posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:23 PM
I know the topic of black triangles has been debated here many times, but the question that I have been increasingly asking myself and more so in the
last year is, "Why are they always seen near Air Force bases?" I have been tracking all the reports of black triangles in Texas for two years now,
and they are always in the Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Houston and surrounding areas. They mostly appear at night which is a good time for test
flights. The bright glare of the big city lights is also perfect cover for them. I mean, who drives around in heavy traffic looking up, right? Anyway,
I do believe they (the triangles) are man made. I live near and work at an AFB but it is only a training base. And it's too small to keep secrets.
However, those of you near bigger bases might some day see something. My take is that they are ours. What do you guys think? Military or not?