By: 2012TNWO
I understand your skill, we have one brother in our circle with similar standing.
No wonder I was so open with you.
You asked about the weapons, I will cover Unmanned Air, Ground and sea vehicles, Robotic Suites of the future. Along with Magnetic field generators
and wave dispursment weapons.
Only the weapons in the public domain should they search for them.
I will not mention nothing of the high pressure water cutter bombs we have for cutting through solid matter like tank armour and solid stone, or the
laser tech we have for sink holes.
By: 2012TNWO
It seems the idea of slowly showing the younger audience God May not exsist and those in religous standing may not be the best people to trust has
been rumbled:-
But at the same time the film remains, and the idea in the younger minds of today will be altered.
Again a sucess, for The Knights of The Sun.
You see an evenly balanced argueement apearing for those backing religion and those not.
Christianity and other Bible based religions will fall, but that of the Muslim faith are much stonger.
And they tend to feed off of the fact people are dropping that of the Bible.
I hear there are plans in motion to pull apart the Muslim world, do know of them ?
By: DeeZee
Greetings Vedas!
Again, sorry for the late answer, but i am very busy.
> I hear there are plans in motion to pull apart the Muslim
> world, do know of them ?
It's happening as we speak. 911 was very sucesfull in putting military in some muslim countries and it's expanding.
Take a look at what the military is really doing there. People are already speaking about it on YT.
The plans are progressing, and nobody seems to care.
No wonder i hear many refer to them as cattle or sheep.
BTW: About Nibiru and other questions you had. When i said you can ask me specific questions, there was a reason behind that.
Anyone can ask "What do you thing about this in general?"
But only someone who already knows something, can ask specific questions.
Do you understand where i'm going with this?
An uninitiated one could ask a "general" question, and the only way for me to answer it, would be to write about it in great length and/or detail,
possibly exposing something i shouldn't.
While only a brother would be able to ask specific questions.
I must be carefull, no matter who it is i'm talking to, and so should you. This is the reason i was so vague in my previous answer.
So again, you can ask me questions, if you want, but they need to be specific.
And while we're at it, i wanted to ask you a question. It's about the new movie Beowulf. I haven't seen it yet, but if i should do so, i would like
to know what i should look for, how to understand it from your perspective..
You also mentioned DragonBallZ. While i know what that is, i've never watched it, but what was the reason you wanted to work on it, or rather, what
would you have changed.
Be well brother, and talk to you soon.
P.S. Do you know what your name stands for? It's an old and very interesting name, and in my language it actually has it's original meaning.
P.P.S. While answering, you should quote the parts of my original post you are reffering to. It's easyer to understand, and to follow the
conversation. It's also more efficient.
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