posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:07 AM
I have no doubt it's coming. Sooner or later, every bit of this will be gone. The three amigos may be offered the opportunity to keep the site, but
just filter the more damaging stuff out.
For example, you know sometimes how CNN or someone like that will have an alternative view every, say, two months or something? Or that they
let Glenn Beck (puppet) and Lou Dobbs on their network?
I think ATS would be changed to something of that effect. "They" would monitor it and decide what content would be allowed. They may allow the very
light and harder to prove meaningless theories to be posted, but there's no way in hell stuff like 9/11 is going to be allowed.
So, yeah..ATS as we know it, along with many other sites out there, will be gone. A new ATS free of any clear and open thinking, and free of any
theories that may hold water, will emerge. It'll be a sad day, but I have no doubt it's coming.