Quite possibly ... a 'black op' instigates another country, the country strikes back in defense, and their retaliation gets labeled as a terrorist
attack. Sort of what happened with the Japanese and Pearl Harbor ... we allow it to happen so we can go to war ...
now, since, the next country on their (
Santa) checklist is Iran ... fully expect some implication of them. We have already instigated them. I doubt that it would be a direct false
flag attempt any time soon ... there are too many people paying close attention with cameras at the ready. It needs to look real, unstaged. It has
to be real, even if it was an evil scheme by Dr. Evil and his son (VP and P). Of course, we have Mr. Powers (RP and/or DK) that will try to save the
day ... will he make it in time? Will they allow him into the compound? Can he beat #1 (MR) and Ms. Fagina (HRC) in the election? Find out in the
next 14 months.
Another odd turn of events could be the Odd Couple ... the two smallest countries in the world equaling less than 1 square mile total join forces and
enslave the u.s. using armies of people not from their own land --- misguided religious fanatics, televangelists and their followers through promises
of forgiveness and salvation, mafia/gangs, and promises to gamblers that all debts would be cleared, given a comped room for a year and a grand a day
free chips ... yes, I am talking about Vatican City and Monaco. VC will claim the eastern half of the u.s. since it has the Bible belt ... and
Monaco will take the west with the casinos. They will eventually take over Canada and Mexico ... Monaco getting the latter and VC getting the prior.
Through rule of the western-northern hemisphere ... they begin their global domination and claim manifest destiny on the rest of the continents,
beginning with Australia for strategic purposes.
Seriously, out of that list, it is hard to tell. I am hoping so bad nothing happens, I cannot allow myself to see any of them as a viable
possibility, and we WON'T be hit with any more terrorist attacks again (go optimism).
We may have something else come along that is none of those that may change the way we think ... asteroid, major volcanic eruption, Greenland's ice
flooding coastal areas, major tsunami from half that volcano across the Atlantic falling into the ocean, or some other major random natural disaster
that cannot be predicted or determined at this time ... or maybe something not so natural. Who know, possibilities truly are near endless.
BTW, I don't see patriots defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights as terrorists, even if they strike with violence ... When peace no longer
works, you must use a firm hand ... just as these idiots in office do to other countries that don't bound to their will ... the difference is ...
other countries don't have to answer to our gov't ... our gov't DOES have to answer to its people.