reply to post by rockets red glare
My question is, where do you get that the United States is the most open country in the world? Let me give you some examples.
There was a huge moral uproar over Janet Jackson's breast being exposed on television. "What if my child would have seen that! It'd ruin his
life!" In other "civilized countries" they are not purtianical goodie two-shoes. News casters are completely naked at times. Full body, uncensored
nudity is accepted in public ads for strip clubs, right on the streets. Anyone could see all the girl parts. But there is no big deal. Children are
not taught sex is bad, or to be afraid of the evil nipple.
How about drinking? In the United States, we can have young men and women of 18 go off to war to kill and be killed. But they can't even drink? In
many countries, children are introduced to it at a young age. Wine with dinner. Buying beer when you're 11. They learn about it, learn how to handle
it, and are not afraid to abuse it.
Naughty words. This is a big one. If someone says the n word, the s word, the f word, there is an uproar. "What if my child heard such foul
language!" Again, the puritan values of the United States shine.
Don Imus was fired for hurting feelings. He was fired for saying something he was hired to say. This society is looking less free and open.
How about the kid who got suspended for drawing a picture of a squirt gun? No no no, that's not right.
Or the girl who got detention for hugging friends?
Or the guy who wore the arabic "We shall not be silent" t-shirt?
How bout we take a squint at religion. In many countries, the religion held by politicians is unknown. In the United States, home of the free, this
becomes a controversy that can keep someone out of office.
We are not the most free country in the world. Sorry. People who say those things have generally never left the country.
As far as why other nations don't just trust us, who would? We have the most weapons. Weapons do not equal right. The founding fathers of this
country based our constitution on the idea that authority should ALWAYS be questioned.
It is only lately that people have this idea that if you question the officials, you're not patriotic. This country was founded on the notion that
questioning authority is the ultimate patriotism.
The United States is generally disliked throughout most of the world. For a number of reasons.
#1 We get involved in international affairs without being asked to be involved.
#2 We are percieved as a bunch of trigger-happy cowboys.(I was surprised to learn this from my European friends)
#3 We regularly tell everyone that WE ARE THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD
#4 We generally do not develop a good understanding of the culture of countries we are dealing with. Often leading to trouble. ie, look at Iraq. How
many lives were lost, how many people were endangered, because we didn't realized to sunni and the shii'a did not like each other. There were
definately smarter ways to go about it.
#5 The general ignorance Americans have about other cultures
We could go on, and on, but hopefully, you get the idea.
The United States used to be well thought of. Rebuilding nations after we destroyed them in war, helping whenever there was a disaster, offering
support, and supplies, etc. However, our reputation has been soured quite a bit thanks to those in office.
Our country was founded on the concept of questioning government. Just assuming they know what they're doing isn't enough. Iraq, Katrina, among
others, are very public disasters, that we are still paying for, in billions of wasted dollars, and so much spilled blood.
To assume we are the most open, and that we should be trusted, just because we got the bombs, and we wave the ol' stars and stripes goes against
everything this country was based upon. To just assume things without knowledge is ignorant, and this goes against everything ATS was based upon.
Those in power must always be questioned, and if they get out of hand, they shouldbe yanked out of office. However, to speak as such anymore could be
considered treasonous. How misguided the "most open country" has become.