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Nothing is private - your are owned!!!

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posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 10:07 AM
Anyone ever get the idea that they don't own their lives anymore? The government, or some other "Authority" is simply disctating everything to you?

Students forced to carry phone with GPS tracking

Google unveils plan to store user's data

Lawmaker's to decide on spanking ban

I mean, these are headlines off of the current Drudge Report page... not some compilation from the archives. Current, here and now news. When did this happen?

In the first article, our children are being indoctrinated into the tracking mindset - that it's ok, it's good, it's for their benefit and they shouldn't have a probelm. To the same extent, they are preying on parents fears for their children's safety in order to get them to adopt the technology. You watch, chip implants come next!

Next is Google - started by CIA seed money - unveils a plan to store all of your computer data on their hard-drives. Are you kidding me!?!? All of my personal data on a Google hard-drive - operated by the CIA - and I am supposed to expect it to be safe and private!?

Next is a potential ban on spanking your children as a form of discipline mandated by... oh you guessed it, the politicians who all know what is best for us! I think not.

Let's use this thread as a repository for news stories that show a continued threat to our freedom and liberty. Let's amass as many examples as possible about how the government is attempting to control our behavior and our lives in general.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Next is Google - started by CIA seed money - unveils a plan to store all of your computer data on their hard-drives. Are you kidding me!?!? All of my personal data on a Google hard-drive - operated by the CIA - and I am supposed to expect it to be safe and private!?

Thanks for the comic effect. Millions of users (if not hundreds of millions) are already using mail servers of Yahoo (yahoo), Microsoft (hotmail) and Google (gmail) to conduct their businesses and private lives. Yahoo backs up your address book (and does it quite well). Network-based file backup was around for quite some time. I just don't see anything earth-shattering in Google offering a virtually identical product. Your data isn't secure even on your own hard drive. If you want that, get decent cryptography and/or steganography and sleep well.

Next is a potential ban on spanking your children

Why are you so adamantly in favor of spanking?

[edit on 27-11-2007 by buddhasystem]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:04 PM
Ever heard of the IANA?

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:08 PM
maybe you have never had a child before??

But spanking them has been a HUMAN TRADITION for 100,000years

i doubt you ever had a kid tho, because your ignorance about them reeks.

See, kids do whatever they want. They trash your house, they destroy your property. They talk back, and never obey any commands.

Until you spank them. Then they start behaving.

Time outs in the corner ?? They laugh at that, and just take it in stride, and up the ante and disobey more vicioiusly . Until you spank them.

And anyways , who are YOU TO TELL ME what i can and cant do to disipline my child and keep them orderly and reasonable???

Spanking doesnt even actually hurt physically, its just a way of saying "Im in charge" and it hurts their Pride. Thats why they back down. Because their pride was trampled.

If you actually think you can tell me not to spank my child, why dont you come over to my house and tell me to my face.
Because this child is MY PROPERTY and if u try to get between me and my child by god ill make you bleed for it. Garunteed. It will cost you your life. Its MY KID and you BETTER BACK OFF!!!

Before you start spewing your garbage opinions about "how to raise a child" maybe you should have one yourself and see how huge of a brat they are UNTIL you use corporal punishment to stifle their attitude.

Hypocrits, ya im not allowed to SPANK my child?? But our gov't is allowed to BOMB and SHOOT ppl to get its authority across???? WTF!!!!!!!!????

Why dont you go fight the real fight, and stop the govt from MURDERING ppl, and leave me and my child alone.

This is a warning shot! Back off

Im adamantly in favor of making my OWN CHOICES and YOU MINDING YOUR OWN BUISNESS! Back off now b4 you get hurt. Im sick of this crap, you thinking you can tell me how to raise my child...

How about my baseball bat tells you how to mind your own buisness?

i dont care if i get warned for this, its True, ppl should mind their own buisness , and quit telling others how to raise their children.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:17 PM
ya u may think im a raving lunatic , but when you have your own kid one day, and have all these FASCIST NAZIS come tell you how to Raise your own Spawn, and threaten to take your kids away. Then you will understand

Im not crazy, im SANE! and if you so much as touch my kid ur gonna die. Bottom line, End of story. No if's and's or buts'. I dont care who you work for and what your excuse is. Ill fight to the death to protect my family from any threat forign or domestic.

Im a good father, my child is Happy, she could count to 20 by age 2. She knows the ABC's by age 2. She can think and talk and is very clever and has a huge imagination.

I know im a damned good father. So dont go acting like you know whats best for MY kid. Shes got a huge attitude problem sometimes. and a little spanking fixes it good.

Got a problem with that? You better bring Guns, because ill fight to the death to stop you from intruding on my household. I make the rules here, NOT you or anyone else! Uncle sam included!

Read the constitution of the United States, and for the love of god, mind your own freakin buisness.

Down with the Nazis!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

maybe you have never had a child before??

But spanking them has been a HUMAN TRADITION for 100,000years

i doubt you ever had a kid tho, because your ignorance about them reeks.

See, kids do whatever they want. They trash your house, they destroy your property. They talk back, and never obey any commands.

Until you spank them. Then they start behaving.

Time outs in the corner ?? They laugh at that, and just take it in stride, and up the ante and disobey more vicioiusly . Until you spank them.

You have to be kidding me.

Im a parent and I dont spank as its completely unessary in this house. My child doesnt do ANY of those things you listed. If yours do, then there must be some other issues going on.

Seriously, live YOUR own life...and stop being ignorant and demanding other's peoples kids be spanked.

You are doing EXACTLY what you condemn others for doing....blasting them for their choice in discipline.

I see more problamtic kids who are spanked then not spanked. Sooo.....


[edit on 27-11-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:27 PM
I didnt tell anyone what to do with THEIR kids.

I simply warned that you need to back off mine.

I honestly think your always out of line, and always take things out of context Leo. So back off.

I dont care if you let your kids starve, thats your own buisness. So quit trying to tell me what to do with mine. Thanks.

Leo could you please show me exactly where i said Other ppls kids should be spanked? OH I never said that?? Wow, you must be full of it? Seems likely.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by muzzleflash]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash


How am I trying to tell you what to do with your kids. I dont care what you do with them.

And you implied it:

i doubt you ever had a kid tho, because your ignorance about them reeks.

Followed by a rant about spanking is necessary and if you dont kids end up like this or that

See, kids do whatever they want. They trash your house, they destroy your property. They talk back, and never obey any commands.

Until you spank them. Then they start behaving.

Time outs in the corner ?? They laugh at that, and just take it in stride, and up the ante and disobey more vicioiusly . Until you spank them.

Before you start spewing your garbage opinions about "how to raise a child" maybe you should have one yourself and see how huge of a brat they are UNTIL you use corporal punishment to stifle their attitude.

And im always out of line
Thanks for the laugh!

Chill out dude!

[edit on 27-11-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:00 PM
my tirade was about my kids, in 3rd person .

i said it as "kids" because, well i actually have 2, but thats beside the point.

your trying to construe this that im telling other ppl what to do with thier kids when in reality my rants were a warning to leave my kids alone.

anyways, im going to go play with my kids outside. That way i wont have a Stroke from argueing with you all day.

I wasnt even griping at you in the first place. It was directed towards the Lady in MASS. who wants to pass a law telling me what to do with my kid.

IF you read the story posted, you coulda figured that out...

So how you get off thinking i was directing my rant towards you or anyone else, I have no clue. Since it was Obviously directed towards the nurse in boston whos trying to legislate parenting. Unless of course, you are on her side, then we are enemys yes.

anyways, this is pointless. I may as well never post here agian being how it does nothing but waste my time. and i always end up arguing with the same person over and over...greeneyedLeo...

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

anyways, this is pointless. I may as well never post here agian being how it does nothing but waste my time. and i always end up arguing with the same person over and over...greeneyedLeo...

LOL. Ok, sorry I wasted your time. I dont even recongize your screen name, so I never knew we argued over anything.

You could always just ignore me. But then you would miss all the great stuff about me

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash Because this child is MY PROPERTY
You sound as evil as the people you claim to oppose. you talk just like one of those monsters that hunt people for fun and rape children because they can

[edit on 29-11-2007 by HuntaXX]

[edit on 29-11-2007 by HuntaXX]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
maybe you have never had a child before??

well, I can see where you're going with the articles you posted, though its nothing new or earth shattering news-wise.

as for the rest.. dang buddy, you need to switch to decaf, and maybe take a few hundred anger management classes. Seriously. Maybe if this is the way you act normally, no wonder you feel a need to beat your kids. If you acted like this around me, I'd beat you too.

These articles though, saddening in a way. whatever happened to people simply saying 'um... no' oh, i have to have and pay for this phone i disagree with.. hmm.. um... no. and either refuse to use it or go to a different school. same with if you disagree with what google is doing. they're not the only search engine out there.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Muzzleflash has a very good point.

Leave Everyone's Families Alone!
I do not have children.. they scare me mostly.. But that's my choice, but then again, I don't go around telling other families how to take care of their children cause that's invasion of privacy...

What Muzzleflash is trying to say is that people won't mind their own dang business, and now with the Internet there's no way to keep my business out of your hands, which I try to do. But just like Muzzleflash, I too am dead tired of you (you = people other than me) putting your nose in my family business, and it's dam good to know people are trying to speak up about this issue.

[edit on 3/12/2007 by wyldwylly]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by kozmo

How do you think they catch most of the criminals today or things they did thirty years ago? " Technology " It's not gonna stop either so I suggest you keep your private life's private. Stop going on the internet and drop your bank. Get rid of your Foodcity, Kroger and Bi-lo cards. Drop all credit cards and stay away from street corners with camera's. Throw away your cell phones. Quit your job and become a hermit.

If your not doing anything wrong then what's the problem? The law makers have spoken and we're to busy to care.
Spanking your kids is not a bad thing, but it should be up to the parents. Some parents go way beyond spanking and abuse their kids and that's definetly wrong. It's parents choice to spank or not, but don't abuse. My dad used to take time out of his busy day and whoop my butt when I did something stupid, but that was his choice and I learned not to get caught after that.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Let's use this thread as a repository for news stories that show a continued threat to our freedom and liberty. Let's amass as many examples as possible about how the government is attempting to control our behavior and our lives in general.

haha, that's what this link is for : www.abovetop...

/end sarcasm

[edit on 3/12/2007 by wyldwylly]

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