posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:31 PM
This is a classic. On the night of May12th, 1952, Air Force Tech. Sgt. Raymond bare was standing on the corner of 5th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. when
he noticed what seemed to be a star in the western sky. But when the blue-green object moved he must have decided it couldn't be a star.
For some 25 minutes he watched it move in a triangular pattern, going from about 20k-30k feet to 40k-50k feet at speeds faster than a jet airplane. In
these moves it changed shape, descending and flying horizontal, it looked like a disc, but climbing to altitude, it appeared as a sphere.
The object brightened and dimmed in various parts of it's triangular course some 40 or 50 miles west of his position.Three times he saw it go through
these maneuvers in the dark sky.
The report has written in the words "Prob Venus" on the incident report, but considering this was only 5 years after the famous "crash heard
'round the world", that is small wonder. Sgt Bare had spent 8 years in the service, and he worked with aircraft all the time. He was mature enough
to know planes and Venus, and which ones move in which manner.
His report is a classic.