posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:34 AM
I believe that the N.W.O campaign has been slowly growing since the birth of the United Nations just after WWII.
You know when you hear thoses conspiracies theories about why a terroritst act was done or why a country is at war or why a dictator or government
gets away with murdering it's own citizens or why a certain disease is abundant in one nation and scarse in others, well they're all probably true.
It could all be done with one goal in mind. World domination. We are all pieces of the puzzle. Unfortunately, the corners pieces are the elite people
with money. Money has always been in control of everything. It has controled the outcome of wars. It has controled elections. It has instilled a fear
in every civilized man or woman. What will happen when I run out of money???
There is always someone out there to give you money when you run out. But for a price. Whether it's interest or just the feeling of
control/domination the money holder gets from do this.
There were rules, oaths, and goals sworn at the birth of the United Nations. If the N.W.O does take form, They will be a huge part of it.
It is said that a universal currancy wil be established. No nation will be poor and no nation will be able to bully another.
It will be the end of organized religion. We will all worship the belief in mankind. And how to better ourselves.
With just these two ideas alone world peace can be achieved.
But it comes with a price$$. A material price this time. Your rights.
Your individual rights will be taken from you. That bears down the most in America. For America has a document called the Constitution that it governs
itself by. And in order for the N.W.O to ever come into existance it will have to destroy this. This Constitution represents the heart and soul of
man. Created a little over 200 years ago by people that did not want to be oppressed and governed by just one entity or ruler.
Maybe when or if the N.W.O comes into existance the same will happen again.
I would just like to add that I think researching the birth of the United Nations is a key to find a lot of answers but still more questions as well.
The name of it's organization represents N.W.O.
United Nations.
Some people believe that the United nations failed the N.W.O movement and that is why two newer organizations were created, all hidden within the
government of the world. The Tri-Lateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations are the groups. You do the research. I bet you'll see the
same names come up in all groups. And they involve the most wealthiest people in the world.
Right now, while being hidden from the major headlines, the Unites States of Europe are forming. Could this be the beginning???
See you in the revolution.