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How to Become a Democrat

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posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 05:06 PM
In response to the "How to Become a Republican" thread....

Are You...

...speaking out against every security measure that President Bush proposes because you claim it will turn America into a "police state" while simultaneously planning to criticize Bush for not doing enough to protect us when we're inevitably hit with another terrorist attack?

...convinced that killing a baby in the womb in OK, while killing a serial killer is wrong?

...terribly disturbed by the idea that Europe might not be happy with us, but fairly indifferent to threat that terrorists present?

...of the opinion that those racist, warmongering, Fascist, Nazi-like, heartless, moronic, evil, Republicans are mean spirited hatemongers?

...horrified when you hear about dolphins being killed in a tuna net, but unperturbed by a woman aborting her own baby?

...wondering if we can "afford" a tax cut while supporting every expensive, new social program proposed in Congress?

...worried that the electronic voting machines might be rigged, but unconcerned about people voting without a picture ID?

...against a draft if it's needed by the military to field a fighting force, but for a draft if it's proposed by anti-war Democrat in an attempt to undercut support for war?

...terrified by the idea of global warming, but only minimally concerned about stopping terrorists who want to release biological weapons in the US?

...opposed to cutting taxes on the middle class and the poor if it means that the rich will get a tax cut as well?

Do you...

...criticize Republicans because you think they judge people by the color of their skin, yet support Affirmative Action?

...think that UN approval was irrelevant when Bill Clinton wanted to go into Kosovo, but that our invasion of Iraq will be "illegitimate" if the UN doesn't approve? going to war for "humanitarian" reasons unless our country will also benefit in some way, in which case you're strongly against it?

...claim that you want a strong economy, yet support almost every regulation & tax increase that comes down the pike?

...enjoy going to anti-war rallies run by Communists who oppose everything our country stands for?

...tend to trust things said by blood thirsty & unbalanced dictators more than you do things said by your own President -- provided that he's a Republican?

...believe that trial lawyers who win outrageous malpractice judgements against doctors and drive up medical costs for the rest of us are really "sticking up for the little guys" who end up paying the bills?

...feel that banning handguns would be a more effective crime fighting tool than severely punishing criminals & "three strikes and you're out" laws?

...think that nations like Iran, Iraq, and North Korea are only minor annoyances and that the United States is actually the greatest threat to world peace?

...point to David Duke, a former Klansman who never won an office above state legislator, as evidence of racism in the Republican party, while believing that having Robert Byrd in the Senate doesn't reflect negatively on the Democratic party?

...admire the "human shields" who went to Baghdad, but think protests in front of abortion clinics should be banned?

...believe that we're rushing to war with Iraq despite the fact that the UN has been trying to convince Saddam to disarm for more than 12 years?

...think Ann Coulter is mean spirited, vicious, & shrill, but Maureen Dowd, Ted Rall, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Pilger, Margo Kingston, Tom Daschle, Noam Chomsky, Arianna Huffington, Molly Irvins, Eric Alterman & James Carville (among many others) are nice, sweet-natured, and reasonable?

...tend to be minimally concerned about the victims and potential victims of terrorists, but very concerned about how the terrorists are treated after they're caught?

...feel that the rich must have inherited their money, gotten lucky, or cheated someone to earn their wealth, but that it's society's fault that people are poor?

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 08:35 PM

Good stuff

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:22 PM
From a republican�s view on a few
Are You...

...of the opinion that those racist, warmongering, Fascist, Nazi-like, heartless, moronic, evil, Republicans are mean spirited hatemongers?

Don�t forget, un-cool prudes who narc on EVERYBODY�s fun and who love guns and are old, fat, and drive kitten killing American made automobiles.

...horrified when you hear about dolphins being killed in a tuna net, but unperturbed by a woman aborting her own baby?

Or the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS buried in MASS GRAVES around the world!! Attack Iraq? Hell no, Saddam was ok, so was Slobodon, and why should liberals be concerned with North Korea!?

...wondering if we can "afford" a tax cut while supporting every expensive, new social program proposed in Congress?

Yeah somehow CUTting taxes is spending. RONALD REGAN�s PRESIDENCY PROOVED THAT LOWERING TAXES INCREASES REVENUES. People like to spend and grow if they aren�t getting beat down financially every time they try to live life. (in Vermont pay 50% to feds for income, then 10% for state, then property tax around 4%, 9% on meals, 6% on sales, car tax, land use tax, business tax, and having the whole works shut down if any neighbor complains from Vermont�s hyper zoning rules.) I should just be poor and collect unemployment, gather handouts from the government, and exploit churches and charities and I�ll never have to work so I can do any kind of drug I wish and all my health care and pills will be paid for when democrats get their way, all my insurance and education is free if they get their way as well. So why work? I can just sue some business for millions on some slip and fall. )

...worried that the electronic voting machines might be rigged, but unconcerned about people voting without a picture ID?

They LOVE it when illegal immigrant minorities vote cause they know that they�ll mostly vote for them cause they know that democrats will give them the best handout.

...terrified by the idea of global warming, but only minimally concerned about stopping terrorists who want to release biological weapons in the US?

And aren�t they the ones bitching that the earth was about to go into an ICE AGE 25 years ago? How come we correct today but not back then? Why are tailpipes so bad when the bacteria in the ocean create more carbon dioxide. They bitch about the global warming when one volcano could send up more pollution than any amount of oil we have, and the earth has survived A LOT of volcanoes.
THERE IS NO PROOF THAT �GREENHOUSE GASSES� CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING. Temperature readings from the equator have not risen, but they say that the heat rising is sucking all the cold weather down on us, sounds odd, cold in the winter? Scientists know that the SUN itself is getting warmer. They know that there are MANY trends in temperature, we just ended a downswing 25 years ago, now we are going up, wow el nino drives a big gas guzzler!

...opposed to cutting taxes on the middle class and the poor if it means that the rich will get a tax cut as well?

Yeah you can�t cut taxes without cutting them for the rich because of the fair scale. The liberals unknowingly want it so when you earn $20,000 and get taxed like 3% when you earn $20,001 you get taxed 5% making a raise in pay earning you LESS money. That�s why a cut has to be across the board. Forget about the loop holes and credits.

...criticize Republicans because you think they judge people by the color of their skin, yet support Affirmative Action?

A men brother.

...claim that you want a strong economy, yet support almost every regulation & tax increase that comes down the pike?

LOL so true.

...enjoy going to anti-war rallies run by Communists who oppose everything our country stands for?

Yup, see it every Saturday here in Vermont.

...point to David Duke, a former Klansman who never won an office above state legislator, as evidence of racism in the Republican party, while believing that having Robert Byrd in the Senate doesn't reflect negatively on the Democratic party?

Forcing Trent Lott to resign on his private emotional speech on how cool he thought old Strom was, while Hillary cracks a joke about Gandhi being a guy who worked in a gas station down town and that there was a lot of wisdom in that gas station and everyone is SILENT.

...think Ann Coulter is mean spirited, vicious, & shrill, but Maureen Dowd, Ted Rall, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Pilger, Margo Kingston, Tom Daschle, Noam Chomsky, Arianna Huffington, Molly Irvins, Eric Alterman & James Carville (among many others) are nice, sweet-natured, and reasonable?

And she doesn�t rally the HATE that Shaprton and Jackson do, they can never get over history and move forward and SURPRISE sometimes life is unfair, not just to them but to everybody sometimes. And they DO NOT want to solve those problems, because where did they get their power? By enflaming those issues over and over and over, getting people on their bandwagon for decades.

...feel that the rich must have inherited their money, gotten lucky, or cheated someone to earn their wealth, but that it's society's fault that people are poor?

Kennedy�s inherited all of their money from un taxable trusts yet they are loved by liberals. How come people have to be taxed when they die? Because it might create pure evil rich people and it might make someone feel bad or something?

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:00 AM
Um, I think in general, people who classify themselves as Democrats think more independently than Republicans...but I'll save that for Independents

There's a lot of lists like that around, Irony is abound. What general lists, I bet those only accuratly describe a small percentage of the parties, R and D.

"...enjoy going to anti-war rallies run by Communists who oppose everything our country stands for?"

--What? ...I'm not exactly sure why this person is still paranoid about Communists. Oppose everything our country stands for?? The one I attended against Iraq was a peaceful (a little crazy) gathering, with speakers and music, trying to promote what our country DOES stand for...

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 07:44 AM
Why are you guys making this hard on yourself. Most of the time you only have to do one thing to become a Democrat... GO TO COLLEGE.

Actually graduating helps your chances even more. Grad school tends to be a big factor.

Now don't go bashing bashing liberal professors or Universities over this. It's an education, world view thing. You can still stay closed minded and get an MBA if you want.

Republican MBA's play an important role in America's economy: LUNCH.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 09:28 AM
lol Bush graduated from harvard law and didn't turn out totally left. And don't tell me that he got a free ticket to ride cause his dad was some lame ambasader to china, it is an insult to all the people who went there and worked thier ASSES off harcore. They actually want the integrity of their system to remain super strong, letting every big name float through would be ridiculous.

I have graduated from a pretty damn liberal college and I got an a few sparing matches with a couple professsors and they learned to be on their toes by the end of the class lol.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:21 AM
From a republican�s view on a few
Countered by an Anarchist Libertarian
Are You...

...of the opinion that those racist, warmongering, Fascist, Nazi-like, heartless, moronic, evil, Republicans are mean spirited hatemongers?

Don�t forget, un-cool prudes who narc on EVERYBODY�s fun and who love guns and are old, fat, and drive kitten killing American made automobiles.

Don�t forget selfish, self seeking, ignorant, gay-bashing hypocrites. No, you don�t narc on EVERYBODY. But you do when it benefits your own interests.

...horrified when you hear about dolphins being killed in a tuna net, but unperturbed by a woman aborting her own baby?

Democrats, just like any other person (minus most kill happy Republicans) are just as disgusted with abortion and the procedures as the next person. What we liberals do support is the idea that a woman should have a choice, no one wants a government that�s overbearing and regulated to high hell. That�s why I don�t understand you hypocrites. Yes! We want to have as little government as possible but when it comes to regulating personal lifestyles, that�s ok. You call liberals communists? Stop trying to homogenate the whole here and let people live their own lives.

Or the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS buried in MASS GRAVES around the world!! Attack Iraq? Hell no, Saddam was ok, so was Slobodon, and why should liberals be concerned with North Korea!?

First of all, if there are thousands of mass graves around the world, what does that have to do with Iraq? You just proved a good point. You see, the mass graves in Myanmar, a score of West African countries, Indo (I�m talking about the uprising in Balikpapan) all go unnoticed. But a country that punishes Kurdish dissenters with death for treason, who also happens to be loaded with oil raises your eyebrows? Hmm� Yes we see where the self interests lie again. You support the death penalty for Americans charged with treason, what if it was on a grand scale? All would be forgotten? Please! You hypocrites just make yourselves look more and more foolish with your double standards and contradictions. Saddam was not Okay, which is why no one in this country understands why our troops are being killed by the truckload. Surely you would rather preserve some American lives than see them wasted for a cause the IRAQI people are against in the first place (The majority of Iraq, 85% are not Iranian supporters who dissented against Iraq in the �88 war, thus they do not feel Saddam�s wrath as much as the media tells you they do)

...wondering if we can "afford" a tax cut while supporting every expensive, new social program proposed in Congress?

Yeah somehow CUTting taxes is spending. RONALD REGAN�s PRESIDENCY PROOVED THAT LOWERING TAXES INCREASES REVENUES. People like to spend and grow if they aren�t getting beat down financially every time they try to live life. (in Vermont pay 50% to feds for income, then 10% for state, then property tax around 4%, 9% on meals, 6% on sales, car tax, land use tax, business tax, and having the whole works shut down if any neighbor complains from Vermont�s hyper zoning rules.) I should just be poor and collect unemployment, gather handouts from the government, and exploit churches and charities and I�ll never have to work so I can do any kind of drug I wish and all my health care and pills will be paid for when democrats get their way, all my insurance and education is free if they get their way as well. So why work? I can just sue some business for millions on some slip and fall. )

I�m a liberal who supports little governments and little taxes, in my opinion the government should do its best to get out of peoples lives and this includes through tax. However, Bush is spending out the ass and I thought he was a republican. The lines are being mixed nowadays and there are some grey areas in politics. Social spending is one of them and you will see Democrats focused on a balanced budget. Role reversal. That�s just like Republicans to be living in the past.

�worried that the electronic voting machines might be rigged, but unconcerned about people voting without a picture ID?

When the top four voting machine manufacturing corporations are owned by Republicans, it raises some concern. How would you feel if it was the other way around? I thought Republicans are all about preserving our political freedoms? When something that could malfunction so easily could just as easily corrupt the right we hold dearest, Republicans don�t care. Hypocrites (when your own self interests are involved� So sad).

They LOVE it when illegal immigrant minorities vote cause they know that they�ll mostly vote for them cause they know that democrats will give them the best handout.

Ahem, wasn�t it your Republican leader�s idea to give the temporary immunity? This is exactly what I was talking about above. You don�t care about whether or not the voting machines are corrupted, just as long as they tip in your favor. I think after your Republican leader makes a statement like he does, illegal aliens switch sides in a heartbeat. You also don�t seem to mind it when the corporations you support ship business overseas. In effect you�re giving some laborers a handout and the spending that follows that boosts the economy isn�t even on this side of the pacific. Hypocrites.

...terrified by the idea of global warming, but only minimally concerned about stopping terrorists who want to release biological weapons in the US?

How good was Bush at stopping terrorists from flying COMMERCIAL AIRLINES into the country, even after the 9/11 committee decided that there was adequate evidence and that this should have been prevented. What�s the word I�m looking for here? Oh yeah, hypocrite.

And aren�t they the ones bitching that the earth was about to go into an ICE AGE 25 years ago? How come we correct today but not back then? Why are tailpipes so bad when the bacteria in the ocean create more carbon dioxide. They bitch about the global warming when one volcano could send up more pollution than any amount of oil we have, and the earth has survived A LOT of volcanoes.
THERE IS NO PROOF THAT �GREENHOUSE GASSES� CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING. Temperature readings from the equator have not risen, but they say that the heat rising is sucking all the cold weather down on us, sounds odd, cold in the winter? Scientists know that the SUN itself is getting warmer. They know that there are MANY trends in temperature, we just ended a downswing 25 years ago, now we are going up, wow el nino drives a big gas guzzler!

Um, buddy, you need to do some research or at least read a few short paragraphs on global warming before you make stupid comments like the one above. If you know the absolute BASICS about global warming, you would know that a volcano REDUCES surface temperatures because it blocks the sunlight out. Also the sulfur dioxide in the plume of ash acts as an aerosol that reflects sunlight away. This is called albedo. By the way, the only reason why a greenhouse gas is called a greenhouse gas is because it causes global warming, thus the name GREENHOUSE gas. Here�s a short lesson so you don�t make this mistake again. There are things called feedback loops, negative or positive. As the temperature goes up, even slightly, snow and ice go down. When the snow and ice go down, less energy is reflected and more stays here. The temperature rises again and more snow and ice disappear. This is called a positive feedback loop and this particular one is bad. I could go on but I too realize that global warming isn�t as bad as most people make out. But it is happening and it�s because of greenhouse gas emissions. BTW, bacteria may make a lot of carbon dioxide, but the majority of our oxygen comes from plant organisms in the sea that live off carbon dioxide so that pretty much cancels your argument out.

...opposed to cutting taxes on the middle class and the poor if it means that the rich will get a tax cut as well?

Yeah you can�t cut taxes without cutting them for the rich because of the fair scale. The liberals unknowingly want it so when you earn $20,000 and get taxed like 3% when you earn $20,001 you get taxed 5% making a raise in pay earning you LESS money. That�s why a cut has to be across the board. Forget about the loop holes and credits.

I�m not opposed to cutting taxes, I also don�t get why Democrats use the �tax cuts for the rich� BS. The top 1% of earners pays 19% of the taxes anyway.

...criticize Republicans because you think they judge people by the color of their skin, yet support Affirmative Action?

Good point. But supporting the advancement of someone who has not had the same treatment of yourself (you know it happens, don�t lie and act all na�ve on me) is a little different than burning a cross in someone�s yard or treating them like they�re from another planet because they have more melanin in their skin than you. Racism is the reason for AA, as much of an oxymoron as that sounds, it actually makes sense. I pity your mental capacity if you can�t see it.

...claim that you want a strong economy, yet support almost every regulation & tax increase that comes down the pike?

A strong economy involves not running yourself into a trillion dollar deficit. Who did this again? Oh yeah, the Republicans. Democrats are for a balanced budget and had Clinton been in office another year you might have seen a tax cut, who knows? Republicans are the ones wasting money on pork barreling and useless crap. Black budgets are skyrocketing.

...enjoy going to anti-war rallies run by Communists who oppose everything our country stands for?

Um, if Communists opposed everything the country stood for then they would be having a rally against having rallies. You make no sense whatsoever, and I�m guessing that all those billions that were spent on jets and aircraft carriers prevented you from going to a school with adequate funding to teach you the difference between thinking for yourself and being a communist. I pity you, I really do. I think your flock is getting away, you better run to catch up with it because you�re a sheep, just another number. Being liberal is about breaking the mold, it�s the opposite of Communism. Do you even know what a Communist is? Or is it just a word that your parents say a lot to describe everyone who isn�t like them and you picked up on it nicely.

...point to David Duke, a former Klansman who never won an office above state legislator, as evidence of racism in the Republican party, while believing that having Robert Byrd in the Senate doesn't reflect negatively on the Democratic party?

Forcing Trent Lott to resign on his private emotional speech on how cool he thought old Strom was, while Hillary cracks a joke about Gandhi being a guy who worked in a gas station down town and that there was a lot of wisdom in that gas station and everyone is SILENT.

Hey, I don�t think its fair to crack jokes about anyone. The connotations involved in both the Hillary and Lott examples you provide aren�t favorable. But I don�t support attacking the individual who said it. Ya�ll sure did go after Clinton when he got his cocked sucked though, jeez�

...think Ann Coulter is mean spirited, vicious, & shrill, but Maureen Dowd, Ted Rall, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Pilger, Margo Kingston, Tom Daschle, Noam Chomsky, Arianna Huffington, Molly Irvins, Eric Alterman & James Carville (among many others) are nice, sweet-natured, and reasonable?

And she doesn�t rally the HATE that Shaprton and Jackson do, they can never get over history and move forward and SURPRISE sometimes life is unfair, not just to them but to everybody sometimes. And they DO NOT want to solve those problems, because where did they get their power? By enflaming those issues over and over and over, getting people on their bandwagon for decades.

Politicians are nobody�s favorite people, but when a Republican starts talking about moving forward and getting over history? How hypocritical was that statement did anyone else see that? LOL, you act progressive when you want to and regressive when it suits the ideologies you spoon feed each other. It gives me hope for Republicans, to know that they are capable of thinking for themselves and using logic. That line brought a tear to my eye, Republicans thinking progressively. But wait, if you think progressively yourself but oppose those who also look to the future and think progressively themselves, doesn�t that make you a hypocrite?

...feel that the rich must have inherited their money, gotten lucky, or cheated someone to earn their wealth, but that it's society's fault that people are poor?

Kennedy�s inherited all of their money from un taxable trusts yet they are loved by liberals. How come people have to be taxed when they die? Because it might create pure evil rich people and it might make someone feel bad or something?

Hey if you think it�s so easy to get rich, why do you make such a big deal out of AA? Just let it go and everyone will be happy. You can get rich by the means that you surely must be familiar with, while those who aren�t as lucky as you to be so enlightened into the ways of the world can try their luck with what little help the government can give them. It shouldn�t bother you, hell, ya�ll are rich anyway.

Kennedy is the man because his grandpa made his money off bootlegging and going against the prohibition laws the government set up. That�s why I admire his family, and that�s why republicans should admire the Kennedy line too. His grandfather achieved the American dream by undercutting the tyrannical laws that held him down.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by insite]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:46 AM
...horrified when you hear about dolphins being killed in a tuna net, but unperturbed by a woman aborting her own baby?

Democrats, just like any other person (minus most kill happy Republicans) are just as disgusted with abortion and the procedures as the next person. What we liberals do support is the idea that a woman should have a choice, no one wants a government that�s overbearing and regulated to high hell. That�s why I don�t understand you hypocrites. Yes! We want to have as little government as possible but when it comes to regulating personal lifestyles, that�s ok.

Lifestyle, I guess that is why they call you guys liberal.

Stop telling us not to rape people you big nasty government, and kill people too, drink and drive to name a few.

Hahahaha, laws are there to protect people and life. Otherwise, there is a great Anarchy movement going in Europe I think.

A persons rights extend to the point of anothers, and no further. Hence the laws about murder.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
A persons rights extend to the point of anothers, and no further. Hence the laws about murder.

When it comes to abortion, everyone has their own ideas about whether the baby is its own person or still apart of the mother. I HATE partial birth abortion. Does that mean that I have the right to tell another person they can't have one? No. It might be murder, but thats on the mother, not on everyone else in the country. If it doesn't affect you in any way, What concern is it of yours? And rape? Thats a reason why abortions are still legal in some places.

And what's with the "I hear theres a great Anarchy movement in Europe." It's not that I don't care about laws, but when a third party acts like they know whats best, it puts those who really have an issue in a worse position.

*EDIT: If you want to stop abortions then start to have some compassion for the kids who are put up for adoption. You want to cut social spending AND ban abortions? What kind of hell do you think tht child would be living in?

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by insite]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Cutting social spending is not necessarily mean eliminating programs.

I am an advocate of smart spending and efficiency which would decrease spending enormously.

I am going to ignore the Partial Birth Abortion topic, that is a separate discussion, and very lengthy, although I would be more than willing to discuss it in another thread.

As far as regular abortions go, they of course concern me. Any time a person is murdered in this country it concerns me.

Crime concerns us all, and I see that as a crime. Even in cases of rape. Rape as far as I am concerned, is one of the most mentally and physically devastating crimes that can be committed. It is certainly intolerable. But by saying that the punishment must be levied against a baby is asinine.

The old adage �Two wrongs don�t make a right.� Tell me one person, pro-choice folks included, that would not go through a nine month ordeal to save the life of a child of five. They all would.

Laziness and irresponsibility are the true reason for abortion. I am aware of the adoption situation in America considering my wife has given one her first child up for adoption. Babies are huge in the adoption world. There are many people looking for them, and considering that infertility is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, people are looking towards adoption more every day.

The women have no rights when it comes to the health and life of the fetus. The government is fully authorized to dictate law to preserve the life and welfare of it�s citizens.

Children are not full citizens, but they will be. So since they are not fully functioning adults, can they be beaten or abused without retribution? No. The point is, is that they will be adults someday, so they need to be cared for and taught because they are not strong enough to fend for themselves in the real world. Same goes with a fetus. Whether or not you believe it is a child, it will be. It is a child that is not strong enough to survive outside the womb.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 03:25 PM
KJ wrote:
As far as regular abortions go, they of course concern me. Any time a person is murdered in this country it concerns me.
Crime concerns us all, and I see that as a crime. Even in cases of rape. Rape as far as I am concerned, is one of the most mentally and physically devastating crimes that can be committed. It is certainly intolerable. But by saying that the punishment must be levied against a baby is asinine.
The old adage �Two wrongs don�t make a right.� Tell me one person, pro-choice folks included, that would not go through a nine month ordeal to save the life of a child of five. They all would.
Laziness and irresponsibility are the true reason for abortion. I am aware of the adoption situation in America considering my wife has given one her first child up for adoption. Babies are huge in the adoption world. There are many people looking for them, and considering that infertility is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, people are looking towards adoption more every day.
The women have no rights when it comes to the health and life of the fetus. The government is fully authorized to dictate law to preserve the life and welfare of it�s citizens.

How dare YOU judge abortion

You say your wife gave her first baby away??? Was it YOUR BABY she handed over to a stranger or was she raped? Does she know for certain that her baby isn't being beaten or abused on a daily basis? Maybe her baby is already DEAD................
Ya...I would much rather give a child away and spend my life wondering if he/she was ok then to have an abortion at 8wks and get it over with. NO MAN will ever have a clue what it's like to have to make these kinds of choices.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 03:45 PM
Retracted by Krazy Jethro

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Retracted by Krazy Jethro

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:08 PM

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
The women have no rights when it comes to the health and life of the fetus. The government is fully authorized to dictate law to preserve the life and welfare of it�s citizens.

In order to be a naturalized citizen you have to be born in America, right? I got you on a technicality.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:17 PM
Ever notice how repugnants want so much limited government and for the government not telliing people what to do except for women's privacy rights, who a gay person sleeps with, forcing Christianity on people who aren't Christian, and holding minorities back.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Ever notice how repugnants want so much limited government and for the government not telliing people what to do except for women's privacy rights, who a gay person sleeps with, forcing Christianity on people who aren't Christian, and holding minorities back.

Yes, and I often ask myself how their brains manage to cope with so many contradictions and hypocritical ideologies to keep track of all at the same time. Its an amazing feat, how do they do it?!?!

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:26 PM
They don't think. They appeal to the most base of feelings and stick with that. They don't look for logic or flaws in their arguments---just emotion. JAYZUS GOOD. ALLAH BAD. NO KILL DE BABY! WHERE ME GUN! UUUUGHHHH!

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:50 PM
I am not a Repugnant and you should know that by now.

I also did not I say anything about religion, did I?

The point is clear. This is a social decency issue. Luckily, we have more laws pertaining to the protection of BIRD embryos than we do for other humans. All that thanks to the environmentallists. They are in your camp right?

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by Colonel

No asshole.

Anything else?

I am not a Repugnant and you should know that by now.

I also did not I say anything about religion, did I?

The point is clear. This is a social decency issue. Luckily, we have more laws pertaining to the protection of BIRD embryos than we do for other humans. All that thanks to the environmentallists. They are in your camp right?

No, you listen to me. You're not a woman and to enforce your will upon a woman because you feel like doing so becuase YOUR morality tells you to do so to me is akin to rape, a rape of the female conscious, depriving her of her constitutional right of her autonomous use of her body in whatever way she feels.

The same right you have.:bash:

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