Alright - last post for tonight. Darn this full moon!
Here's a list of the personal denials that kept harassing my brainwaves while I tried so desperately to gain some shuteye:
"I don't exist because there's not a chance in hell I'm ever posting any of my mid-transition photographs or viedo on the web for any purpose.
I'm still a youngling and I haven't gotten my shapeshifting down pat in a conscious state. Plus I look rather freaky. Therefore, if I can't prove
I exist to others expectations - I must follow the guidelines of logic and conceed that I do not exist."
"I don't exist because for me to actually come out and admit that that I do I would undoubtably be taunted, harassed, sterotyped and brutally
accused by those who are not of my respective persuasion, and I really have to attend to more serious matters than self validation right now."
"I do not exist because of the mass amount of fear based propaganda on "other races" and their motives here on Earth has made the monkeys mad with
distrust, and no amount of well wishing and positive affirmations I could ever hope to share would ever be regarded as anything other than an outright
lie or some "sneaky trick" to lull people into a false sense of security."
"I do not exist because it's dangerous - the majority of propaganda on the subject seems to make sure everyone knows how decietful, untrustworthy
and coldblooded my "race" is - even though that is not - nor has it ever been - cold, hard fact."
"I do not exist because it is so terribly tiring to try and change peoples mind to the contrary of what they have adopted as truth. Too many have
found their happiness in scapegoating, being unresponsible for their own lives and actions and seem to take perverse joy in blaming people whom most
of them have never even met, and what good would it do to stick my neck out in light of this?"
"I do not exist - shunned yet again for being "different" I choose to sit on the sidelines and let the "mammals" have their way and play out
their own games and dramas, all the while reminding myself that I am not really there and they're not really talking about me."
"I do not exist - but I know it's all part of the whole Domination Game, the play for the hearts and minds of the masses. I'm not even worthy to
participate because to point fingers at others without direct cause or provocation seems rather rude and uncivilized to me."
I do not exist because I am not a "contender". I am openly ridiculed by my own People becuase I do not have the traditional Warrior Stance. I'm
expected to "know my place" and if I ever step out of line, rest assured - there wil be hell to pay from those Above Me."
"I do not exist because my small singular voice is no match for the loud booming organized cliches of those who dislike what I "represent to them"
- factual or not. I've grown weary of the fight, leave it to the young - they seem to enjoy it so and it causes me no end of free entertainment."
"I deny myself. I deny I exist. And here I sit sympathetic to the human plight, watching others turn the masses into their own respective slaves
and servants, using time honored techniques of persuasion and influence - all the while wishing I could break through the staus quo of popular opinion
and yet I say nothing."
"I don't exist because that mean ol' David Icke scares the beejeepers out of me. All he had to do is point me out in a crowd and the next thing I
know, a couple hundred thousand websites have added my name to their list and people with too much free time will undoubtably have a bullet with my
name on it soon enough!"
Like I said - not really that hard of a creative excercise, but once again - I forgot....I don't exist so it doesn't really matter now does it?
Thinking outside the box - good for a breather every so often.
Cheers all - thanks for your time and attentions.
Respectfully yours,