Yes, that quote is true. Jews and, as David Duke calles them, Jewish Supremacists also known as Zionists are totally seperate.
Many Jews argue that the cold blooded Zionists that plague the world today are exactly that; cold blooded Zionists. Many Jews, I say this meaning; the
ones who have not been brainwashed, see Zionists as evil creatures hiding behind Judaism.
However, all powerful Jews, and I say this on the basis of incontrovertable facts, are supportive of Israel, and then their country. For example; they
put Israel before everything. Why? Because it is a "Jewish state" according to the powersthatbe. Non-Jews can't even vote.
The treatment of 25% of Israel is worse than what the African Americans went through. 15,000 killed by Ariel Sharon, 150,000 tortured and an
astonishing 800,000 wrongfully forced from their homes, never to return!
The fact that on a board, even such as "Above Top Secret", I still find the majority are willing to defend Jewish Supremacists. It offers evidence
of their sentimentality.
It also disgusts me...
See, the problem we face now is the largest, and has always been the largest. But, because the problem is so powerful, even the most independent and
open of minds are immidiately held in a stranglehold over the Jewish Question!
But, the racial extremists will continue to poison our minds.
Don't you find it ironic, when the ADL calls Whites supremacists, that Jews are the ones with the most racial state on Earth? The 'anti-Defamation'
league is not that, but is just about Jewish ethics.
They are involved in crime, terrorism and murder.
If the ADL was truly against defamation, do you know who would be the largest target? Jews, Zionism and the State of Israel!
Not only did they commit the largest murder in history, and not only are they the most racial bunch on Earth, but they committed the 9/11 attacks.
This entire war is about the Middle East, reshaping it for Israel.
Do you know why you do not know this? Zionists either own outright or oppressively control every major media outlet in the United States of America.
They own our cultural networks too, and with that, they are purposely destroying our culture and our heritage.
Now, don't think for a second that I'm a nutty Christian. I'm an Athiest. This is the stone cold truth, the truth that is boiling beneath the