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Indigo Children...humans are ever-evolving.

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 09:52 AM
I think the term 'Indigo Child' is misleading. I think what people are calling 'Indigo Children' are incarnates who REMEMBER who they are. And I don't believe they are just starting to come in, we all have the potential to become this 'Indigo Child' by remembering who we are.

We always want to define and restrict everything with definitions and criteria. People who REMEMBER who they are do not have to have traits to define them. Using the term 'Indigo CHILDREN' also implies there's no adults who REMEMBER who they are and this is also misleading because there have always been people who remember. Now in the past few years this Indigo buzz word has become 'popular' so everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

Personally, we can all be Indigo's (their definition, not mine) and indeed many have always been throughout time who REMEMBER who they are.

So I think we should be so exclusive and buy into everything as its presented. Indigo to me is just today's term for remembering and does not do justice to anyone by expecting that in all of eternity and time and the history of the earth that now in the past what, decade?, 'Indigo's are coming. I think indigos are just a new name for knowing soul.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:03 PM
We use these names to describe things. That's basically what the whole "language" business is about. It's a pretty cool thing. Don't discourage it. And when you don't understand something but have nothing constructive to add, just STFU. Easy, plus you don't hurt anyone's feeling nor do you say anything you'll regret later.

I thought this apropos:

Comment from: unityemissions on: 28/10/2008 @ 10:13
To consciously judge another is to unconsciously judge yourself

The reason you continue to see this in someone is because you refuse to see it in yourself

Your subconscious is attempting to teach you

If you learned that you were the one who was at fault how could you continue to judge?

You would perceptively empathise

The best teachers are ourselves, but sometimes the best means to listen comes from our interactions with people

If you find yourself judging, ask why, look inside

You will find that you are really upset with yourself for the same reason

don't judge

live, learn & love


I found that on a (named) profile. Most fitting.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:07 PM
I agree with Cosmic Egg. Light Worker/Eath Angel/ Indigo/ Crystal/ Rainbow are jst this centuries terms. We were also referred to as withces warlocs wizards enchantress shamans depending on time and location. Indigos have always existed. We were crucufied and burnt at the stake. Crystals are different because their abilities are harder to ignore. What is termed Rainbow children are coming, they have not been hear before, and they will be nearly impossible to ignore.

Thee only thing physically different about Indigos is that our eyes change color with our mood. This is true with Crystals as well.

Indigos are not selfish. We are very giving. We do not seek attension. We seek understanding. We are often slow to anger. We resent stupidity. We are normally very polite and generally honest.

If you do not believe, you will not believe unless you are a Child of the Light and another Child of the Light tells you so.

The world is not ending. It is ending as you know it.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:48 PM
--Fortunately, no truth relies on you to give it validation.-- CosmicEgg

Actually, subjective truth is what the majority deem it to be. Are you saying I'm not part of your group? How indigo of you. How non-judgmental.

Give it up Karen, you're not being truthful! I've found you out, hope ATS can see past your nonsense as well.

Indigo children is a concept of the New Age nonsense. It's a conditioning tool to make people feel special.

Just another brick in the wall......

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:54 PM
i hate the children of the corn Indigo kids ,id like to see what the mom and dads are like of thes kids and what there into and what the hell there being told first to make my mind up on very young kids. i suspect there manipulated by fanatical parents.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I find your thoughts interesting. How did you come to this conclusion?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Taz4591

Which part?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

This part:
Indigo children is a concept of the New Age nonsense. It's a conditioning tool to make people feel special.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Taz4591

It took a while to come to that conclusion. I fit most of the indigo characteristics, as do most children these days. I read up on New Age, and became indoctrinated. I started to perceive the world differently, but in all actuality, it was just projections.

It didn't match up in the least with the way things are. It separated me from the truth. I went through psychosis last year. Coming out of it, I clearly saw that the indigo phenomena was a joke.

It just takes some common-sense and a bit of knowledge on the changes that have happened in the last few decades. Children are so different from the previous generations because of the so many differences that exist in our environment!

I truly think most kids these days are incredibly biochemically imbalanced. I've already mentioned why, but to recap. Pollution, vaccines immunizations, copper-piping, polluted water & food, heavy metals everywhere. EM raditaton. Tons of information bombarding people with conformity & selfish individualism. It's a mess. No wonder so many cults are popping up.

Labels are lies. Every one of them. We're unique individuals who ALL have a special purpose. Which makes it not special at all, ya get?! We're all just people. Most misguided. Most good-hearted.

I'm willing to bet a good chunk of the "indigo children" are experiencing the effects of copper toxicity.

Check it out.

of high relevance from that site:

Children are born with high copper levels. Young children are very sensitive and intuitive. They often lose some of their sensitivity as their copper levels diminish around age four. Today, however, persistently elevated copper levels in children are commonly seen.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by unityemissions]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Once again interesting thought. Everyone is unique. Everyone has a mission to fill. True

How'd you come to the Indigo conclusion previously? As in, before you decided its a bunch of malarchy.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Taz4591

Are you asking how was I turned onto the indigo concept?

If so, it was because I was experiencing a lot of issues, and was looking for an outlet to explain them. Being intuitive, I thought indigo fit me quite well.

Yes, everyone does have there purpose.



posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:01 PM
Indigo children aren't spoiled brats as you may think, infact if you looked them up on the internet you'd find that they are here for a very important purpose, and that's to demolish goverment, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. And indigo children seeming to be of royalty means that they are sophisticated, not bratty. Another thing about indigo children is that they're more physchic, they are more open to spiritualty. Indigo children as I said before, are here to demolish systems that lack integrity, but they're also doing this to help make way for crystal children. I've also notice a few people are asking 'How do you know if you're a indigo child?' You know by feeling deep inside you and searching. If you feel like you want the world to be pure to the core, that you're more then what you appear... Well you'll just know

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Hmmm this is getting frustrating!
Darker higher powers definitely don't want me posting here, -__-" not joking Either this is the 3rd time I've had to try write this out (wrote 2 FULL posts and just before I hit send it jumps to some random page and I lose what I typed. Oh well I was warned of this happening, since they can't work fear into me they have to try other petty methods"

There is a lot of confusion of this site about indigo and I will try to clear things up to the best of my knowledge, there is a lot of information i can't share yet but wh i am able to I will try my best to keep you guys informed. I am quite busy and 90% of the time aren't even 'here' properly, and when I still need time for my girlfriend and family and such which I hardly ever get.

I'm doing this so that others trying to find themselves may find something in here that resonates and helps them along their path, sorry if there are a few mistakes or if some parts are a bit confusing, if there are any feel free to poin them out and feel free to ask any questions.

I am an indigo, I only became aware of this last year, and only started waking up beginning of this year.
Since I could talk I have been discussing worlds beyond our own and such with my parents, since I was 2 I have been discussing politics and world problems with my parents, and ever since I can remember I have had knowledge I still today struggle to grasp

In another post about an indigo from mars it states "I think that the older Boriska gets, the more he forgets." which is very true, though when I was younger I suppressed myself to the point I can't really remember anything of my childhood, maybe a few flashbacks but nothing more.

Whether that article itself is true or not I am skeptical about as a lot of people have misused the idea of indigo to gain publicity which is wrong in every way.

A lot of the information will be made clear over the next few years, 2012-2015 will be the biggest change and don't worry guys it's not the end of the world

but in all seriousness this is a great time of importance, struggles, learning and self discovery.
The indigo are not of greater importance than any other human, they are only here to help, the reason they act like "Royal Brats" Is because there are no other above them, and because of that they struggle with people who do not appreciate their existence here, and appreciation to come here and help.

The Indigo have 6th dimensional consciousness, not 4th, although this is mostly in their subconscious mind until they wake up or unlock it. but from then on out it becomes hard to use a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Their missions here include raising the collective consciousness of earth, helping others to 'wake up' and to help others on their path, among other things.

A little about indigo origin as I need to go and meditate for a bit, but I will be posting on here quite often hopefully. They are from pre matter dimensions 13,14,15 (Harmonic universe 5

Feel free to ask questions as it will be al ot easier for me to answeras I hae wayyy to much floting around in my head at the moment, and I still not fully awake yet so it's hard for me to channel information out, and since I've already lost 2 full post my 'consciousness' is a bit tired.

That chart I linked before might give you an idea of why so much information is held back, most of it is MUCH too big for people to comprehend, and will just cause confusion.

I will be back soon with as much information I can give, I may create a thread for it, but I'll leave this for now, I have a friend coming over who wants to discuss some spiritual matters in person, so I guess I better get back to work.

Peace out [:

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by pieman
yeah, i suppose it is, actually, i just did a google on it, here's the list of attributes that i've found

* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
* Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
* They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

this is the site that i found that on but they credit a site called 'the indigo children' which seems to be selling books, i couldn't find the info there, although i did get bored of looking.

so, it seems i, and everyone i know, are indigos, which is amazing, because i thought it was just way to much tv, video games and sugar at an impressionable age.

sounds like cult for basement dwellers seeking a purpose in life tbh =/

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 07:29 AM
What I want to know is when exactly did these "Indigo" persons start appearing on the planet, Who first named them Indigo?
It seems to me that almost every second person I meet that has attitude is SUDDENLY an Indigo and they seem to think that because THEY say they are Indigo they are above the rest!
So its apparently up to each and every one of us to decide whether we are an Indigo or not. I suggest that we ALL start telling everybody that we are Indigos and wait to see how long it takes for another colour to grab the headlines and someone to start calling themselves a "Cyan" or a "Magenta"
Isn't this just another form of racism or apartheid! We are all just people, some smarter than others, some better looking than others etc etc!
If you have ever lived with any form of discrimination you would not want to make silly distinctions like this that in the scheme of things actually mean nothing at all!
I turn 51 next year and I started reading "New Age" books when I was in my early teens, what does that make me? An Indigo Middle Aged Person? I don't think that makes me special, probably just weird, which I am sure is what my parents thought!
How old is the oldest Indigo "Child"? How many of these special ones are an "only child"? Probably the majority!
This is BS!

[edit on 4/12/09 by wiser3]

[edit on 4/12/09 by wiser3]

[edit on 4/12/09 by wiser3]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Taz4591
I agree with Cosmic Egg. Light Worker/Eath Angel/ Indigo/ Crystal/ Rainbow are jst this centuries terms. We were also referred to as withces warlocs wizards enchantress shamans depending on time and location. Indigos have always existed. We were crucufied and burnt at the stake. Crystals are different because their abilities are harder to ignore. What is termed Rainbow children are coming, they have not been hear before, and they will be nearly impossible to ignore.

Crucified by whom ? Burnt at the stake by whom ?
By those that thought they were "chosen" also..I guess.

Originally posted by Taz4591
Thee only thing physically different about Indigos is that our eyes change color with our mood. This is true with Crystals as well.

This I want to see, please supply me with, what should be easy to obtain, tangible evidence.

Originally posted by Taz4591
Indigos are not selfish. We are very giving. We do not seek attension. We seek understanding. We are often slow to anger. We resent stupidity. We are normally very polite and generally honest.

Most of the conclusions drawn from both ATS and other sources conflict with these claims.

Originally posted by Taz4591
If you do not believe, you will not believe unless you are a Child of the Light and another Child of the Light tells you so.

Umm, what ?

Originally posted by Taz4591
The world is not ending. It is ending as you know it.

Could I get a date, I might need to reschedule some meetings.

My world ends as I know it with every beat of my heart. To live is to change.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by ChimeraLOL

There is no evidence of 'indigo' people. None. What there is evidence for, however, is people wishing to label themselves as such in order to feel special and to get some sense of worth in their lives.

I'm not being rude, although it might sound as if I am. I'm trying to help.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:54 PM
Hey, it is really cool that some of you people can finally feel special, good for you.

I didn't check if I'm an indigo, cause I feel pretty awesome the way I am now, I don't have any issues with myself so I don't need stuff like that, but some people do as I see, it's ok I understand

Damn, it must suck for you all, feeling all royal and special, but I just heard about you for the first time on this forum, and will forget about you tomorrow. All you kings are wasting your potential in those locked rooms of yours in front of your computer

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Patenciq]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:07 AM
Indigo children?
What about the Crystal ones? Need more info

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:08 PM
As soon as my mother became aware of "indigo children" she became convinced that I was one. I'm not, as there is no such thing, but I do have synaesthesia - something which the "inventor" of indigo children had. Best I can tell, the concept of indigo children arises from the inventor's synesthetic illusion of seeing blue auras on children. I find it reprehensible to attempt to legitimize a synaesthetic illusion as anything based in reality - mostly because it misleads people like my mother into believing that the subjective interpretation of a synaesthete is a legitimate human condition. The "inventor" also claimed psychic ability - which now makes me suspicious that her synaesthesia is not legitimate. In fact, the entire concept and backstory wreaks of nonsense designed to vacuum New Ager's cash out of the wallets.

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