posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 08:26 AM
This is a report by Dr. Donald H. Menzel made 16May49 of objects he saw on 12May49. He reports that on that date he was in transit from Holloman Air
Force Base to Allamogordo, New Mexico, when he observed objects in the sky that he could not identify.
It seems that a red "star" near the full moon was seen as "bright", even though the Moon's extreme luminosity should have washed it out, and made
an object only a few degrees offset impossible to see. He also observed two fuzzy stars just above the eastern horizon that were estimated at 180
miles distance and 1000 feet in diameter. These stars "disappeared" after a few minutes.
While lights in the sky reports are common, this report has more going for it than many. First, Dr. Menzel worked for the Harvard Observatory, where
three years after this incident, he was named acting director. As a trained observer of the night sky, and someone of the status to become the
director of a major observatory, this report cannot be dismissed.
It is interesting to note that Dr. Menzel later went on to become known as a debunker of UFOs.
It is almost as if he spent the rest of his life trying to erase this moment in the New Mexico desert, a moment when something effected him very
deeply. Something all of his training said just couldn't be true.
A very interesting report.