they go crazy, like use poison gas on entire towns. All we do is say its not our problem. No one wants to be labeled the worlds cop. The U.N. has been completely rendered useless by corruption and graft. How then will we ever get there. It seems we are getting futher away from that goal than closer!

[edit on 12/1/2007 by rockets red glare]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by rockets red glare

Is this really so tough. It's so darn easy to carry a sign and tell folks how not to advance freedom. How not to deal with state sponsered terrorism! We Neandrathals wait to hear the wise on high how they will lead us down the prim rose path. The human race has had to deal with dictators forever. Finally in the 18th century the little guys"people started fighting back in "big way". Every gain our forfathers made "mostly with the business end of a gun", everything they dreamed for their posterity. Frankly we don't deserve them' They were willing to risk anything for the advancement of freedom. We have wittnessed what communism really is, what what living under dictatorships can be like. Saw it on our tv's But, instead of believing our eyes, we believe the propaganda we hear from the speakers. Our eyes see slaughter but, our ears hear, good thing its over there. it could never happen here. If you do anything to help you may be hated like the do gooder Americans. They try to put a stop to it sometimes, damn them! So how are we to get to that Undiscovered Country. How do you get the brutal dictators and authoritarians that mankind has had slave for for through out know history to listen to your words of peace and be nice to your people. Is simply saying "I love you man" going to do it? Not likly! It never did before. Our Demacrocies had better be strong - and I mean Iron Fisted Strong. or we can loose every freedom we have, that someone had to fight and many die for. My kid wanted a car but, I didn't give it to him . I made him work and save. Because as we all know, we apprciate things more when it was ourselves that have had to sacrafice and work for it. They same can be said for our liberty!

[edit on 12/2/2007 by rockets red glare]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 06:52 AM
It's all too easy. The simple answer is always the one to avoid.

1. Eliminate the military.
2. Destroy all weapons of mass destruction.
3. Collect all ammo, weapons, guns-Destroy them.
4. Open borders. One world race: Humans.
5. Uniformity. Everyone wearing the same clothing.
6. Basic education worldwide. No teacher, but the group is the teacher.
7. Destroy all cars. Switch to bicycles and walking.
8. Work 4 days a week.
9. become a democratic world.
10. One world Christianity.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 06:54 AM
Isn't this the cornerstone of most religions? The world is a horrible place, only God can bring peace, believe in us or you will never find peace... etc?

I don't think it is possible. The nature of man prevents it. Hopefully there is some sort of salvation after we die, but who knows.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

The question wasn't what you want jedi! The question was, How ya gunna do it? How are you going to get nations to lay down arms. demacrocies keep armies because they want to keep their freedom. Dictators keep armies to protect their self intrests IE their power. How will you get authoritarians to lay down arms so the rest of us can as well? Don't give us simple minded ideology. give us real and workable solution! A roadmap to world peace! Put some thought into man!!!

[edit on 12/2/2007 by rockets red glare]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

I don't know if it's possible either. I like to think there must be away. That if the "good people" keep pushing, always pushing, maybe, just maybe we might. But, if the authoritarians see weaknes they take advantage of it! they always have.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by rockets red glare

Can you think of any example ever of a society being a utopia? They all seem to crumble from corruption or from some other society stepping in and destroying them. Perhaps I have a selective memory that won't allow me to think of any due to my inherent pessimism, but I just can't think of any.

If we could use any other society as an example, then maybe. If we haven't pulled it off by now though, I fear it is impossible.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:24 AM
make sure every politician/leader after his/her service is held accountable for his/her actions that every decision is investigated for corruption or personal gain, make the punishment for corruption on a political level as harsh as possible, when the people who lead us are honest then we can have an honest attempt at bettering ourselves, i also believe media should only be able to report absolute 100 percent fact not hear say rumour and definatley not opinion the media has far to much power of pursuasion and is obviously used to manipulate, when we have an honest government with a media that can only deal in absolute truths then we may have a start and it should begin with how we could help others rather than whats in it for us

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:26 AM
Everyone take a day off from work and clog the city streets saying "we won't fight your wars anymore." You might also add "get a real job" to that. I'm sick of them taking the fruits of our labor.

The solution is simple. Numbers. We need everyone on the same side.

These evil leaders can't get any of their dirty work done without people following their orders.

Just say no.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

No i can't Karl. The civilization that weak were conquered. The Civilizations that were powerfull inventually became apathetic then weak and were conquered or just fell apart. After they disapeared new civilzations arose in place of them. That is the question I pose! how does the wester world and our civilization continue on that path to world peace. The answer surely is liberty and freedom everywhere. But, how to achieve it. Before our civilization breaks down.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by rockets red glare
The question was, How ya gunna do it? How are you going to get nations to lay down arms. demacrocies keep armies because they want to keep their freedom.
[edit on 12/2/2007 by rockets red glare]

Well, we are late in the game. But I guess it's never too late. We have to start by voting out the politicians. Going to the streets and doing something about it, but it takes more than 10,000 people for this to work. Look we are not spending trillions for freedom or peace. It's a power game. we Had our freedoms wayyy back in the 1800's. No need to fight for it now.

1. Impeach Bush.
2. eliminate the republican party. Accept Democracy as the main party.
3. The UN to be the enforcer, a one world court and a one world law.

but most importantly, come 08 vote Hillary Clinton!

[edit on 2-12-2007 by jedimiller]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:35 AM
The answer is smaller groups of humanity....We do not function well in the millions at all...Yet we function just fine in the dozens or the hundreds (or maybe the thousands even)

Change that, change the world...

The technological consequences of same, I don't care about...

I just want to live to see old age, however it happens....

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by dionysius9

I can't see how clogging the streets of our own cities, screaming our fool heads off and carrying signs will convince a dictator armed to the teeth or some "communist regime leader" into laying down his weapons and give liberty the people he controles! If he believed in that, he never would have aspired to be a dictator.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

The only system which fits your 9 points (I disagree with No.10) is to strive to establish a benevolent New World Order based on communism (which is what you are basically advocating too)

As with all major shifts in social ideology though, it will come at a heavy price...

First the revolution, which will claim many lives and pitch neighbour against neighbour (just look at the beginnings of any empire/nation throughout history...even modern-day US was formed out of the aftermath of the revolution against British rule and the civil war)

Second will be a period of iron-fist rule to quell any further uprisings and establish the political and social order

Thirdly, peace as the new system is accepted by society...

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by citizen smith

so citizen, is it your your contintion that we must first crush the oppressive regimes? many would say that would be antagonistic and playing the part of worlds cop.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by rockets red glare

For any social system to succeed would by definition require that all opposing ideologies be defeated.

Even the ideal new-world socialist societyas depicted in Star Trek was created out of the destruction of a post-nuclear global war

The question is, what form of social system should be adopted to allow equality, education and opportunity for all?

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:31 AM
The world will never be at peace, and never was.

Dinosaurs fought each other, too.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by rockets red glare

humans throughout recorded and unrecorded history have proven over and over that we will never have peace if left on our own in earths large playpen-------------the only way there will be peace is if Messiah forces us to be peacefull or lets us destroy ourselves so that whats left of the world after we finish our wars can have peace without us.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by yahn goodey

Does the dog have peace with the cat? doesn the mouse have peace with the rat. This is earth. earthling inhabit it. Man is not seperate and distinct from nature! why are part of it. we are the creatures of earth, we are and are doing exactly what nature prescribed. yhat being said, can we rise above it?

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by citizen smith

If by your social system you mean "socialism" I would say "none". Centralized social engenering has proved itself to be the worst form of gov. so far. people will allways find a reason to envey one another.

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