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Hands of World Peace

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posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:44 PM
If the governments of the globe, in a joint conquest, wanted world peace they'd have to not segregate ppl into living groups nor cause grounds for segregation of ppl into geographical living group arrangements any further but seperate ppl from segregated arrangements of groups and assign them where to live so that everyone apart from a specified category is spread out evenly among the globe. And plus they'd then must assist those ppl in getting financially set under what kind of employment is preferred of those very ppl. After that the governments must mix themselves up evenly to where government officials of each government is spread out across the globe to attend to and assist just the ppl, and their families too even, they spread out of their citizenship.

So that's seperate the known policital, religious, non-religious, gangsters, pro-whatevers, anti-whatevers, and races from living in groups. Just understand to set one easy-to-learn language as the standardized preferred choice (prolly English), and we're all set to live in much more peace than before.

It would be to the point where you're still a whatever citizen if put to live on another continent. And the offsping you may produce must grow up to a certain age to choose one of its parent's citizenships if the parents are of different citizenships. If the parents are of the same citizenship then the offsping is born into that citizenship. Though yet and still when it reaches a certain age it can change citizenship if it preferred to for whatever reason.

You'd each still have freedom to travel. And you'll each have freedom to move to an extent though to where you're not permitted to grouping up again outside of the exception of close biological family. So the specific area in which you move to would not be all your choice if any bit may be.

^^I should receive a nobel peace prize for this. Ha!

Yes, you would be only simply forced to move, but it would benifit the all, and you would receive benifits upon doing so. So you may lose a job somewhere only to gain a job somewhere else. This also gives chance for someone else to head a company...And that other, who once headed that comapany, to go else where to open up maybe a similar company for more ppl to be employed under that type.

There would be more jobs created for money exchange for the mass mixing of the inhabitants of the globe.

Just think... Your average racist wont have a chance to be racist or act a d*ck anymore over other ppl with nobody to have their back at how seperated from groups all will be.

The governments are already collecting infomation on groups (and their ppl's whereabouts) that's why they are known. And if known they can be broken up in a smart way for world peace. Being in groups is bad company that could end up getting you put in jail under governments that think that's the only option to bring about peace. Aint any peace in that way.

With such the spread out ever being in progress certain corruptable ppl wouldnt have time on their hands anymore to go rig official voting polls or redirect certain ppl they profile so that those certain ppl cant vote.

Under the spread out there would not be a one world leader. No, citizens will still get to elect a president over there citizenship from no matter where they are then living. Wouldnt that be wonderful? Surely you can give up the location you're in now and ppl you're around for this way of world peace.

As for the militaries of the world... Each member of them would be spread out evenly to the point the world's militaries would be joint. They would then be reduced prolly. Though with everyone evenly spread out there would be no more a use for military one should think. The only war left to fight would be on terrorism which would die off gradually with everyone being spread out. One could say that's the main design of the spread out, to reduce world terrorism.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Okay, Mabus. You've got your plan.

How do you implement it?

You know how attached to real estate people are.

How do you get billions of people to relocate to foreign lands for the cause of peace?

Who pays the travel expenses?

You might put an end to war, but I think what would result is a global riot.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:45 PM
Vote with your feet mate, keep up the good fight, but expect me to vote with mine......

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by redled

Can you expand on that a little?

Are you a proponent of this arrangement?

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 06:12 AM
More nice try, no cigar. Keep up your imagination though, its nice to read, but in my view a little hit and miss.

[edit] oh, and the expansion of my argument, try telling the people of Israel to move to New Zealand, they might see the funny side an laugh, but that's your best hope.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by redled]

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:12 AM
I will say this:

But every location would be a mix of every nation. No one nation would own the land. PPl should like it that their boundry of land stretches forth across the globe like that into a beautiful mixture format.

Those under communism (or capitalism or etc) would still be under communism (or capitalism or etc) if that's how their nation chosen to function. There would be more trading going on between nations because we'd all be so mixed one cant help but to eventually make a trade with someone under a different citizenship. The economies would go well. Governments would still collect taxes from its citizens (no matter where they are) and from those who do business with its citizens.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Try and take me out of the United States of America...

Go ahead, I dare ya....

(Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, ain't no place but America for me)


posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Okay, Mabus. You've got your plan.

How do you implement it?

You know how attached to real estate people are.

How do you get billions of people to relocate to foreign lands for the cause of peace?

Who pays the travel expenses?

You might put an end to war, but I think what would result is a global riot.

Implement by lottery like they did on T.V. on WWE Smackdown and Raw. It would benefit all and be a bit entertaining to get the news of where you (or families) will be posted. How will the ppl of the world be spread out? That'll be implemented by a lottery. Every one or family will register to be given a single random number. That number will match to a specific location come to find out which will be revealed on a map sent to all. The map will even be on the internet. Ha! Wouldnt that be something?

If ppl truely want world peace they would agree to it. The violent resisters would be removed by force. They'd just be put in temporary prison camps until distrubuted out into the layout of the spread out.

And if certain ppl truely like their property it can be built again right where they go to. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Like they could locate the propert's blueprints or just get some artist to capture the property in a drawing so it can be built again somewhere else.

The governments must pay. But the ppl will pay back their governments at a designed low interest rate over time. Or simply the bill will just be added to the nation's national sales tax. Say good-bye to state sales tax anyway by the way.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Mabus]

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 05:13 PM
Talk about world peace. All the countries nuclear weapons would be of no use. Subs with nukes would go off stand-by. Companies and schools would be diverse. The fruits of that would benifit the all. No more would anybody be considered an illegal immagrant. Etc. It would be a beautiful world.

Names to land areas that once held nations would have the word "Old" added to it. That's right because the new nations format would have no boundries being global.

So that also means nations, if they wanted to for the new historical era, could design for themselves (seperate) each a new national flag. Not a one world flag because this plan on mine is no one world government.

The spread out would factor in saftey. Like the governments for the conquest for peace wouldnt put anyone in a disaster zone (tornado prone zone or huricane prone zone or earthquake prone zone--you all get the picture).

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Mabus]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 12:45 AM
if everybody owns the land, then nobody owns it as well. world peace is only attainable through world domination, to have one all powerful force controling the worlds people and keeping them from being, well human.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Mabus

This sounds like the Communist Manifesto.

We'll just imprison or kill those who don't want to part with their hard earned property until everyone goes along with the plan.

Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production.

When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organize itself as a class; if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class.

In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 07:49 PM
im not saying thats what i believe, im just saying that peace is not human nature, and that is the only way to attain it.

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