you really need to read the whole thing to fully understand but in short:-
Analysis of the American seal shows a number of occult and Masonic symbols in particular, the so-called American eagle. The American eagle upon the
Great Seal is but a conventionalised phoenix. The word phoenix derives from the Greek name for "Phoenicians" whom were ancient people that inhabited
the East coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Although names "Phoenicians" (meaning redness by the Greeks), the Phoenicians referred to themselves as
Phoenicia was the land of descent of the "Sons of God" described in Genesis 6, according to the history of every ancient culture in the Middle East,
Phoenicia was the first place where beings from heaven came to the earth.
Through the influence of these heavenly beings and their offspring, men became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed. But then
came the flood (in Noah’s day) and symbolically the Phoenix perished. The heavenly and supernatural bird, keeper of secrets of the past and future
was consumed in the fire of its own making.
In other words, the knowledge given to man from heaven was lost in a global cataclysm. According to Genesis 6, the destruction of earth by the flood
was in response to the interaction of the Sons of God with the daughters of Adam.
33 and 3 are all featured prominently in occult doctrine. In Spiritual Numerology, '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by
the human being." Calculation of speed and location under the heavens is considered to be the highest form of sacred knowledge from antiquity.
Navigation unites time with space and the heavens with the earth. The number "3" is essential to this process. Without the geometry of the 3 sided
triangle, establishing location and distance on a map or "triangulation" is impossible.
33.33 degrees of the great circle of the earth represents 2012 nautical miles.
The impact area near Roswell lays 33° north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator. When the latitude of the impact site 33° north, is
multiplied by the universal mathematical constant PI, (3.1415926572...) the result is 104°, the longitude of the impact site. The value of PI is one
of the most important numbers of geometry. Without an understanding of this number, the science of building, architecture and navigation is not
possible. So, based on the impact and some history the Roswell event appeared to not be an accident.
The Roswell event was a message ...left at 33 ° One third of anything is 33 percent. 1/3rd of 100% is 33.333333...There is an ancient text that
reveals the connection between the messengers and number 33. In this text the number 33 or 1/3rd is explained as the actual percentage of rebellious
angels that will be cast to the earth. Satan is also clearly associated with this same number. According to the illuminated elite, as the first
messiah came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, the second illuminated messiah will establish a New World under his rule. So it is assumed that the
chosen location of the first connection of heaven with the earth on Mt. Hermon at 33.3rd degrees set in time the final phase of a new world order in
To understand it all you need to read it, it does make a good read and be sure to have a calculator handy.
Heres some of the images i couldnt add to the other posts due to the size.
Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man, lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east ... 2,012 miles
from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.
The sacred number 33 multiplied by PI, just happens to produce the location where a flying saucer crashed landed in 1947.
Copy of TOP SECRET MAJIC EYES ONLY SOM1-01 "Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" courtesy Tom Horn
and i apologise for not making proper cliffs notes because i know i would leave out something important and cause confusion.
[edit on 23-11-2007 by rapturas]