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FOX O'Reilly Factor tonight 16th Nov. UFO Discussion

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

thanks Diplomat, i liked that O'riely said if someoen brings proof, he guarenteed he would get it out.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I am a conservative (as should anyone that considers their reality to be based in common sense, reason and logic should be) but even I can't stomach that blow hard.

There will be nothing discussed that you don't already know, and nothing that you can't find better info on the internet about anyway. Don't waste your time.

When there is any real news concerning UFO's to be presented to the public, rest assured it wont be on any of the major cheesy talk show programs.

Common sense, reason and logic.... hrmm... so how do you explain away the conservatives insistence on abstinence only education in light of evidence that shows that sexual education including information regarding contraceptives is the most effective means of preventing early pregnancies that can lead to abortions?

How about your parties stubborn position on stem cell research?

How's that 'Inteligent Design' thing going for you, btw?

[edit on 17-11-2007 by zoopnfunk]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by zoopnfunk
Common sense, reason and logic.... hrmm... so how do you explain away the conservatives insistence on abstinence only education in light of evidence that shows that sexual education including information regarding contraceptives is the most effective means of preventing early pregnancies that can lead to abortions?

How about your parties stubborn position on stem cell research?

How's that 'Inteligent Design' thing going for you, btw?

Ever heard of confirmation bias? Why would you single out these particular issues just to criticize a general political persuasion? There is nothing that makes them generally more important than others.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 08:26 AM
The day I need O'reilly's tick of approval before I accepted certain realities would be the day I trade my brain in for a wet sock. Anyhow, 'mainstream' seems to be ramping up somewhat.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 08:29 AM

How does proving the existence of beings from other planets make you rich?

becuase if you had genuine proof like clear footage of an ET craft it would be worth millions in media rights all over the world

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 09:04 AM
Better quality video here:

She came off a lil nutty with the "they like to be called space people" crap, and FoxNews did the usual movie clips to make fun of the subject. But worth a quack, err I mean quick watch.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 09:32 AM
I recently posted in a different thread called "Are freemasons evil"? about how media can be manipulated to put the desired information and result in the human mind.

Anyone that believes in a ruling Illuminati, Winds of Moriah and all the other names they have been given. From what I am seeing this group if it does exist is trying to discredit the UFO/ET issue even more so by using Shirley McClain.(New Agey and Kookey) Another example is when Tim Russert called out Kucinich during a presedential debate on the issue and the audience chuckled. 911 and Rosie O'Donald etc.

I have seen some posts in this forum regarding the reptilians and how some being interviewed have vertical slit pupils, green skin, green eyes etc. Perhaps the media purposely does this for some reason. Another subtle example of this is the Geico Commercials with the lizard and the caveman the easter bunny (Energizer Bunny) and UFOs

If you want to see the true nature of the reptilian (reptilian mind and demeanor) slow the film down and watch the demeanor and affect(expressions) of the one being observed. see: (The John Edwards/Reptilian thread) Looking for green, shading of skin, vertical pupils etc is to keep your mind on the surface (3d) Focus more on the Reptilian brain and behavior. (Fear,Fight, Feed, Fornicate) They push it 24/7 on the masses through media and way of life.

It will be interesting to see how Fox makes the subject of UFOs and ETs even kookier.

I can tell you this much. Once one has swallowed that indeed their is a hidden hand that rules over the masses and some of the methodoligies they use to manipulate the human soul(mind), you can begin to see how it works on some level. You definately don't see things the same way. But you have to get to that final realization that a hidden group exists, that its not just some whacked out conspiracy theory and they are indeed very cunning and powerful. Getting to this position is easy for some and goes all the way to impossible for many.

Trust me...i dont have all the answers and I am in no way immune to being manipulated and controlled and my apologies for my scattered way of presenting my thoughts. I never was much of a grammar,syntax, spelling, and punctuations person. I hated english in school.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by fastwalker23]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 10:20 AM

I started this thread to notify all those interested that FOX was covering the issue. I thought it was to be a more in depth look at recent disclosure events but it ended up being Shirley doing her thing ???? The one positive developement was as mentioned by another member here that O'reilly stated repetedly that he'd be the first to tell the world if difinitive proof was available. We all know there is a lot of compelling proof out there but I think he'd need a ship sitting in front of him with GW waving to his handful of remaining supporters on his way down the gang way to truly believe.

My interest here is concerning Big Media. It is laundered, folded and wrapped for us. It is indeed a brave new world. I remember not long ago 24 hour news channels. Now nothing in the world happens after 7 PM. All the real journalist are gone because they couldn't stomach it. They didn't retire they opted out. Those that remain do what they are told.

How difficult would it be to create an internet based news site with no external oversite on content. 2 person teams with video cameras in all major cities. A central editing office, and a great community of staff committed to the truth based on the tried and true method of journalistic integrity.

It could be achieved,

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by GeeGee
How does proving the existence of beings from other planets make you rich?

You just need to sign them to a contract granting you rights as their exclusive personal representative, with a 15% take. Like Boras and A-Rod, Burisch and J-Rod. Horn and Meier. Think of the residuals!

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
You just need to sign them to a contract granting you rights as their exclusive personal representative, with a 15% take. Like Boras and A-Rod, Burisch and J-Rod. Horn and Meier. Think of the residuals!

Are you just making assumptions on these people? Meier lives in a small house in the mountains of Switzerland.

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