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Navigating the Afterlife

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posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 08:41 AM
I found this documentary online about Egypt and some of the 'secret' knowledge they are supposed to have had. Its from the 'magical egypt' series. This particular doc has so much conspiracy type material in it, I figured I would upload it and post it here.

They start with studying egyptian hyrogliphs and what they could mean, and Johhn Anthony West thinks that they are a description of the journey that your soul takes after death. The Egyptians were fascinated with life after detah, thats the main reason why they built the pyramids, so assuming they may have known more about death than most people today do is very possible. Apparently this knowledge is the same knowledge that secret societies have been keeping secret for millenium, the illuminating knowledge that gives the 'illuminati' their name. This is also suggested to be why Masons are so secret, the top people in Masonry have been hiding this information from the people below them. That is one of the first times i have actually heard a description of what this 'illuminating' knowlegde could be. Perhaps it is something to do with the Afterlife.

The best part of this documentary is where they interview Dr Rick Strassman, who did the only research into '___', the most potent hallucinogenic known to man. He found out that '___' is what makes us dream at night as it is created by the pineal gland, the part of the brain the egyptians called 'the third eye'. It is also produced in huge quantities during birth and death, and could be the biological mechanism that initiates the afterlife. People who take the drug have experiences nearly exactly the same as Near Death experiences.

They also talk about Lucid Dreaming, and some guy tells you how you can start to teach yourself lucid dreaming with a simple technique.

For the best part about '___' (which is very rare to find as its a VERY illegal drug), watch Part3 and Part4, although the rest is still very interesting.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Egyptian history,

Interpretting Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Egyptian Hieroglyphs + '___' + Pineal Gland

'___' + Lucid Dreaming

'___' + Lucid Dreaming + Masons + Afterlife

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Christism finally spread worldly the so-called "Secret".

Except it was trunkated by those who took it as a power thing under the scheme of "Christianism".

Christic Gnose, which interessingly flowered mainly around Egypt, give all about the spiritual deep meaning of the real christic way.

The '___' stuff appart, but another drug is obviously involved in early christism which can found another ethic samely founded upon the experience of spiritually annexed reality, leading to the matter of eternal life.

[edit on 23-11-2007 by Rigel]

[edit on 23-11-2007 by Rigel]

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Rigel
Christism finally spread worldly the so-called "Secret".

Except it was trunkated by those who took it as a power thing under the scheme of "Christianism".

Christic Gnose, which interessingly flowered mainly around Egypt, give all about the spiritual deep meaning of the real christic way.

Hi Rigel

Could you give me some links to explain what 'Christic Gnose' is? I searched for it on google, but the only place I could find it online was in this post

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 07:50 AM
Ach ! Another link challenge !

The word "Christic" is not very world-wide fashionned, for sure.

Some academic sources could be found by googling :

A. For honest free-thinkers :

- Nag+Hammadi
- Dead+Sea+Scrolls
- Gospel+of+Thomas
- Gospel+of+Philip
- Gospel+of+Mary
- Essenians
- Nazoreans
- Gnosticism | Gnosis | Gnose
- Gospel (official ones, to be read between the verses or not)
- Master+Eckhardt
- Swedenborg
- Jakob+Boehme
- Angelus+Silesius
- Henri+Bergson | Les+Deux+Sources+de+la+Morale+et+de+la+Religion
- Pierre+Teilhard+de+Chardin | The+Human+Phenomeon | Noosphere
- Rudolf+Steiner
- Russian+Mystic+Anarchism | Tolstoï | Tchulkov | Simonov | Kareline
- Raymond+Abellio
- Jacques+Ellul | Ivan+Illitch | Christian+Anarchism

B. For "Why-do-it-simply-when-it-can-be-done-difficultly" minded people :

- Midrashic+Hypothesis | Bernard+Dubourg | Maurice+Mergui
- Immanuel+Kant (all works) and other so-called "Philosophers"

And for our ATS Anti-Christian fellows :

- Plotinus | Ennead

NOTE : Christism is ofcoursely and obviously not the only way to truth - but probably one of the simplest for a spirit grown in an CHRISTIAN environment - even if this be not CHRISTIC at all.

[edit on 24-11-2007 by Rigel]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 10:04 PM
Zeuzz your thread reminded me of an intresting article that linked to a study some women did (which was published in a med. journal 10 years later) that showed Flouride accumulated in among other places, the Pineal Gland. thought that was intresting.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:27 PM
I got to watch the first two videos, but it looks like the others have been removed. Does anyone have a recap?

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