posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:12 AM
The ship you saw Probly was arcturian. Our ships are composed primarily of a metal, that is able to change its molecular bound, Allowing the ship to
change any color, or any shape.
I strongly recommend you do not approach these craft, this action can be dangerous of you do not know who the ship belongs to. There is a race, Known
as the Dal, They produce most of all of the ships, Most of the ships have very similar appreances, Few are different. I am unaware of the triangle
ships, and who they belong to. If i had to make a guess, id vote the good guys, But better safe then sorry.
Understand the greys are dangerous, Avoid them at all costs. If you ever encounter one, Demand that it leave, That it does not do anything to do, And
that such actions would be against your will. In this universe, and others, Exsist being far far more powerful then the lyrian, Arcturian, Or even the
greys. Beings that will protect the choice of free will, given by the grant creator.
Many of you do not know this, but soon a very important event will transpire here on earth. A mothership, and Warship will decloak itself, And show
the world, That life out side of this planet really exsists. The increase of sightings is due to the speeding up of plans, the Zeta reticulli have (
the greys ). Still, None the less, Please i urge you strongly, Unless you are telepathically contacted by members of this craft, Stay away from them.
If you see one, you see one, But do not go near them, It is very dangerous.
[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]