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911 and the Anthrax attacks connections:rogue military/black operations?

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posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Anyone want to watch the charges going off inside of the WTC? You can see them clearly through the smoke, there is no doubt after watching this that it was a demolition job.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by goose]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

Items #1, #2, #4 in your OP are consistant with a viewpoint that the
FBI, counter-terrorism units, military intel., were all allowing these
individuals free and unrestrained movement for the purpose of
tracking their activities, learning their contacts and networks, determining if 'Cells' were being formed, and just what any 'missions' might be in the future.
The USA security and defense of the social order was played too loose and fast by the intelligence agencies eager to bask in some imagined glory
at some future unwrapping of a saboteurs' plot ready to be started.
The independent parts of the larger Intel community got bamboozled
by a cadre of zealots
(and that's what is being 'covered up'... imo)

As far as the 'Anthrax', traced to a weaponized strain in the USA arsenal,
tecnically the USAs not supposed to be actively pursuing chemical & biological agents...that is one part of the 'cover-up''s needed!

second, the same elements that can lead one to draw a conclusion that
this act was planned by a shadow govt operation...
can be used to put forth the scenario that a single rogue zealot,
either was self motivated or was convinced by some unknown higher-up
to go forth and cause an act sowing confusion & misdirection with the Anthrax letters a week after the 9-11 attacks.

start with the cabal who gathered together to create PNAC,
any one of those individuals could be the obscure 'higher-up'
Most of those PNACers, got into the system during the Nixon
era...when that whole regime was known to the anti-war movement as
neo-nazis &/or neo-fascists
(over the years those Nixon era freshmen, politicos morphed into modern neocons or even evangelicals & dominionists, who with GW Bush seized the administration along with strategic policy making.
Rumsfeld and too many to innumerate are all part of this cabal...)

imo, a fanatically loyal neocon or even PNAC zealot, took it upon theirself
to commit the Anthrax letter attacks, without the knowledge of the others
......and the stonewalling & cover-up going on is just the inner circle
protecting one-of-their-own (even though they acted irresponsibly)...
and protecting the Fort Deitrich clientel & operations

[edit on 19-11-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 05:44 PM

While can't identify exact source of sound be aware that fire scenes are
noisy, especially if there is structural collapse. Number of things
can make "explosion" type sounds - structural failures (beams snapping)
can made a very loud noise, internal collapses - floors or contents falling
can make such sounds, transformers blowing up (WTC 7 was built over
CON ED substation) as can debris falling. The South Side of WTC 7
had be slashed open for almost 20 floors by debris from North Tower
(WTC 1). Debris was falling off the building for rest of day posing
danger to Firefighters, also because of damage building was "moving"
and FF reported it was creaking and groaning.

Check out this link for detailed analysis of WTC 7 collapse

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:47 AM
This is a rare report from CNN where they talk about there national security reporter Chris Plant has contacts and they say that at least two of the 911 hijackers trained under a special foreign military exchange training program.


Keep in mind this is a very early report , I believe from 9-12. This was the tip of the iceberg at this point and right as the total media silence is about to kick into gear regarding anything like this.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by thedman

I agree with you EM, as far as there being explosive like sounds going off during some catastrophic fire. You dont really think though that that particular explosion on the previously linked video was something falling or a beam cracking you?? Because thats very hard for me to believe being that it has all the sound qualities of a large blast type explosion with a large sound pressure wave. Also, because of deflection from the multiple buildings around there it would seem that they were pretty close to where ever that originated from. Ahhh, if only someone familiar with that area could pin point exactly where that pay phone was on a map in relation to the WTC complex. It must have been pretty close because as I said before at least one of the towers have already collapsed at this point, maybe both not enough information bout the video yet.

Here is the link

Watching it again , to me at least it looked like it would be fairly easy for someone to help pin point exactly where this location is being that the camera man pans away towards the direction of the explosion and you can then see buildings.
Interesting how the INS officer basically tells the Firefighter to f-off when he tells them they gotta get out of there.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
The USA security and defense of the social order was played too loose and fast by the intelligence agencies eager to bask in some imagined glory
at some future unwrapping of a saboteurs' plot ready to be started.
The independent parts of the larger Intel community got bamboozled
by a cadre of zealots
(and that's what is being 'covered up'... imo)

This statement is probably pretty close and makes my blood boil because it's at tax payers expence but we'll never see the justice.

As far as the 'Anthrax', traced to a weaponized strain in the USA arsenal,
tecnically the USAs not supposed to be actively pursuing chemical & biological agents...that is one part of the 'cover-up''s needed!

It's needed? What exactly do we need anthrax for as the most powerful military based society in the world? To scare our own people into believing that waisting large amonts of money and invading countries on the other side of the world will make us safer?

... a single rogue zealot,
either was self motivated or was convinced by some unknown higher-up
to go forth and cause an act sowing confusion & misdirection with the Anthrax letters a week after the 9-11 attacks.

Possible answer to my previous questions.

.....and the stonewalling & cover-up going on is just the inner circle
protecting one-of-their-own (even though they acted irresponsibly)...
and protecting the Fort Deitrich clientel & operations

A sad statement as well, but not far from the truth IMHO. So what can we do about it?


posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Your entire scenario you put forth seems like one of the very few possibilities that it has to be happening at this point with the whole Anthrax saga.

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