posted on Dec, 28 2002 @ 08:18 AM
No this must be impossible, or they are not telling where the other energy is.
The Hydrogen-Oxygen bonds can only be broken with a certain amount of energy. Either they are hoaxing, or more likely, they are not telling the
viewer where the rest of the energy for breaking the bonds is coming from.
You can't just flip a switch and make a hydrogen/oxygen bond an anti bond, not yet, so they must be getting that extra energy from somewhere no?
I mean they say the gCell breaks the bonds in 3 steps using MUCH less energy than can be produced. This is not so because the energy produced by
combusting hydrogen and oxygen, is less than needed to break it apart, I THINK and that is the only way I can think of of them getting energy back
from this process.
As my chem professor said
"Hydrogen is NOT an energy source, it merely is a VERY EFFICIENT fuel source"
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