posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:20 AM
i'll bump this up on thursday but i know some people celebrate a day or two early with the other side of the fam.
not to boast or anything but my turkey is is a learned way to cook it that came from my great grandmother...
crispy skin is a must and i dodo you not, i won't eat anyone elses turkey...
so, since we can't taste each others birds, lets at least get a look.
lets see that perfect golden brown skin...lets hear some tips...
i'll start and i know everyone is gonna have their own way.
1st=the cavity....this MUST be 100% clean, no blood. the best way is to clean it out with lemon juice, after you take out the neck and gizzards and
wash it out.
B=the bird MUST be 100% dry before you put your marinade on, whatever you use.
3rd=imo, a good ole rubbin of butter, salt/CRACKED pepper and one or two of my secret things are best.....MUST use paprika as it will help to brown
D=the stuffing. forget that oldschool crap....i stuff my joint with pasta.
sketti noodles cooked and cooled, mix that in a bowl with mozzerl, cottage, parm, and a touch of ricotta and 1 egg. mig it all up and stuff the
5th=and this is key to a crispy skin and moist meat....a FOIL TENT...some people cover theur bird all the way and they will result in moist ckin or no
covering at all will give you dry meat....
cover it with a foil tent so the bird is covered, but there is a large 'pathway'(imagine a tent open on both sides) and that captures all the
steam...the steam is what really gets down on in there and cooks the meat, but the skin stays crispy.
F= and this is where people make NOT open the oven every hour or 30 minutes to baste....45 minutes or so before your bird is done, take
the tent off and then baste.
then, let it cool for about 30 minutes and it will cut nice and easy....
i'll post a pic of my before and after on thursday.....