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The World’s 10 Worst Dictators

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posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Remember this list is the top ten and a little outdated. There is plenty of room for 11 to 20 also.

The point with Bush is he was voted into office both times just like Clinton was, and whether you think he has done a good or bad job doesn’t matter for he was put there just like all the other presidents since the electoral votes have been in effect.

I guess for some, the system is great as long as their pick wins otherwise the system is corrupt.

The other side of this is people did not really vote for Bush as much as they voted against the other candidate, so I would blame the Democratic Party more than anything else, and once again we will have another situation where people will vote against Hillary the Socialist than for someone else.

But what does all this have to do with this post of the top ten dictators? With over 30 posts and 90% of them dealing with Bush this is totally ridiculous. I guess the plight of the people in these countries means very little to those who feel the need to address Bush over these inhuman monsters whose nicest act would be to just kill you quickly.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:07 PM
I would agree that Clinton should also be on that list. That being said, I weep for our country due to the fact that so many are still willing to go to the mat for a sleaze like Bush.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:21 PM
great, this thread has been turned into a bash Bush fest and now we're throwing in Clinton.

Way to go.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:23 PM
So, shall we bash on Putin?

I think Putin may be the worst dictator, too! He quietly murders anyone that who is a dissident, doesn't he?

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by TheoOne

Nope.. we shouldn't bash anyone... but discussion of the 10 dictators on that list would be alright, IMO.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
great, this thread has been turned into a bash Bush fest and now we're throwing in Clinton.

Way to go.

Can't we all just get along and Bash those I posted as Bad! I don't like Bush, but he doesn't fit the definition givin!!!

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:36 PM
Personally, I think the list is nothing less than a distraction from whom the REAL problems emanate from. These third world two-bits don't have much influence beyond their own country, however, Bush and Putin are more than capable of screwing things up at a global level.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Jim_Kraken
Personally, I think the list is nothing less than a distraction from whom the REAL problems emanate from. These third world two-bits don't have much influence beyond their own country, however, Bush and Putin are more than capable of screwing things up at a global level.

I do understand what you are saying but these on the top ten are not suported by America:

2) Kim Jong-il, North Korea

3) Sayyid Ali KhamEnei, Iran

4) Hu Jintao, China

8) Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan

10) Bashar al-Assad, Syria

And these on the list are not supported by Russia:

1) Omar al-Bashir, Sudan

2) Kim Jong-il, North Korea

4) Hu Jintao, China

5) King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia

6) Than Shwe, Burma (Myanmar)

When I say supported I mean, that they exist because the country makes sure they exist.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:31 PM
Look on the bright side nearly all are at pensionable age so it is just a matter of time before they expire.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
And it comes in at number 14

No. 14

Aleksandr Lukashenko
Age: 52.
In power since 1994.
Last year’s rank: 14

I only have to wait til I'm 39 to become a dictator! HELLZ YEAH!!!!! I promise if you guys 'elect' me in 14 years I will give all ATS members a $1500 a month Salary. The Movement must be maintained; even if it is at the expensive of our more 'ignorant' citizens!

Vote me ATS centrist dictator... I'll takes care of ya...

(wait... am I running...)

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:05 AM
How has no one mentioned Hitler yet?

Forget hundreds of thousands dead, try upwards of 50 million as a result of his warped view on the World and his powerful political and manipulative prowess. If he had not made the fatal mistake of attacking the Soviets we'd all be talking German now.

Talking of the Soviets, Stalin has got to be the 2nd worst offender of all time. He purged and massacred anyone who disagreed with anything he said/ stood for. Russia was so full of deep terrifying anxiety, that if he made a speech no one would want to be the first person to stop clapping for fear of execution. His communist ideologies were flawed as communism is. & the whole of Russia, the biggest country in the World, bar a select few, were; malnourished, starving, terrified and unable to do or say anything about it.

These two are the worst modern inhumanitarian cuplrits that have ever walked this Earth.

George Bush? the guy is deluded, and IMO suffering some kind of severe mental deterioration. But he is not even close to Stalin & Hitler.

He is however showing the early signs of dictatorship: manipualtion of facts, brainwashing the public and being hell bent on saving countries he has no right to interfere with. I think this is down to many reasons, but his religious views and personal need to live up to his fathers 'legacy' are probably the main reasons for this. He needs to go.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:15 AM
Very interesting post. There may be some minor inaccuracies, but it seems to me that the fundamental point is that these are not nice people.

Look, to compare Bush or Blair to these atrocious individuals to my mind slightly misses the point of the thread. You cannot compare the luxuries of your society to the horrors of Burma, North Korea, Zimbabwe or China. It's horribly self-pitying to suggest that you can. There's no doubt that individuals "rights" have been eroded in recent years in the States and in the UK - but there's a world of difference between that and a systematic, oppressive, murderous and violent campaign against your own people.

The REAL question here is, what singled Saddam out as the only deserving subject of American/UK regime change when all these idiots have been literally getting away with murder for years? Why do the human rights of people in Zimbabwe matter less than those of people in Iraq.

There are plenty of answers to these questions - oil, lack of military resources, lack of economic interest - but rather than navel gazing at the supposed miseries and inadequacies of life in the US, or making ill-judged and frankly irrelevant points about the colour of these idiots' skin, perhaps our time would be better spent debating ways to help the poor souls who genuinely have their human rights abused on a daily basis.

Sure, our countries have their problems. To compare them to the suffering faced by thousands of people in countries like North Korea and Zimbabwe is ludicrous and, quite frankly, insulting to the wretched people we do so little with all our social freedoms and democratic rights to assist.


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:44 AM
ok ok be in denial, like i care i dont live where you live but your actions ripple across the oceans and affect my way of living.

lets forget all about illuminati and the draconians and all that mojo voodo talk no one seams to belive in anyways and focus an what the us acturly have done during these last years to its ppl and thouse around

rigged elections ( a hint of dictator ship mabye )
stripped you of your rights ( a hint of dictator ship mabye )
you have a police force that resembles that of the ss ( a hint of dictator ship mabye )
force parents to vacciine children agains their will ( a hint of dictator ship mabye )

dare i say 9/11 ( a hint of dictator ship mabye )

and the list goes

but first let me quote a a fellow :

Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.

Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

Who says I am not under the special protection of God?

sad but true its not gwb but hitler , but lets not forget that bushes granddad helped to fund hitlers race to victory

you as a nation of 300 mill are still in denial of one of the biggest holocaust and genoside of your own time and doing : IRAK

you have killed and slayin the lives of 1.2 milion inocent ppl so far

get a f in grip of your selfs , if you as a nation acturly are that blue eyed towards your leader/s you are under a dictatorship.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:59 AM

Close also counts for nuclear missiles. Bush Won when John Kerry conceded, end of story. Was there voter fraud or vote manipulation, yes I think so. To this point Bush still is not dictator of this country.

You know this because their is not open warfare in our city streets, there is not unending martial law as the law of the land.

The Fema concentration camps are not presently being used.

The FEMA concentration camps are not PRESENTLY being used..!! WHAT?? Does the fact that we have FEMA concentration camps AT ALL mean something? That they are not being used YET does NOT make me feel any better..thank you. If we have ANY concentration camps in this nation then there is a plan to USE them, else they would not exist. To state that all is hunky dorey here and not to worry because the camps are not YET being used is like saying that we should ignore the gallows being built on all our town squares because the ropes are not dangling yet!! Amazing what some people see as reasons NOT to worry!!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
To state that all is hunky dorey here and not to worry because the camps are not YET being used is like saying that we should ignore the gallows being built on all our town squares because the ropes are not dangling yet!! Amazing what some people see as reasons NOT to worry!!

Yes, but no one IS suggesting that everything is hunkey dorey "here" - I use speech marks because I'm in the UK, though in all sorts of ways it's exactly the same as the US. Nor is it suggested that infringements on your democratic rights and freedoms aren't a cause for serious concern.

All that is being said is that things are RELATIVELY hunkey dorey compared to the horrors in more desperate parts of the world. And I would reiterate the point I make above - that navel gazing, self-pitying twaddle about how oppressed you are is an insult to the millions of people worldwide who are suffering in a much more immediate and real way than we are. We should be investigating our neglect of those wretched people first, and worrying about the relatively tiny impositions imposed on us by our own governments, which it seems to me are as often as not the result of imcompetence and idiocy rather than systematic oppression.


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 11:48 AM
Can someone actually post a picture of a FEMA camp that is not an empty lot, or a 50 year old rundown set of buildings, or some other totally ridiculous structure?

If there was voter fraud why have not the Democrats relentlessly attack that point? I have seen the Democrats run busses to pick up the “poor” to vote and give them $5 and a meal in the deal. Not to hard to figure who the reps on the busses were telling everyone to vote for.

For the “I don’t live in your country” what on this list really has much to do with dictatorship?

rigged elections: Show anything to say this is the case.

stripped you of your rights: Which rights have been stripped that will lead Bush to become a dictator?

you have a police force that resembles that of the ss: And the president has set this up, how? BTW, looking at the majority of police forces around the world ours is far from the worst by any means.

force parents to vaccine children against their will: Ya, I’m sure Bush was all over this…

dare i say 9/11: Dare I say this has nothing to do with Bush becoming a dictator.

You see here in the States we have the Federal and state level governments and much of what you suggest may somehow be a Bush issue is really a state level issue.

To Lone Weasel..

The REAL question here is what singled Saddam out as the only deserving subject of American/UK regime change when all these idiots have been literally getting away with murder for years? Why do the human rights of people in Zimbabwe matter less than those of people in Iraq.

What singled him out was our national interest and our abilities as to how much can we do at any point.

Look at ever country in the world and they ALL are driven by nation interest, so that is just the way it is. For America, we just have the capabilities to do much more than other countries in achieving our national objectives, but this is not to say any other country would not do the same if they could.

The old saying of if they could they would works with everyone…

Why are we not in Zimbabwe? Somalia is a good answer to that. We found ourselves in that country just trying to secure the food supplies and EVERYONE decided to stop killing each other and go after the Americans

In the end we can not stop what they all want to do, and if we try they would all fight to the death for it. This is truly a law of diminishing returns in whatever we do to help will be looked at as sticking our noses in where it doesn’t belong.

I can tell you first hand, the chaos in Africa and our ability to help it is totally outside of our capabilities unless we are willing to invest 10 times the money, time and lives than that of Iraq.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by LoneWeasel
All that is being said is that things are RELATIVELY hunkey dorey compared to the horrors in more desperate parts of the world. And I would reiterate the point I make above - that navel gazing, self-pitying twaddle about how oppressed you are is an insult to the millions of people worldwide who are suffering in a much more immediate and real way than we are.

I agree whole heartily.

People tend to over look just how big the gap is between all of us Americans that are so oppressed (ya right) and all these other countries.

Just take China. A part of that population that is close to the total population of the US lives on $1 a day in income, so in other words at a poverty level we can not even begin to comprehend. Go to India and just witness the sea of people who live in cardboard boxes and that is not even an oppressed society as these others are.

Just think of a situation where 10,000 Americans have a sit-in protest and the Army is brought in to kill them all. Until we get to that level I do not think we have a leg to stand on compared to so many of these other countries.

Look at North Korea where old Kim feeds his Army but the children of that county are so malnourish that an eight year old is 7 inches shorter than their South Korean cousins. In America we worry about all getting fat…

Kind of sad that people would even try and compare America to any of this, and is a insult to the truely poor and suffering…

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Is there a reason they are all 60 and up?
I always thought the baby boomers and up were wacky.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

My question is WHERE does George Bush rank according to this scale?
He takes away our rights by as big a handful as he can grab and as often as he can grab.......I believe him to be one of the weenie potatoes too....

Damn, I lost the bet. I bet he would be in the first reply post, but he actually lasted to the second.

Is there a post anywhere on ATS that someone hasn’t fire a verbal shot at old George? Man, will the post counts will go down once he leaves office.

Damn, I lost the bet. I bet he would be in the first reply post, but he actually lasted to the second.

ME too,

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Is there a reason they are all 60 and up?
I always thought the baby boomers and up were wacky.

You might have a point, even though I am a baby boomer, New age X hippie weirdo, I am not a dictator,

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