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Rudy Guiliani's (Sp?) Company Protected Kahlid Sheik Mohammed

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posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 07:08 PM
Hey HUGE Guiliani news. Check this out WOW seriously WOW.

Im watching this on Keith Olbermann anyone else watching this.....this could be huge.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Giulianis security firm may have protected Kahlid Sheik Mohammed and NO ONE has anything to say?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:01 PM
This is actually old news - I remember reading or hearing about it over a month ago.

What do I think? I think it shows what most people already know - that Giuliani is a money whore like most of our politicians and he'll be the first in line to sell out Americans for Foreign interests.

I think all of his support is imaginary and inflated by the media - I personally don't know anyone who likes Giuliani and I know a lot of New Yorkers.

If he somehow gets elected then we will have more proof positive that our elections are rigged and we can all kiss the US that should have been GoodBye!!

[edit on 3-12-2007 by CyberTruth]

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 12:38 AM
I went ahead and read the story in the Vilage voice that is linked to above. I live in Florida and that the news is that Giuliani is coming to Florida to Campaign. He probubly thinks that he can do well here because of all the New Yorkers who live in Florida. I will not be showing up for any of his apearances. It is disturbing to me, the hypocracy of the Republican politicians, when it comes to all the oil-rich countries that they whore themselves to. To get back to the article, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is pretty much the mastermind of 9-11. This is just more confirmation of the story about the Qatar government protecting and helping this terrorist. Now, to see Giuliani in bed with these same people is sickening.

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