posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:33 AM
This untruth is perpetuated by US propaganda. I'm sure a lot of countries governments have the populace convinced thier military is invincible.
The US economy is in no way as strong as it was in 1945, nor are the people as united. Our forces are stretched incredibly thin right now, and we
can't afford to pay full combat pay, or provide our troops with socks and underwear. In fact, the pentagon says the military will be broke in 9/2004,
unless they get another budget suppliment.
Yeah, we got MOABs and Mark 19s and EICWs and Predator Suits, RC-130s that appear virtually invisible to the naked eye, radar spoofing fighters,
Battleship mounted Rail-Guns, Metabolic Dominace (DARPA BABY!!!) and DU rounds for all of our M-16s, But that costs $$$
This technology is probably only used on a very small scale, for highly specialized missions that we will never hear about. after all, the f-117 flew
in 1978. We didn't hear about that until 12 years after the fact.
The majority of the truly frightning technology we posess will never be known to the US population or the rest of the world... (unless you're on the
recieving end)
No army is invincible. All our troops are serving now. ALL 6 DIVISIONS ARE DEPLOYED!!! war doesn't get any deeper until KERRY enters office with your
classic "escalation" and creation of 2 new divisions, for use in america on dissidents. or maybe the final solution to terrorism.
WE ARE F.U..C...K.E...D! S.O.L.ution