posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 05:36 AM
This may be a more appropriate thread for my question:
This subject caught my eye and caused me to register and post. (Hi all by the way).
Have had an amateuristic interest in super volcano's and the link between super volcanic eruptions and subsequent global cooling. There is a mountain
of strong evidence that links the two things together, I wont site that here because I am sure you are all aware of this already.
Over time though I have considered how often in Science we get these things backwards, upside down or inside out and have developed a theory that
perhaps the same is true here.
Current thinking suggests that an eruption fills the atmosphere with particulate which blocks out sunlight and causes cooling - very plausible.
I also subscribe to the theory that natural cycles driving natural warming and cooling - not the activity of man or beast.
So, is it possible that the natural global cooling cycle which increases the weight of ice pack upon land mass, which cools the outer surface of the
planet, disrupts the normal, non threatening behaviour of a super volcano (which is now no longer to expand and contract easily) resulting in a
restricted building of pressure beneath the cooled and retracting crust until the point of an explosive eruption?
I liken this to putting a lid on a boiling saucepan. If the lid is loose, the gases (steam in this case) are released slowly and gently, it may boil
over (like an small volcanic eruption) but no real harm is done. If however you add weight to that lid or reduce the space available for expansion,
the pressure builds inside the pan and gases (again steam in this case) explode from the pan more violently (as with an explosive eruption).
I think that we have missed the pre-cursor here and confused the end result with the root cause. The root cause of the eruption (global cooling) then
precipitates further cooling through atmospheric particulates and propagates a return to significantly colder conditions globally - perhaps even as
far as an 'ice-age'.
I would appreciate ATS members pulling this apart to put my mind at ease!
Thanks all.