posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:25 PM
No harm..only you now are on the FBI list associated with it!! And, you can pat yourself on the back for once again savinbg Old Glory from the
raempaging Muslims hordes rowing frantically across the Atlantic to kill all of us.
You are typical of the ' new citizen ' who swallows the government propaganda about terrorists and is willing to alert the authorities before you
even know what the site is about a knee jerk reaction. Will you call the FBI on your neighbors now if they carry a bag of potting soil
into their garage?? Might be growing the weed that feeds the terrorists coffers , right? Oh, yeah..thats just another lie from the government liars.
Oh well..better safe than sorry, right? Better to turn anyone in that doesn't ' feel right ' to you personally, and let the Feds snoop around and
spend our tax dollars bothering people over nothing. Great use of resources.
Panic over anything that looks foreign or ' Islamic ' is a KEY part of the demonization program that the intel guys love; they want to make you
think that the Arabs are the problem instead of looking into the White House and see the real terrorists, like Cheney and Bush; these two evil scum
have murdered more innocent people in one year than all of the terrorists in history. Fact.
Break away from the false info and mindset and until you CONFIRM that some site..or for SURE highly suspicios and not just something that
' sets off an alarm ' in your head. Your head is being conditioned to do just that, and that is not good.