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What do they know that we don't?

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 06:29 AM
It seems to me that many on here seem to think that evil people rule the world. Plenty of conspiracies covering the issue(N.W.O. blah blah blah), but one thing I'd like to know is the reason why the powerful people would turn to evil.

I know that by doing bad things here they can get the power they desire, and once they have power they can take what they want and will have to answer to no one. But what about after this life? Don't they know about God? Or Jesus? Or any religion where good is rewarded and evil is punished? I mean, they're smart guys... if they're fighting for Satan/the forces of evil, don't they know that's a losing battle? Why would they condemn themselves for eternity for a small piece of pleasure during their earthly lives?

Is there something they know that we don't? Are they simply all atheists? Does the real God just not care about evil deeds? Does God encourage or even reward them?

Just something that I've thought about for a bit, and wanted to post here to get other people's opinions.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 06:47 AM
I hate to dilute logic, but I think it's easy to be "evil" if you're not thinking in the context of what is "good" and what is "evil." People who have to make serious decisions think in terms of "necessary" and "unnecessary" and because that hurts our feelings has no bearing on their actions. To some extent, I believe the future lies in that thought process. We're so busy polarizing issues with "good vs. bad" when they should be thought in terms of "needed" and "unneeded." Nature of the beast, my friend.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:29 AM
I certainly see your point, but the problem I see there is that people and nations will not do what's needed for the world but rather what is needed for themselves without thought to the cost to other people/nations. That's where evil comes in. Unneeded actions will be taken for needed goals is evil to me. The Iraqi war, for example. If Oil was one of the goals, then mission accomplished. It is a necessity for our country afterall, but the way we got it was not necessary. It was an evil act by those in charge of the United States.

I think we need to always keep good and evil in mind. That we always have to be aware of the consequences of our actions, and even if the actions are necessary, they do not always justify the costs to others.

[edit on 30-11-2007 by UnbiasedObservations]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:31 AM
NO GOD, NO KINGS, ONLY MEN, thats their catch prashe.

they turn bad because they like money and power. is like a disease.
they use any methid to get more money and power, thats why they are satanics, just because they use all methods known to men to get more power.

the promer president of my country was one of them, and he told the people whats the deal with the illuminati masons and nwo.

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Drzava]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by UnbiasedObservations

What I've thought they know goes back to Egypt that the rulers there were in touch with either Gods or extraterrestrials, and these Gods ruled behind the scenes. They may still be ruling today through the Illuminati.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Raoul Duke

Use your Gonzo journalism skills a little and you'll discover that the "Illuminati" is little more than a facade for people who want to cheapen the reality and density of what is really going on.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
reply to post by Raoul Duke

Use your Gonzo journalism skills a little and you'll discover that the "Illuminati" is little more than a facade for people who want to cheapen the reality and density of what is really going on.

I believe I said the illuminati MAY be ruling today. They may simply aspire to rule and are rebuffed by our democratic representatives. But they certainly have the ambition to rule, I think.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by UnbiasedObservations

Hello Unbiased,

Here is my .2 .........

I don't think Hitler in his own little world, Thought for one second that he was a bad or evil guy.

But that's what happens when anyone gets power they try to change the world for the better.

But what is "for the better"?

Well "for the better" is what ever we think it is, but we all are different. So we should not judge what is better for the world or how to fix other people.

Who knows if I ever get enough power I just might make all of you use toilet wipes (the moist ones) instead of toilet paper and convince others to do awful crimes against any one who will not comply.

So for that not to happen I will do my best to not seek power over others because I might abuse it.

It is very easy to say I'm not like Hitler but I avoid power over others because I might be worse.

The only thing we should better is ourselves and fix ourselves and you don't need power over other to do that.........

Edit: Sorry forgot to give my answer to your question.

They know what its like to have power nothing more.

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Izarith]

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