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Is america broke??

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posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 02:26 PM
Recently I have read that California is broke,

Quite how broke is a matter of some speculation. According to the official legislative analyst, the state is about US$21 billion ($41.7 billion) in the hole for this budgetary year, and is likely to see annual deficits of US$12 billion to US$15 billion for the foreseeable future, whether or not the economy improves.

San Fransico is broke...

United Airlines is broke - or worse

Pittsburgh is broke

Schools are broke (often an indicator of more brokeness to come in the economy)

Is the military bleeding America to death?

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 03:45 PM
Its just the economic downturn, there is no real company, states, etc... anywhere in the world that are doing well right now.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 04:17 PM
I don't think its the military.Just the mismangement of funds.

Ca, is a mess.Everything is expensive,gas,clothing,rent,etc.And these morons in office keep spending money that is not there.Wish I could do that.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 04:35 PM
[size=10] YES!!

And it will get worse. There is much press about a new economic team.....but the team was selected to better sell the economic policy, not fix what is obviously broke.

It's pretty simple:

$billions and $billions, at some points...a billion a day on a war marketing campaign

Gov. subsidies for the Airline, Insurance, Lumber, Pharma, Agro, Energy industries totaling in the multi-billions

Tax revenue
Gov. Operating income lost from US companies registering out of country

Gov. Operating income lost from tax cuts to the wealthy

Gov. Operating Income lost from a wartime focus supercedeing a domestic economic focus, thus letting the recessed economy languish.

Unemployment at it's highest in over a decade & zero benefits extension, thus severly reducing your most broad base of consumer spending

This is NOT a bright crew we have running the show....

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 04:52 PM
Losing money in not a new thing B.T. It has been going on for years.I'am not turning t his into a dem vs rep thing.But money has been mismanaged for as long as I can rember.And I do think it is going to get worse.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 04:58 PM
It goes alot farther than what B-T points out. We have a problem that goes as deep as the local governments. The governments at all levels are less concerened with the things they should spend the hard-earned tax dollars on and too much time throwing it at things that shouldn't be a concern.
Our education system is too busy spending money on non-education social engineering and less on the three R's. Meanwhile, my son is expected to bring rolls of toilet paper because the school doesn't have money for that. Of course, the toilet paper goes into a general fund, and while a kid might bring in Charmin, he might have to use John Wayne toilet paper that some other kid brought in.

We have many fiscal issues in this country, Netchicken, and they stem from stupid spemding on behalf of our officials. I'm sad to say that my "conservative" president that I voted for is one of the liberal spenders. All of Congress, no matter what the party afilliation the particular member might be, has proven to be quite deft at throwing away our money. Between the book-cooking of the last administration, the money-burning of this administration and the War on Terror, we are going to be in deep doo-doo!

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 05:01 PM
Some Info

This source explains matters very well, although it maybe should be taken with a pinch of salt due to the fact that this site sells things based on a bankrupt America.

posted on Dec, 11 2002 @ 04:49 PM
I love how some folks turn every single problem into a dem v rep argument..

Oregon has had a Dem governer for ever..we are so damn broke they are as of Jan 1 suspending court appointed attorneys to crimals with lesser charges agasint them....The Schools are so hammered that some schools are now chargeing for a cup of hot water....50% of our bridges in the this state can not support long hall truck wieght..need i go on..

Ya it sure is a Dem v Rep does not matter what party you are seems that as soon as they take office they have no problem pasing a vote for a pay raise but getting school budgets passed is a real struggle..

posted on Dec, 12 2002 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Jack Deth
Its just the economic downturn, there is no real company, states, etc... anywhere in the world that are doing well right now.

Australia just posted a growth rate of 4% despite the worst drought in 100 years.

posted on Dec, 12 2002 @ 12:58 PM
i am not allowed to say anything about our prez currently because i am in the armed forces... but most ppl from tex are trigger happy

posted on Dec, 12 2002 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by wetdog
i am not allowed to say anything about our prez currently because i am in the armed forces... but most ppl from tex are trigger happy

You should blow the whistle of Affirmative Reaction then, he says he's active duty as well!
...But wait....he's keeping the faith on Georgy, so it is different!

posted on Dec, 12 2002 @ 05:05 PM
What the military have to do with this ?

In my country, we don't spend money for the army, and our country is broken, under recession ( economy frozen ( thanks to our taxation/social system ) and we have a high-rate unployments.

So, I don't see why it's the military fault !

posted on Dec, 13 2002 @ 03:42 PM
You first have to look at how the fractural reserve banking system works not only in the united state but abroad then you will understand why california is broke.


posted on Dec, 15 2002 @ 12:13 PM
but I know I'm so broke I can't even pay attention.

Alwats seems to be more month left after the paycheck is gone these days, I know the economy is the issue. Also is the fact that in my company the wages have been frozen for nearly 3 years now, which truly SUCKS!!!

posted on Dec, 15 2002 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne All of Congress, no matter what the party afilliation the particular member might be, has proven to be quite deft at throwing away our money.

If you care to dig through some of my posts over the past few weeks, you'll see that I've mentioned that it *never* matters which party wins the election races...The American Public still loses. The government expends a lot of effort to keep the bi-partisan open-public bickering going to keep our attention away from this fact.

posted on Dec, 21 2002 @ 11:18 AM

He does not know what he is doing. He ran for prez cuz he wants attention from his daddy and the peoples of america and the world, and he has no #ing clue what he is doing.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 05:48 PM
America is the people that live here and the majority live week by week, so in terms America may very well be broke and things seems to be getting a little worse. Luckily for my wife and I we do pretty well but my damn mortgage just went up another $280 a month and that with the cost of gas, heating costs for the winter(NY) and the rise of all else, we have to start watching what we do.

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