this was a lead in story to yahoo, it just shows how some subway meals have alot more calories then people think they do.
myself being a personal trainer thought i might start a thread where people who are currently eating subway as part of a healthy eating "plan".
(don't like the term diet, as it assumes the change in eating is temporary) could make sure they are making smart choices and not falling into the
trap that subway's marketing has laid for the hungry and unaware consumer.
One of the biggest choices one can make when buying a meal (at any subway, fast food or general sit down resteraunt) is the DRINK you wash you meal
down with. Why? well a 16 oz apple juice from subway has about 320 calories (160 per 8 oz. serving) A snapple (not diet) is about the same , and
roughly 350 or so calories for a 24 oz coke.
Not to mention these calories are from SUGAR. I would like to add two personal observations i have made through experience eating, experience
altering clients eating habits, as well as confirmations from dieticians, and body builders. If you combine saturated fats and sugars in the same
meal you are more likely to store these calories as fat. Also if you combine sugar OR fat with alcohol the calories are more likely to be stored as
With that being said or not the above points could stand alone (from just a calorie perspective, if you don't agree with my experiences or
Also the chips, cookie, or fries that go with the meal can add appox 200-400 calories of high glycimic carbs and or fats to the total caloric total.
Especially if you are dining at a subway the 300 or so calories from juice, and the 200 or so, from the whole grain chips equals 500 calories that go
against your goals of trimming up, not to mention the insulin response from all the added carbohydrates (appox 100 grams of carbs) in the juice and
chips together. I mentioned this because most people would think juice and whole wheat chips may be part of a healthy meal. But what you need to
focus on is TOTAL calories, not to mention avoid combining fats (such as cheese , and mayo) on your sub, and if you can't do that, by all means dont
combine these fats with sugars (like those found in the juices).
I understand changing eat habits toward a more healthy life style can be difficult but if you follow the simple rules of drinking water, or diet sode,
and avoiding chips (no matter what kind) and mayo and cheese than you can pretty much win the battle when eating out.
P.S don't eat the pre meal bread at dinner either, and if you need some alcohol ( entertaining clients at dinner, lol ) order it straight up (or
with a diet red bull or pepsi) and don't eat after you start drinking (drink water w/ your meal and save the wine for after) your abs and heart will
thank u
any comments?
[edit on 20-11-2007 by cpdaman]