posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:37 PM
First of all I want to say thank you to everyone who is or has been a member of AboveorBelow Top
Today I realized that ATS taught me a very important tool in life that I never truly understood when previousely taught. I refer to the
importance of grammar, and properly presenting one's words when expressing one's thoughts & opinions.
Through years of reading the many threads, and many debates, that occur on this website, I have realized the importance of using
those simple techniques taught in school, such as knowing when to start a new paragraph, and to indent your first word (even though, for whatever
reason, "preview post" shows no indentations despite the fact that I did) when starting said paragraph. Even something as simple as a comma (sp?)
has real importance when writing/posting.
I also realized how juvenile (sp?) it looks to "name-call" and how to truly stop and look at every part of what you type.
Thanks to all of you members, moderaters & of course "The Three Amigos", my life has changed in a positive way.
The way this site is conducted, in my opinion, is in the most proffesional way that any site of such content should strive to be. Add the wide
variety of members from kids in grammar school to Highschool dropouts (such as myself), to proffesionals in Aviation and or Physics, to Popular Stand
Up Comedians, and we TRULY have, in my opinion, the MOST knowledgable people of human life on the 'net.
Ultimately, all I want to say is that you guys truly do ROCK! And without you e.g. Valhall, Umbrax, Crakeur, Springer, Mojo and many, many others,
I would not have the confidence to say or post in the manner that I now realize is extremely important when trying to express my point of view.
Thank You All!