I came here to find answers, like I think a lotta people on here did. Some people come for the fun of viewing the mysterious, kinda like going to a
Ripley's Believe it or not, some come to debate, some come to debunk, some come to make fun, some come just to be weeowd. I, personally, came for
answers to questions I SHOULD be asking.
Let's start with 9/11. I don't need a bunch of people waving facts in my face anymore, saying this proves that or this disproves that. It's a gut
feeling I have... and no doubt some 9/11 truth documentaries influenced it, but I would never have believed any of that bullcrap (what I used to call
the truth movement) UNLESS I felt it to be true... unless I used MY OWN EYES to look, with no veils covering them. It insults me to my very core when
debunkers come onto this forum and insult the intelligence of many many people who can use their own common sense that we're all endowed with at
birth (although most common sense gets brainwashed and the baby thrown out with the bathwater). If nobody would have ever told me the footage I was
watching was building 7 collapsing (and if I hadnt seen it happen live....Yeah so did I, hotshot who watches TV, good for you
), I would most
definitely have said "Oh hey it's a building being demolished. Cool."
I don't care about the towers. Stop focusing on the towers... because the fact that no skyscraper has ever collapsed before makes it very hard for
either side of this argument to make a strong enough point (although I beg to differ about explosives NOT being used in the towers, for argument's
sake we'll forget about that aspect for this post). There just aren't enough statistics and logistics out there for it to accurately be analyzed,
because nobody's seen it happen before or since 9/11.
Building 7 was BARELY damaged look at it again and again and again, from any angle. It's very easy to see that the building was not damaged in a way
to fall the way it did. I'm no physics expert, but I mean do you really need to be a physics expert to know basic principles of gravity??? Are we
non-collegiates too stupid to be able to figure the world out by ourselves? That's what a lot of debunkers/skeptics act like, and it's an incredibly
degrading insult, and it honestly hurts a lotta people's feelings, and put doubt in themselves because "Oh well look at all these nice neat facts
and figures. I couldn't do that good of a job explaining anything. He must know what he's tyalkig about. I must be wrong." The typical "truther"
is a sheep to the movement, just as the typical average joe is just as easily a sheep, maybe even more-so because he sees a guy who says he's a
scientist explaining away all the conspiracy theories, and he goes "Oh yeah see I knew it. I'm gunna continue being a blind patriot and wavig my
little amflag. That guy just gave my conscience permission to go ahead and ignore what that other guy said."
I came here for truth... and you debunkers, man.... need to lay off the people who know. The people who know are 100 percent sure because this
information, this realization, this epiphany, these events they've experienced.... it changed our lives and our perspectives of the world around us.
Trust me, I question everything now. I have tried several times questioning my beliefs in 9/11 since my epiphany, and one guy almost succeeded in
convincing me until I realized he was full of crap and trying to blame Arabs for everything in a very roundabout way... like every Arab wants to kill
Americans just because the govt decided to support Israel. No doubt that happens, but most people would rather just everyone chill out and be at
peace. It's only brainwashed Arab soldiers trained by CIA-backed "terror camps" that turn around and do these atrocious thing, either that or some
unfortunately terribly brainwashed religious fanatic running at you with a bomb strapped to his chest just because somebody made him think God likes
killing done in his name.... but hey Christians have been doing that for the better part of two millenia. This is what the CIA does. It infiltrates
groups of people, and plants idealists and fundamentalists that are good at riling up a crowd, and these fundamentalists start violent revolutions
that tear the groups apart.
Whether or not Arabs were involed in 9/11 or WTC '93 or OK City, or the US embassy bombing.... guess who started it. Guess who started it all, and
now their perfect mess is spiralling out of control, and we're all sitting here debating pointless little facts and figures and who's right and
who's wrong. Well just STOP!!!
We all know something is very very very wrong here, and we decide its better to argue and insult each other than all agree on some fundamental truths.
Some fundamental truth is so simple to see, and I don't get why many many of you can't see this. It's that peace is obviously NOT being achieved by
war. Freedom is being taken away by war, by government expansion, by the corporate takeover of our country and our lives, oil is obsolete yet we're
still being FORCED to pay outrageous prices for it. Our food is filled with poison, our water is polluted and contaminated by the corporations who we
must live off of, and we are slaves to a god damn little green piece of paper. One little piece of worthless tree shaving can cause so much death and
destruction and hate and misery all over this beautiful world, and is issuing in a coming apocalypse. Money is evil, my friends. Those who believe in
the Devil could say he's alive and well within the vaults of the world's banking system.
There is a conspiracy. I don't need to prove that. Just check your wallet or your pocket, and you'll see evidence of a several millenia-old
conspiracy right there on your personage.
Please be smart and realize it's better to agree to disagree. Let's start doing that on this site. Let's start planning actions instead of arguing
beurocratic bull# that delays everything.
The revolution is happening now, and you debunkers cannot stop it. People are waking up and realizing the power of their own brains... slowly but
You debunkers cannot disprove anything to the people who KNOW. We don't need it all spelled out for us. We can read between the lines, as well as the
lines themselves. So hey have fun delaying real progress with your degrees and your lengthy bull# campaigns and your patriotic duty to ignore your
denial, instead of denying your ingnorance.
thank you.