posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:42 PM
When I was young, probally around 7 or 8 I was a very happy, yet superstitious kid with a HUGE imagination, I had many vivid nightmares as well as
nice dreams. I remember one night staying at a relatives house at night up by Niagra Falls, New York. I was sleeping upstairs and then I believed I
woke up and saw something like a green silouhette (pardon the spelling) almost transparent. Keep in mind I don't have a vivid picture of what I saw,
I just remember what I thought I was doing at that time, and after seeing "this" going under my blankets and then falling asleep. This didn't
happen anymore than a minute it seemed. I woke up the next day and from then in I havn't thought of it till recently when I was sharing some
discussion with friends about the paranormal. I also remember a much less frightening occasion when I woke up and seen my own face, after shaking my
self off, it was gone... lol, and there have been numerous instances where I heard very loud music, and noises that bothered me as a kid too. Now keep
in mind I was always fearful of 'little green people"lol.. and I notice the more I dwell on it my pessimistic #ty mind wants to blow it out of the
water. So could any of you assure me that this is a natural thing that occurs sometimes, and if any of you ever experienced anything like it.
"hynogogia" is the first thing that comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that applies hear, i didn't hear any noises, and again I had no specific
vision. But I knew I saw something strange, could of been I was freaked out where I was, could it have been a light shining through the window, that
my young crazy imagination made something bad out of it... I don't know. Just any input on this would be great from you guys...
Keep in mind I am a Dualist, I lean towards christianity, and I do believe my soul will protect me, but this # still bothers me...