posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:38 PM
Please read the
Link from BBC news which details how a Junior worker at Her Majesty's
Revenue and Customs was able to download the records of 25 MILLION child benefit claimants, copy it to some CD's and then attempt to post them
through conventional mailing systems THREE TIMES!!!
I was watching BBC news24 just now, with the police declaring that there are no real suspicious circumstances.
That was quick.
The media is now full of warnings of impending ID theft and Banking Fraud - millions of bank details were also 'stolen'.
So, is this an innocent mistake by a naive employee (three times), or is it deliberate act designed to filter untraceable cash stolen from mass
banking fraud on a scale never before seen to area which we will never know of?
Or... is it just a coincidence that this happens when the banking sector is in dire straits?
Either way, the fact that it
could happen is incredible.