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In March of 2006 the Pew Hispanic Center estimated the undocumented population ranged from 11.5 to 12 million individuals, a number supported by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO). Pew estimated that 57% of this population comes from Mexico and about half of them are illegal; 25% from Central America and, to a much lesser extent, South America (which has no road access to the US); 9% from Asia; 6% from Europe, and the remaining 4% from elsewhere.
Ravenstein's 'laws of migration'
Certain laws of social science have been proposed to describe human migration. The following was a standard list after Ravenstein's proposals during the time frame of 1834 to 1913. The laws are as follows:
1. Most migrants travel short distances and with increasing distance the numbers of migrants decrease. This law is based upon the assumptions that the higher travel costs and a lack of knowledge of more distant places acts against large volumes of migration.
2. Migration occurs in stages and with a wave-like motion. Based on his observations in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries that migration occurred in steps with people gradually moving up the settlement hierarchy - from rural areas to villages, to towns, to cities and finally the capital city.
3. Migration increases in volume as industries and commerce develop and transport improves, and the major direction of movement is from agricultural areas to centres of industry and commerce.
4. Most Migrants are adult. Families rarely migrate out of their country of birth.
5. Women are more migratory than men within their country of birth but men more frequently venture beyond it.
6. Urban dwellers are less likely to move than their rural counterparts.
The term American Dream has had many shades of meaning throughout American history. Today, it generally refers to the idea that one's prosperity depends upon one's own abilities and hard work, not on a rigid class structure. For some, it is the opportunity to achieve more prosperity than they could in their countries of origin; for others, it is the opportunity for their children to grow up with an education and career opportunities; for still others, it is the opportunity to be an individual without the constraints imposed by class, caste, race, or ethnicity.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In the end the 3 governments can integrate everything but, at some point they will need to have a vote for a new government and a new constitution. 80% of Americans are against it and you can bet citizens of Mexico and Canada are not to happy either .
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: provides the Site as a free source of useful information to the general public. Significant effort is made to provide what is determined to be the most reliable data and as such is published in good faith. The data provided is reviewed periodically yet because of the nature of numbers related to illegal immigration, information on this Site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
...have spoke to her family and our friends in Mexico and almost all of them feel the same way as we do, they are against it!
...I have I have showed how the American citizens feel about this.
...They need the future votes to counter and disinfranchise the citizens of america!!
My opponent asked for substantiation...
The topic for this debate is "Illegal immigration is being used as a tool to implement the New World Order on the United States".
If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are , it’s a duck!