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ATS.........VERY Suspicious!

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posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 03:04 AM
I'm a brand new member, and at first was blown away by the perfected web options on this forum. I've been on other forums, and none are as easy to use and efficient as this. It makes me wonder, who has invested so much money is such a complete forum, and why????

It is self evident that the government has and will continue to try and be on the inside. I looked for a 'about us' page, and really found nothing. Can anyone tell me the history of this forum??? How long ago was it created???? Why do think ATS related rhetoric comes up so high in google findings???- the way in which I was attracted here.

Nonetheless is is a great place to share ideas, but I will be more percautious unto the details I discuss; I won't ever want to spoil information potentially leading to a brilliant plan. Has this topic been discussed before, the validity, ownership, and true-intentions of AtS????

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Well you are new so welcome to ATS, heres a couple of PodCasts you might enjoy. Please use the ATS search feature you will find many threads like your, at least 2 a month come up from members who have never posted on ATS before You can credit the looks and speed of this site to the hard work of owners AKA The Three Amigos, and you can credit the quality of the posts to the members. And you can credit the smooth operations of this site to the hard working staff

The Three Amigos Interview - The History Of ATS

The OWNER'S Box - Archived Questions

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:14 AM
Welcome to ATS!

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
I'm a brand new member, and at first was blown away by the perfected web options on this forum.

Wow, you're somewhat of an anomaly (in a good way though

Many are a bit overwhelmed, at first, by the sheer number of topics, forums, options, and services available here. It's nice to hear of a new member that feels comfortable with it all.

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
who has invested so much money in such a complete forum, and why????

You can thank SimonGray, Skeptic Overlord, and Springer for that. As to why... to give us an opportunity to voice our opinions at one of the best venues on the net!

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
It is self evident that the government has and will continue to try and be on the inside.

Yes, there are a few members that are likely "spooks"; however, even "alphabet soup" agents have the right to their own opinions. As long as they present them in a respectful manner, they're welcome here too.

We have quite a few members who have, or have had, top secret clearances. While they're not likely to "spill the beans" on a given topic; you might find a few helpful hints about "interesting things" if you look in the right places, or catch one on the right day.

Really though, Gov. employees are everywhere; from the undercover cop at the mall, to your postal carrier that stops by your residence daily. Some here are probably "on duty", and some are "off" and just here to unwind; so it's not all that different from everyday life.

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
Can anyone tell me the history of this forum???

Why not hear it from the source! Show 31 is an interview with Simon (the site founder). It'll also give you an introduction to ATS MIX!

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
How long ago was it created????

About 10 years ago.

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
Why do think ATS related rhetoric comes up so high in google findings???

Skeptic has done quite a bit to optimize ATS for google searches in an effort to give us an opportunity to be heard.

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
Nonetheless is is a great place to share ideas, but I will be more percautious unto the details I discuss; I won't ever want to spoil information potentially leading to a brilliant plan.

Not sure I follow that one? What kind of "brilliant plan" are you worried about?

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
Has this topic been discussed before, the validity, ownership, and true-intentions of AtS????

Yes, ad nauseum. It's a conspiracy related site that seems "too good to be true" at times (we get top-notch cutting-edge tech with no cost for membership!), so, of course, no matter how much it's discussed people still come along thinking that something nefarious must be going on behind the scenes.

Oh well. As the saying goes, "you can't please all of the people all of the time", and the Three Amigos know this better than anyone.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Edit: Doh! Sauron beat me to it.

Well done Sauron.

[edit on 11/19/07 by redmage]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:26 AM
well, looking at the masters and the video from the recent revolution I'd say this place is owned and operated by the Men In Black.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Awww shucks! I watched the vid, but I musta missed it when Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones made their appearances. :bnghd:

Wait a second... that was Ice T & Richard Belzer, not Will & Tommy!

[edit on 11/19/07 by redmage]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:39 AM
The content is good here but the forum itself is terrible, the search was the worst Ive ever seen. I think they improved it but I still dont use it and dont bother starting new threads because of that.

I dont think that adds any weight to your beliefs IMO.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 05:04 AM
Yeah those guys are great. Personally, I don't think there's anything suspicious about this place. weird yes, but nothing out of the ordinary having to do with our government.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

It's thanks to guys like you Miller that this place is wierd... fantastically wierd though so keep it up!

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:17 AM
Why is a well organised and run forum such as ATS suspicious?

Isn't it more suspicious to be a new poster coming onto ATS and asking why the forum is suspicious? I mean...well...agenda or what?

Welcome to ATS

There are people here who know a lot about a little.
There are people here who know a little about a lot.

And everyone has an opinion - which is why, when it comes to the unusual side of life, ATS gets quoted alot on Google.

BTW, I highly doubt Simon Gray is a Neocon - as you proposed in your other rather agenda-led thread - he's English. We have more taste.

Two threads, similar agendas
Talk about being above the radar.

[edit on 19/1107/07 by neformore]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:20 AM
Ok OK OK he has us now guys. OK, who has that MIB pen thingy. Please film it and send IwillSurvive a copy of the video!


Jokes! Go and see the links provided by Sauron.

Infact, if this was government run you wouldn't be able to find anything and it would be "broken" most of the time with plenty of 404 pages. If anything was posted that would raise an eyebrow or 3 it would disappear and the poster would be found in a garbage bin or skip and their families shipped off to Mars to work the mines and some to the moon - seriously!!

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by neformore

Actually, I can see how someone would get the idea that ATS is run by the government. After all, every other site like this has to beg for money to pay the light bill, and they're all run by people that usually tolerate no ideas except their own.

And what's with the taste thing? Better taste than who? And having watched UK government for years, you may not call them Neocons, but they're still the same species of snake. So you just have too much taste to admit your errors in judgment in putting these types in office.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:42 AM
Hello new member. Welcome aboard the board and you won't get bored.

I hope there is no member or luker that really believes that any of us are ignorant enough to spill "the beans" concerning data that needs to be kept secret. If a member is that stupid then he/she doesn't need to be holding information that should remain quiet.

When all there was was one phone in a normal home, like in the 50's/early 60's, many of my friends parents had a picture of a large ear hanging by the phone. It was to remind we children that whatever we said on the telephone was absolutely not private and we should be careful of what we said.

I would say the majority of us here at ATS are careful not to divulge plans to take over countries or put antidepresants in all public water systems. Although, there is a big beautiful water fountain in the middle of this town I'm visiting. I'm thinking a box of soap and some red food color would make a very interesting early morning show. Maybe I'll just do that early one Monday morning.

Have no fear OP...just watch your back and don't say anything you would not want published in the local news paper.

Personally I do not believe this is a government operation as I do know a participant in this forum that would not be part of any such project.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:48 AM
I have never equated terms like "easy to use", "perfected", "efficient"
with the US government

You are giving them WAY TOO much credit, that should be the first clue that the government has nothing to do with ATS besides maybe coming here to LEARN something.

Here is the about page for the site:

About ATS

Happy Reading and WELCOME

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by IwillSurviveHas this topic been discussed before(?)

At least once a month, sometimes more.

Here's a look at one thread trying to address the ever-present issue: is a Government COINTELPRO Disinformation Operation

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by IwillSurvive
Has this topic been discussed before, the validity, ownership, and true-intentions of AtS????

And always by members who've been here for about twenty seconds before they start with ridiculous insinuations.

Government run?? Which one??
ATS is run by UK and US associates Skeptic,Simon and Springer.
Is this a new world government you're suggesting?

The US government is more interested in expanding its empire and the UK government couldn't run a freaking bath.

BTW Welcome to the greatest collection of minds in the world.

Feel welcome to ask for assistance in aquiring any information you desire.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by NGC2736

All the same species of snake for sure. lol

Its the terminology I was referring to. Neocon is such an....American term. Over here we'd call them facists and have done with it

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 11:00 AM
Lets see, you're suspicious of the motivations behind the people who run ATS. You see a possible conspiracy behind what is probably the biggest and best conspiracy discussion forum on the planet.

You'll fit in JUST FINE around here.

ATS members are notorious for conspiracies. All it takes is the smallest clue for some of us to spin off with an elaborate theory all based on the interpretation of one small detail.

For example, the No Brainers, pardon me that's No Planers believe that the jets hitting the twin towers piercing the wall and making a spectacular fireball were some kind of holographic projection. Now that's a conspiracy theory. It's almost as good as the OFFICIAL conspiracy theory put out by the Government to explain 911.

Anyway, WELCOME to the board. If your first post is any indicator you'll make an interesting addition to the group.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by LazyGuy]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 02:18 PM

We have quite a few members who have, or have had, top secret clearances.

The sad part is, a Top-Secret Clearance means nothing most of the time. I could tell some stuff that is considered Top-Secret, but its boring and would not make any sense to you. In fact, its just kind of a formality for a lot of military jobs. Now if I get transfered to Wright-Patterson, working in Hanger 18, then I may have something cool.
That would be my dream-job.

I would say that the coolest part about my TS clearance is how I got pulled out of basic training for 3 days to get it. It was like a brake from the yelling and push-ups.

WELCOME TO ATS. You have passed the membership exam, which is to start a thread like this.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:35 PM
if i was a government information agency it would be in my interests to at least monitor a site such as this.

and if was in control of a government information agency,being as megalomaniac as i am,i would try to control or own all forms of information exchange,from the T.V news to ATS.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:10 PM
Many things don't match up on this site, it is overwhelmingly obvious after I have spent just approximately 2 hours on it so far. All of you that said that I'm giving the government too much credit are certainly correct, they are absolute eggheads, slipping up constantly, but then again it seems they can afford to as they have been holding the citizenry's leash for the bulk of history.

Read books. Get off this site. Talk to people face to face, not through knowingly monitored means. The more you post here, the more you discuss here, the more they know of their opposition- common sense!

There is one practical solution that all of us have an opportunity to creatively engage in, the campaign for the republican nomination of Ron Paul. He is our greatest friend, all of us, no reptile could gain the exponential moving support that he has.

I love pyromanics, on Dec. 16th I get to be one. We all can. Let's light this world up.

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