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Multiple Rape Suspect Freaks Out in Court - Video

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posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

How could you assume anything if even the video within the link states there's very little knowledge of the case in it's entirety?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Oh, and last time I checked, they shouldn't have a right to know the outcome of the case until it's conclusion. He's in jail through out the trial and is no way a threat to "society" in anyway, shape, or form, especially not even being convicted yet. Your assumptions are the very reason I'm against such broadcasting of judicial hearings and trials. It gives the blind, deaf, and dumb a chance to chime in on something they know nothing about, potentially ruining somebody's life in the process.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Radekus
Do you understand what I mean by the judge's power trip?

Not really that is what a judge is someone in power.

Did you hear the way the defended was acting in a court of law? I guess you didn't hear the almost 100% beeps that the media had to put over his language.

I would have toss him out of my court as well, if the suspect can't reason or communicate then they need to leave until they can.

His actions were not admission of guilt, but a complete belligerent fool.

And Wow! you really tricked me. Your post was in very poor taste.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Radekus
Rape is really not such a big deal, the way i see it, two people had sex, woopie dee do, get over it, it's not life shattering,

Amazing, simply amazing. :shk:

Rape IS NOT two people "having sex".
Where and or How you make That connection is beyond me.

Rape IS one dehumanizing another. Rape IS one exercising a twisted "form" of Control/Power over another. Rape IS nothing short of Assault in it's Most vile, primal, and despicable a manner. Nothing else.

Two people having sex? woopie dee do ? it's not life shattering ? WTH!?

Rape IS NOT sex! Rape is just That, an Assault on another... regardless of age, gender, or "acquaintance".

... having people make your life miserable and call for your head on a pole is.

Is WHAT? ... out of line?
A disproportionate response to such a heinous and primal an act ? M'kay.

Having read your post Radekus, I find myself wondering if One hasn't "indulged" in doing so upon having been told No. (?)


... I'm sensing a bit of self-justification and or attempt at redemption.

Either way.. Wow, simply... Wow!


posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c


... I'm sensing a bit of self-justification and or attempt at redemption.

Either way.. Wow, simply... Wow!


I thought the EXACT same thing, but I didn't want to imply anything I might get in trouble for, or for even putting false blame on a dude who may or may not feel that way for other reasons. It's the only rational thought I could conjure in regards to what was said. Just.. "WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
Wow, simply... Wow!

...I didn't want to imply anything I might get in trouble for, or for even putting false blame on a dude who may or may not feel that way for other reasons. It's the only rational thought I could conjure in regards to what was said. Just.. "WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

I must admit, at first, I was possessed of stronger words than simply "WOW."

Words not suitable for this particular forum, words more often found in a cesspool like craigslist's "Rants and Raves."

Vile words that became the catalyst for my eventual rejection of such lowbrow discourse.

Having taken time now to cool-off and reconsider the words one might use in this case, dumbfounded now comes to mind, as well as repulsed.

Appallingly ignorant are a couple more.

Wow, indeed...

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

hahaha, read my other post,
simply marvelous, the human reaction,
eh, I'm not trying to self justify, I never raped anyone.
The owl speaks but no one hears.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Radekus
Rape is really not such a big deal, the way i see it, two people had sex, woopie dee do, get over it, it's not life shattering, having people make your life miserable and call for your head on a pole is.

Originally posted by Radekus
I knew you were going to concentrate on that part of my post and confront me with it, why do you think I left it there other than to prove my point. ...The me agreeing with rape was a strawman, to see if you all would bite onto it. And you did, predictable.

So what your saying is, you knowingly posted false or misleading information to make your case?

Gee, isnt that a violation of the TAC?

With that idea thrown out there, why dont we take a look at your whole post, to see if you can redeem youself.

Originally posted by Radekus
Every time I read new threads all I see are one sided drone like arguments.

Well what would you like to see in future threads dealing with this issue? How do you really expect people to act? This is an issue that often hits close to home with many people.

This is supposed to be a forum, not a, kill him!!! He is wrong, no matter the story of his life, kill him, torture him, destroy him more than he already has been, we all agree on making everyone suffer!

So far, all we've done is suggest that people that commit such offences should be removed from society, permanently. What do you think we should do with them?

Listen to yourselves, and that comment, sheesh, don't expect me to answer if you respond to this, I know how it'll be like. Put yourselves in people shoes, you strayed from the path, and now you have morons calling for your life.

Strayed from the path? If you rape someone, you violate them in one of the most vicious ways imaginable. The person and their families are left with deep emotional and mental scars that take years, even dacades to recover from, if they recover at all. Such a crime is senseless, there is no need for it. If your that horny, there are other avenues you can persue for the right price. There is no need for rape!

Rape is really not such a big deal, the way i see it, two people had sex, woopie dee do, get over it, it's not life shattering,

How many rape victims do you know or have talked to? Zero is my guess, because if you did know some or even talk to some, you would not make such a comment.

having people make your life miserable and call for your head on a pole is.

If your a rapist, you forfeitted your rights and your life the minute you violated someone elses.

You don't know pain, you are all norms, if you knew pain you wouldn't be making such statements, I find them vile and disgusting.

How do you know what we have been through in our lives?
You dont, your judgement is as empty as you are suggesting ours is. Hipocracy at its finest.

You people make me think of all those people who cheered as Jesus got sentenced to crucification (reference to Mel Gibson's movie).

And you remind me of a holocaust revisionist must like Tudjman in Croatia or Isebegovitch in Bosnia. But such comparaisons are pointless.

This guy being a good person or not, it doesn't matter, he still has rights to not be disrespected in the media and have his face recorded by a bunch of egoists looking for a hot story, he has the right to not want those cameras in the court room.

Do you know the guy or know something that we dont? What makes you so sure of his innocense? I dont know US law, is there a law preventing camera's and media in a courtroom? From RT's post, it seems to be at the judges discression.

Jesus, am I the only one who saw the Judge's power trip when he sent him away?

The guy was searing more than we was talking. What would you do?

Then I read you talk about how the guy is in the wrong for defending his rights, heck, everyone's rights,

Again im not familiar with US law, which law or right was specifically violated by the media and camera's?

You have no idea of what you are saying, use your brains, stop acting like characters in soap operas, turn off your television screens.

I dont watch TV all that often, and Ive always hated soap opera's.

Stop wanting others to suffer horrible deaths, show some humanity, show some compassion, i

If this person is guilty, they showed no humanity and no compassion during and after the crimes. Why should I give such emotions to someone who has shown none?

in my view you are worse than this rapist!

Clarify that please. How are we worse than rapists?

[edit on 26-11-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 06:33 PM
I'd like to see people discuss things like I have, go into extremes,
not just agree on one thing and stick to it. Confront what society
has taught you, question everything. It's healthy you know.
I didn't say the guy was innocent, I said he had rights to not have his
faced plastered on international television while in court. What would I do if I was the judge? Get rid of the cameras. Why should you show compassion?
You know the age old saying, do not become like the monster you are after?
Anyways, I'm done with this thread, au revoir.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by Radekus]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Radekus
I'd like to see people discuss things like I have, go into extremes,
not just agree on one thing and stick to it.

We express our opinions here. If our opinions happen to be the same, so be it. I stir the hornets nest when I deem it is necessary. But these threads deal with a specific issue, and my stance on this issue will not change.

Confront what society has taught you, question everything. It's healthy you know.

So you want us to do what you do, and go against the grain. But by doing what you do, we only divert the flow down a new direction.

As I said, I express my views regardless of what society has told me. What I know to be true, is that rape is a horrible crime! End of story.

I didn't say the guy was innocent, I said he had rights to not have his
faced plastered on international television while in court.

Like I said, I am not up on US law, which rights were those and which laws were violated? Was it a violation of due process? The right to a fair trial? What? Show me the precidence.

Why should you show compassion?
You know the age old saying, do not become like the monster you are after?

To become this monster, I would have to rape and torture single mothers. Does your adage apply to the NAZI's? Would you show them sympathy while they showed none to concentration camp victims? What about RENAMO? A group of militans that formed deathsquads, killing at least a million people in Mozambique and destabilizing the democratic government? Would you show them compassion even though they slaughtered whole villages with complete indifference?

Life is not so black and white, there is evil in this world.

Anyways, I'm done with this thread, au revoir.

Before I came back to this thread, you had asked people to look at your whole post, I did that, and now your leaving? I guess you dont want to actually discuss your case, rather drop it, get a reaction, then disappear. Too bad.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by InSpiteOf]

[edit on 26-11-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Radekus

Radekus....... someone should take the rusty nails your spewing and use them against you. you are a vile enity, and a disgrace just like Gunther...... You dont know the pain my family and I have endured since this sick person broke into my house. You have no compassion for the sleepless nights, the uncertainity of well being, the decay of mental health that both my wife and I go thru. Thats right, you just dont know..... And rape is not consentual when your are forced and restrained and you cannot escape a repeated attack for over an hour. What are you to do when your are held against your will, and you are in fear of your childs safety. Now what would you say if this happened to your wife, your sister, YOUR MOTHER, your daughter. Would you still spew your neglected view of humanity. Or would you say its Gods Will. How is this guy guilty, it only shows in his actions on tape, and most of all, the evidence. My wife survived this attack in physical form, but i will not comment on the mental state. She was, and still is a wonderful, caring, compassionate, and devoted mother and spouse....and your Karma is not good. Do you realize they pulled him over with a fully loaded shot gun exactley one month after he assaulted my wife. The next victim would have been just that a victim....

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by from dearborn hgts

I am very sorry to hear that your loved one was involved. I wish you and your family healing and happiness. It's sounds like you are both very strong people that love each other.

Thank you for posting on this thread, because I am sure it wasn't easy to speak out.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 11:27 AM
thank you for your concern... We are trying to survive the best we can. I just wish I could have caught this post earlier on to shut this inhuman down. As it stands now, the trial is suppoused to start june 16th. originally it was slated for april 8, but postponed to the philandering Mayor issue going on.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:46 AM

sorry, iforgot my login info, but it appears its over now.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Odd, he seemed to be quite calm for a freak out. he besides the occasional profanity and the inappropriate hand gestures he seemed calm.

As far as the facts in the case. That remains to be seen. If he is guilty I do hope he goes away for a very very very long time.

However his actions are that of someone that did not want his face being broadcast all over the place. Perhaps if he is innocent he wouldnt want his face splashed all over the news. People automatically feel that he is guilty because he is in chains and wearing jail issue clothing.

If he is innocent do you think that he deserves an apology for having his face plastered all over the Internet as well as the television? If you were falsely accused of this crime would you want your face everywhere?

If he is guilty as I said before there's no harm done and his sick depravety should be well known. His face should be shown everywhere so that he will be recognised for the monster he is. However if he is innocent of this crime, his reputation has just been demolished forever. Especially because his actions were quite calm and he did not have a meltdown in court. Was he supposed to just sit there while the court of public opinion decided that he was guilty based solely on his actions and attire in that court room without all the facts?

I feel for the victims in this case. I hope justice is served. I hope they can heal from the damage someone caused them. I just want also the truth to be known. Remember he is a suspect at this point. A suspect, right now he is innocent till the prosicution can prove his guilt. If he is found guilty he needs to be locked up and the key thrown away. If he is innocent a HUGE appology is in order for destroying an innnocent mans credibility and his life.

[edit on 6/18/2008 by whatukno]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by whatukno

The link the ANON poster posted above your post was to an article on the verdict of the trial.

Man Charged in Sexual Assaults Pleads No Contest

Faces 25-40 years at June 30 sentencing

DEARBORN/DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Accused rapist Kenneth Gunther will be sentenced June 30 in Wayne County Circuit Court for his role in two brutal attacks that took place late last year in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights.

Gunther, 27, pleaded no contest Friday in Wayne County Circuit Court to charges that he sexually assaulted two women — one in Dearborn and another in Dearborn Heights — while their young children were present.

A no contest plea is not an admission of guilt, but is treated as such for the purpose of sentencing.

As a repeat offender charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, Gunther could have been sentenced to life in prison. However, under the terms of his plea agreement, the Dearborn Heights resident is expected to be sentenced to 25 to 40 years.

They are awaiting his sentencing now!

Let's hope he gets the 40 years!

[edit on 6/18/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Double Post!

[edit on 6/18/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by from dearborn hgts

I am sorry to hear that you have been directly affected by this nightmare criminal, and I am also sorry to see that a member of this site could be so thoughtless and Callas with there approach to the subject.

Most of us here using ATS and BTS are kind, caring and considerate people and I am sure I speak for the vast majority when I wish you strength and peace.

Our hearts are with you and your family.

Kindest regards S_G

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Keyhole

Well good for justice in this case. I hope that this scumbag gets the 40 years as well. Now perhaps the people affected can start on the road to recovery. Especially getting some closure with the perp behind bars where he belongs.

Also now as I stated before even when he does get out his picture is splattered everywhere and he won't be able to hide.

Also for the Dearborn Heights member. Please don't refer to yourself as a victim. Now you have at least this win to show that you are in controll.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by whatukno

thank you all for the kind words again. A term that is always thrown around is..victim.. I wish the media would change this, because the true word for things like this is...survivor...both my wife and I are surviving through this quite well. And i guess its a double edged sword that there is no trial. The good thing is, we dont have to go thru the trial and relive the horror. The bad, would he have gotten the life sentence, who knows what would have came out with the verdict.

Evidentiary trial was suppoused to be 1 day. it turned out to be 6.
key facts that i observed.
1. after the first attack, Gunthers car was parked less than 500 feet away, broken down, and waiting for a tow truck.
2. Dearborn police have him on "in car surviellance" when they questioned him(considering being a convicted felon on parole for Breaking&entering), why did they let him go?(my understanding is they had the right to detain him right there)BUT THEY LET HIM GO
3. His girlfriend turned him in, under a confidental informant. She came into the police department and gave a 2 hour confessional of details that were not made public. She stated on the stand of a piece of paper with a colored post it note(with the address of the first attack).. also stated about articles that was stolen from my house(my wifes sunglasses and my flashlight)and how he tried to take my xbox. He told his girlfriend that he broke into the houses but didnt rape the women, but he made them take a shower anyway. A few days before she turned him in, she questioned him about the attacks, he went into a rage and bit her finger(which was documented at the police station). and by the way his girlfriend is 9 months pregnant(and he got another girl pregnant, which was recorded during a conversation from the county jail phone).
This all came out in the first 2 hours of the evidentary trial. I couldnt stomach anymore and had to leave.

I cant speak for the other survivor, but one key thing i heard during her attack, her child was locked in a room, screaming and crying out the window, with neighbors knocking on the doors, trying to figure out what was going on. The other survivor, has not been back to that house and refuses to do so. And I couldnt agree more. We have let our house go into Foreclosure, because of 11 house for sale, and 3 houses FC'd in a 1 block radius.

My wife and I are of humble belief, firm believers of Karma, and just very caring of the world around us. All of our existance, we have tried to help people in need. Being of this thought, has helped us thru this trying time.
There is no since in trying to figure out why it happened, because it is what it is.

But I really am appreciative of the time that you folks have done squelching the nay-sayers that have infiltrated your board.


and yes, june 30th is sentencing. And I will tell you the outcome

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