posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Originally posted by neo2012
...Do you know much about the underground status of that area.
Although, most people think that underground bases house all sorts of secrets when really most are made because military sites are far more likely to
get hit in a war and therefore are slightly more safer underground.
I've not aware of any underground bases in the area, though on a Maintenance check flight for one on the MH-53J's I was riding on, I did see a set
of railroad tracks that entered the side of a sand dune. There was nothing else in the area to indicate any kind of activity in the area. i.e no
roads, building, etc.
On the other side of the world, I was surprised to find out that there's a large underground facility located within the area of the military side of
the Kuwait International Airport. A coworker had a friend who had access and he arranged for us to go into it. I don't know the full size of it,
but there was a hallway wide enough to allow two vehicles to pass side by side and several rooms. We went into a room being used for weapon and
ammuntion storage. I have pictures of me holding several of them somewhere.
Again, I wish Google Earth would have been around then so I could have located it. After 16 years, things have changed and I can't be sure of where
the nevada base or Kuwaits underground entrances were located for sure, but I do think I have found the Nevada location where I was. Several of the
landmarks fit the memories.
The only other exciting thing about my Nevada TDY was seeing a POW camp out in the desert and riding in the PAVE LOW III at 200' below sealevel
(Death Valley).