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FOX O'Reilly Factor tonight 16th Nov. UFO Discussion

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Hello everyone,

O'reilly factor to discus recent UFO disclosure meetings along with Shirley Maclean tonight Nov 16, 7 pm central. Well now we have FOX covering the issues. I guess not to be outdone by CNN. With all of this talk and countless proclamations from very well respected individuals such as governers, ex astronauts ( Story Musgrave, see other thread ) and many others I am at a lost to have no response from the Bush whitehouse. Leads me to believe that it will take something more agresssive to push them to address the issue. Million man march type of event maybe. The same state of denial leads me to believe the most plausible explanation to be that what we are seeing is our own technology. Which would be kept secret for national security issues. I had a friend who worked at the Selk institute who told me that she could not tell me what she knew but she did say that there were things being researched and developed that were incredible and quite scary. I wrote a speach for her that was delivered by the Canadian space agency chief several years back. I believe her. Just look at the SR-71 developed in the early 60s, Where are we now with our aircraft ????

The other possibility is that they are indeed from another species then our own. I am of the group of people who believe that we can't be alone in the vastness of the universe. If they exist I believe they are not all that friendly. There behavior is suspicious, creeping around the way they do. So if they are not to be trusted I believe the government would keep us in the dark because in all likelyhood they, we, do not have the means to confront them.

In either case we are in the dark. Also to be considered is that if they are so far superior to us maybe they considered us like we consider our pets. If the public were to have this knowledge I think a lot of people wouldn't deal with that reality to well. honestly I think people would be angry and disappointed with there new position on the food chain.

Again we are in the dark.
Thanks, lets see what happens on Fox tonight.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 01:43 PM
As someone who hasn't actually been able to watch a whole showing of O'Reilly, I can only hope that this will be in some way civil, but I doubt it.

MacLaine will probably be painted as an outright crackpot and I get the feeling that O'Reilly will utterly ignore anything said at the recent NPC conference, and paint all people interested with the same brush-o-freakazoid

Given that we all realize just how completely Fox News' views appear to be dictated from the top, and if the subject is treated with some kind of respect, that would be interesting because it would show a good shift in attitudes. But I think this would mean them interviewing other people than just MacLaine.

I hope she doesn't get set up as an example of how stupid the rest of us interested in the subject of UFOs, and government secrecy thereof, apparently are

[edit on 11/16/2007 by uv777bk]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 02:11 PM
I am a conservative (as should anyone that considers their reality to be based in common sense, reason and logic should be) but even I can't stomach that blow hard.

There will be nothing discussed that you don't already know, and nothing that you can't find better info on the internet about anyway. Don't waste your time.

When there is any real news concerning UFO's to be presented to the public, rest assured it wont be on any of the major cheesy talk show programs.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Let's be rational individuals and wait until the show is ever, eh? I never thought CNN would give a fair shake to the UFO proponents, but they did.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by uv777bk

I hope she doesn't get set up as an example of how stupid the rest of us interested in the subject of UFOs, and government secrecy thereof, apparently are

Unfortunately, she doesn't need to. There are plenty that do that on a daily basis now, and that's why the whole subject of Ufology will never be taken seriously (ignoring the total lack of evidence other than pointless eyewitness testimony) There will never be mainstream support unless those of you that believe weed out the foolish like Greer, Billy, Lear, Lazar....the list goes on. Blind Believers do it to themselves by not policing their own community, making it next to impossible to move this whole thing forward into the mainstream for those of us that want to really get to the bottom of it (which will require mainstream support) Think about it, I'm right 100% on this.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Riposte

I know, I'm being my usual pessimistic self

C'mon O'Reilly, give it a fair shake, and don't say 'Oo-er'

(The above joke will be appreciated by any 'Filthy, Rich & Catflap' fans that happen to read this)

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Fox is now jumping on the bandwagon, I wonder if this will stir up anybody on the Republican side. I have posted this in the other thread but I will post it here as well because I strongly believe this to be true.

Only three ways that official disclosure will happen and none of them look good -

  1. Disclosure will happen for an ET False Flag Attack

  2. Disclosure will happen because people will rise up against their government and force the hands of the Elites to Disclosure, which will turn into an ET False Flag Attack

  3. We are some how able to take out the Elites, The Military Industrial Complex, The Shadow Government and The MIB's - then and only then will true disclosure and truth will come out to the masses.

The reasons for this is obvious and has been stated on ATS many times by many members. The powers that be cannot and will not let the truth out because they have done evils beyond imagination and there is no turning back.

Get ready, because this is just the beginning of their agenda for an ET False Flag Attack.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 04:45 PM
what time is this on in eastern?

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 04:55 PM
"They're out there and they're watching us! Shirley MacLain says Aliens are very real! Excuse us ... STAR-BEINGS are very real! Don't miss this!"

From the way they are advertising it, I'll bet it is going to be the typical Bill O'reilly lambaste.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 04:58 PM
The red flag here is "Out on a Limb" MacLaine, the person Dean Martin said "didn't have all her oars in the water." She's an entertainer. See her web site here. I suspect she has been chosen for another reason as well. It was at her house in Washingtion State near Mt. Rainier that Kucinich "saw a UFO" after hearing music outside. There is no other reason to have her on the show except for the Kucinich connection. As an actress who is also used to giving many public lectures on New Age topics, she certainly is used to extemporaneous speaking. I wonder if she can pull it off against the frightful O'Reilly.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Shirley McClaine is the mainstream media's crackpot scapegoat. Out of all the educated people that O'Reilly could possibly interview about this subject he chose Shirley McClaine. It is obvious what's going on here.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 05:45 PM
This will be very interesting. I admit that before I found out that it is all a manipulation game, I was into politics and was a big conservative. My three favorite talk show radio hosts where Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity & Michael Savage.

Now these guys are the biggest haters and stone throwers at people that believe in UFO's or any kind of Conspiracy. It is because of the traditionalism mantality that comes from right wing conservative republicans. Most of them are religious extremists and very narrow minded by nature. This will be very interesting indeed.

[edit on 11/16/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 06:07 PM
I do not believe her interview tonight is related to CNN's recent "semi-disclosure" stance. Her schedule promoting her new book says it all:


[edit on 11/16/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 06:40 PM
Shirley? Look at her site, she's into numerology, "animal communication" and crop circles.... and sweeps MONTH comes to a close...

[edit on 16-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 06:41 PM
It says she's going to be on Larry King again tonight. I wonder what they will be talking about...

edit: I just checked his site and it looks like it's about Ghosts...

[edit on 16-11-2007 by Diplomat]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by housegroove23
This will be very interesting. I admit that before I found out that it is all a manipulation game, I was into politics and was a big conservative. My three favorite talk show radio hosts where Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity & Michael Savage.

Now these guys are the biggest haters and stone throwers at people that believe in UFO's or any kind of Conspiracy. It is because of the traditionalism mantality that comes from right wing conservative republicans. Most of them are religious extremists and very narrow minded by nature. This will be very interesting indeed.

[edit on 11/16/07 by housegroove23]

They are also representative of how the public at large treats the UFO topic. Politics is a double-edged sword, both sides (or all sides) are just as deadly.

Don't kid yourself into thinking the opposite of Republican is tolerant and peaceful.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Saw it and was nothing really. Bless her heart but she looked drunk to me. Her views on the UFO subject are cultic like. We need to get Fox, Callahan, Fife, and the rest of the big boys.

She seemed hopeless and O'reilly treated her like a little girl fixed on a nice belief.

[edit on 16-11-2007 by The Coward]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:30 PM
i have just noticed this post, and if anyone had recorded it could you send a link please. but if it is all the same old BS don't worry about it.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 09:01 PM
I found the interview already. Isn't the Internet great?

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 09:42 PM
I was actually surprised he didn't bash UFOlogy, I was expecting it. As for "anyone who can prove extraterrestrials exist would make a bundle!", I don't see how that's true. If someone engineered a free energy device, they'd make a bundle. If someone created a cure for cancer or AIDS, they'd make a bundle. How does proving the existence of beings from other planets make you rich?

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