posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Glovesoff
As has been said, and as a scientist you surely understand, that some data needs to accompany claims of an extraordinary nature. Not proof of the
cure, for nobody expects you to have the data right off the top of your head. But we need at least those things asked for here.
Any addresses and names would help. Companies that you worked with, places you bought various supplies from. etc...
You have nothing to lose by exposing these people if what you say is true. You are already ruined professionally and are obviously leaving the
country. For all the people that can be saved by this information, it would be the right thing to put as much as you can, with as many details as you
can, here on the biggest conspiracy site in the world.
The ball is in your court. The best way to get even, and to be a benefit to mankind as well, is to come clean and get it all out where the world can
see it. If you're telling the truth, then this could be an event of national, no, world importance.