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posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 08:51 PM
I am sure this has been discussed before, but what the heck.

I believe the US Army along with other entities created an immune system virus that is know today as AIDS. I know alot of other people that agree. From what I have dug up it seems that this is actual fact and not conspiracy.

The most alarming fact that I recently ran across was the Dept. of Defense Appropriations for 1970. An actual documentation from congress (H.B. 15090).

Other alarming facts are there seem to be small pox vaccinations going on in Africa, and in America homosexuals were given hepetitus vaccinations.

It seems strange due to the fact that they say it started in Africa with a man being bit by a monkey or doing a monkey and then it spread to millions of humans in Africa. At the same time it affected homosexual communities in America.

How could one person start an epidemic in that short amount of time? They couldn't. The way the virus spread suggest that it was simotanously contracted by thousands.

Furthermore, why would an epidemic of this magnitude be so selective in where and who it infected? The report I read, if I remeber right, attemted to find out how many of the vaccinated homosexuals contractid HIV and the numbers were shocking.

Now if the Gov. is going to produce a virus that could wipe out an entire race and possibly infect the very creators don't you think they would have came up with a vaccine before deploying?

And does anybody here care to share what they have found out on this subject?

I will review my old files and post them if anyone is interested.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:02 PM
I'd like to see what you have...

...very intersted...

just a little something from a file I have on my comp:

At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969, the Defense Department's Biological Warfare (BW) division requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new disease that would both resist and break down a victim's immune system. "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases." (See - A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J. Paxman, p 266, Hill and Wang, pubs.) The funds were approved.

AIDS appeared within the requested time frame, and has the exact characteristics specified.

In 1972, the World Health Organization published a similar proposal: "An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by ...affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens." (Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.) This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.

The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.

posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 09:19 AM
HIV/AIDS isn't nearly dangerous, or in this case, effective enough to be called a weapon. If you have unprotected sex with a woman who has HIV (virus) or even AIDS (disease) whose on the pill, there's just a big a chance that you catch the virus as that you might make her pregnant. Something to think about.

Fear rather the flu. That's a dangerous desease, and the variant we see today, that bird flu, spreads through birds who travel from one continent to another without even being notised on the radar, and with small possibilities to catch and destroy these "carriers". This one together with SARS etc may very well be manmade.

Besides, a couple of years back, they did a study at UCLA, where they monitored a group of children born with HIV. What they realised after a while, was that some of the children became free of the virus, and did infact develop something of a super immune system(!) which was capable of handling every virus and bacteria they tested it against. IOW: They could no longer become sick! These children were also what you could call "spiritually superior", they saw no difference between the "outside" and the "inside" world, they were patient, forgiving and loving. I read their reports from the study off the official UCLA Medical Centre website a couple of years back. Can't seem to retrieve the original study, but there are more than one mention of it in the media and other secondary sources if you like to learn more about this.


[Edited on 15-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 01:52 PM
I dont think AIDS is a weapon.

Well unless you force people to have sex with other people that have AIDS.

But if you catch AIDS that means you just slipped up and forgot the condom.

Or better yet check on the persons history before you sleep with him/her.


posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 01:57 PM
AIDS might have been a weapon produced, but somehow mysteriously got out into the non-target audience. Think of it this way, a test victim, military man is a human experiment that is injected with the AIDS virus but being told it was just another vaccination such as Polio. They keep track of the guy who happens to be a homosexual, gays in the military, big no no so he couldve been expendable.
After no initial confirmation that the virus showed up in his system, because of the 5 year delay that is possible then they let him go thinking nothing of it. After a period he has sex with his lover and then from there it spreads. It seems completely logical, especially considering monkeys have been around forever and this disease just happens to appear and have no relations with any current disease known to man.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Dreamz
AIDS might have been a weapon produced, but somehow mysteriously got out into the non-target audience. Think of it this way, a test victim, military man is a human experiment that is injected with the AIDS virus but being told it was just another vaccination such as Polio. They keep track of the guy who happens to be a homosexual, gays in the military, big no no so he couldve been expendable.

The problem is all of that is MIGHT.


posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I understand that Russian and I am not saying it is true by any means, but it does sound like something that is pretty logical if you ask me. I am not sure were I stand on the topic because I never gave it alot of thought nor have I looked into the original way this was transferred from monkeys to humans....So it was more of a tongue and cheek response to a issue that is largely debated.

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Dreamz
AIDS might have been a weapon produced, but somehow mysteriously got out into the non-target audience. Think of it this way, a test victim, military man is a human experiment that is injected with the AIDS virus but being told it was just another vaccination such as Polio. They keep track of the guy who happens to be a homosexual, gays in the military, big no no so he couldve been expendable.
After no initial confirmation that the virus showed up in his system, because of the 5 year delay that is possible then they let him go thinking nothing of it. After a period he has sex with his lover and then from there it spreads. It seems completely logical, especially considering monkeys have been around forever and this disease just happens to appear and have no relations with any current disease known to man.

Viruses do not remain dormant for five years, six months or whatever, that's total b.s., that's not how viruses work. What monkey are you talking about? if I recall correctly it was supposed to be a green monkey that was the original host, unfortunately there has never been an original host found for HIV, same goes for ebola.
more things ... do you know that HIV has never been observed popping? what's popping? when a virus goes into a cell it takes over the cell and makes it reproduce more virus cells, and more virus cells until the cell can no longer hold all of these cells and pop, the cell explodes and release's all of the new viruses out to infect other cells. that is how a virus spreads, but not HIV.


posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 04:16 AM
Ooops, Suppose I should get back to this topic? Hehe, ok . . .

Hamilton . . . WHAT? Seriously, the flu? And super humanoid children with HIV? . . . Are you from the CIA?

Russian . . . Sex is NOT the reason for this epidemic, it is the most common form of transferance.

Dreamz . . . Its cool! But stick around.

Razorbackhater . . . Exactly. It is a virus, but doesn't act like a normal virus. The original virus that 'they' say this is a strain of, acts like a virus.

Juanbond . . . K, I just put in a new hard drive and I have two that have info, but they are kinda f'ed up. Tis' ok, I remeber stuff as well as how to find the documentations.

The flow chart. Download it, work it around in the acrobat so you can study, then see what you think. In the meantime, I am gunna try and find all my old posts and links to this dismay.

Flow Chart

The reason it is a 'weapon' is it was designed to be 'selective' . . .

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 05:23 AM
AIDS isn't a weapon or man-made.
Viruses like this pop up all the time in the wild. It's just unusual because it was able to cross species.
Viruses in the animal kingdom evolve just as they do in human species. With man having closer contact with animals due to destruction of natural habitat and with modern technology enabling the rapid transfer of a new virus, AIDS made quite a logical scientific introduction.
It should also be remembered that it isn't the first or last virus of it's type to display the qualities of development that it has. SARS, Bird flue, even rabies all came about in pretty much the same way. As time goes on, there will almost certainly be more viruses to appear.
AIDS is just a natural virus doing it's own thing. There are thousands of viruses out there that it mirrors, and there is no suspicion over the way that it began when you compare it with others.
The only reason that AIDS has had such a major impact is because of 3rd world culture. Poor education and reaction to AIDS meant that it was able to cause far more damage to underdeveloped nations than to the industrial world. Once it's dangers were known, contamination in the West came under control very, very quickly. Because of sexual habits in Africa it has been able to grasp a foothold and even though people are aware of it's existence they still treat it as a disease that they can take risks with - therefore it has been very hard to eradicate over there.

As a weapon, AIDS/HIV would be a very poor one. Transmission is not 100%, death is not 100% and it can easily be avoided by the simple use of contraception.
It would be like firing a gun into the air over an armoured target and hoping it kills - very ineffective.

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 05:58 PM
Here is another site to check out-

I have been personally affected by this epidemic. My mother and father died of Aids when I was 17 and my brother was born with it(he is now full blown at the age of 18). From the things that I have been reading is enough to make me vomit. Population control is very real. And to those that believe Aids is a harmless virus now because of new treatments, you are wrong. Take it from someone that has experience.

21.8 Million has died of AIDS since it's start.

There are currently 40 million people infected with AIDS world wide and growing.

That's not small peanuts. Not to mention it has stalled the "free love" era and has slowed birthrates world wide since the early 1980's. Not only that but it has mostly hit the minority low to mid income area which is ideal for the Illuminati. I think the case for population control is quite obvious. All these "mystery" illnesses(Bird flu, monkey pox, Sars, West nile, foot and mouth, mad cow etc..) popping out of no where and most have origins which are unknown. I wonder.

Currently there are about 6.5 billion people on this earth. In 1900 the TOTAL population since the dawn of modern man(going back 100,000's of years) was no larger than 2 billion. In a matter of 100 years we have been able to triple that number and still going strong. Do you think "the powers that be" will stand around and do nothing?

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 06:15 PM
I think the government created HIV as a biological weapon or a form of population control. AIDS is the only ethno-selective disease on the planet. That should tell you something right there.

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Sure viruses pop out of nowhere, but with aids/hiv there are too many suspicious things involved in the whole damn thing. Check out dr. Len Horowitz's book aids and ebola emerging viruses. ebola for instance is not natural at all, it is a very effective weapon made by Russia. Why do you think a natural host has never been found? why do you think outbreaks are mainly concentrated in Africa? Testing perhaps? could you imagine ebola being released in a major city in several locations at once?

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 08:04 PM
Yes i agree that the U.S. created AIDS to kill African Americans and gays

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by ME
I am sure this has been discussed before, but what the heck.

I believe the US Army along with other entities created an immune system virus that is know today as AIDS. I know alot of other people that agree. From what I have dug up it seems that this is actual fact and not conspiracy.
>>actually its known as HIV aids isnt a virus its whats caused by the virus

The most alarming fact that I recently ran across was the Dept. of Defense Appropriations for 1970. An actual documentation from congress (H.B. 15090).

Other alarming facts are there seem to be small pox vaccinations going on in Africa, and in America homosexuals were given hepetitus vaccinations.

It seems strange due to the fact that they say it started in Africa with a man being bit by a monkey or doing a monkey and then it spread to millions of humans in Africa. At the same time it affected homosexual communities in America.

How could one person start an epidemic in that short amount of time? They couldn't. The way the virus spread suggest that it was simotanously contracted by thousands.
>>>short? define short please.

Furthermore, why would an epidemic of this magnitude be so selective in where and who it infected? The report I read, if I remeber right, attemted to find out how many of the vaccinated homosexuals contractid HIV and the numbers were shocking.
>>>selective? the virus does not discriminate infact heterosexuals are infected by this as well, heterosexaul women are infected more each year then homosexuals are and you can verify this at the CDC website.

Now if the Gov. is going to produce a virus that could wipe out an entire race and possibly infect the very creators don't you think they would have came up with a vaccine before deploying?
>>>oh now its a race thing?

And does anybody here care to share what they have found out on this subject?
>>> yeah I got something to share HIV has made a lot of people disabled costing the government lots of money, check this out 1 bottle of protease inhibitors cost almost $2000 not to mention the other antivirals and other meds that get taken by a patient also.
thats a lot of money. why would the government shoot itself in the foot?

I will review my old files and post them if anyone is interested.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
Yes i agree that the U.S. created AIDS to kill African Americans and gays

I really hope that you're just joking with that!

Why is it that everything has to be a conspiricy? Why can't people just believe that these sorts of diseases just happen sometimes? It is just natures little way of saying "There's too many of you stupid idiots walking on my face"!

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 04:31 PM

yeah I got something to share HIV has made a lot of people disabled costing the government lots of money, check this out 1 bottle of protease inhibitors cost almost $2000 not to mention the other antivirals and other meds that get taken by a patient also.
that�s a lot of money. why would the government shoot itself in the foot?

First of all you won't believe in any of this if you don't believe in conspiracies. If you do believe in conspiracies then read on, if not, why are you on this site? It's not cool that your first post is of debunking nature. Any way I go on regardless...

The Illuminati are the real controllers of the US government. If you believe that the Illuminati exist then you know this already. It isn't "their" money, it's our money...our as in the taxpayer. They couldn't care less how they spend our money(no conspiracy there). So they wouldn't be "shooting themselves in the foot", they are shooting OUR foots. Second, there is much profit to be made by the pharmaceutical companies(which is a money maker for them). Third HMO's take up the costs mostly for health costs, because if I remember we don't have universal health care. Medicare does take some of the load, but again I want to remind you that it isn't their money it's OUR money.

Back to the Illuminati. Say you and your band of goons control life as we see it. Controlling 2 billion people worldwide is a lot easier than controlling 6.5 billion people worldwide. We already out number them 10000 to 1(conservative estimate).

The only way to control when you are so obviously out numbered is by convert control. The illusion of freedom is a good example. And example of overt control would be a dictatorship. If you are being run by a dictatorship then at least you have a focal point; know whom the enemy is and have a choice to revolt. But if you are born into a system of complicity where people all around you believe that this is the best it can get, then you will not revolt. Control still exists, just covertly.

What does this have to do with the subject at hand? Well let�s just say that Illuminati exist and are controlling covertly. Over population is probably one of the worst threats to your control. Why?

1) more of us mean less of them.

2) lies become known much faster(more people to communicate).

3) more representation(minorities including women) of the masses.

4)More people to say..."Hey wait a second..." ; more people to question

5)More people to demand rights.

6)Greater demand for resources, which they control

7)Pressure for sharing control

I mean the list can go on and on. Overpopulation with the exception of a blown cover, is probably the greatest threat to their power. That much is obvious. So if know it is a problem what will you do about it? Create wars(for profit and for population control). Create famine. And commit genocide. So how do you commit genocide? There are many ways, but black ops biological "poisoning" is a great place to start. Not only that but if done correctly that means no fingers are being pointed towards you.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

Originally posted by AD5673
Yes i agree that the U.S. created AIDS to kill African Americans and gays

I really hope that you're just joking with that!

Why is it that everything has to be a conspiricy? Why can't people just believe that these sorts of diseases just happen sometimes? It is just natures little way of saying "There's too many of you stupid idiots walking on my face"!

whould you like a list of all of the government test done with the public not knowing that they were test subjects? it is shocking to say the least.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Aliceinwonderland

yeah I got something to share HIV has made a lot of people disabled costing the government lots of money, check this out 1 bottle of protease inhibitors cost almost $2000 not to mention the other antivirals and other meds that get taken by a patient also.
that�s a lot of money. why would the government shoot itself in the foot?

First of all you won't believe in any of this if you don't believe in conspiracies.
>>>wrong I disagree with this 1 conspiracy and NOT all of them. I am not going let you box me in with your black and white logic.

If you do believe in conspiracies then read on, if not, why are you on this site? It's not cool that your first post is of debunking nature. Any way I go on regardless...
>>>are you trying to say no one is allowed to question statements?

>>>I am all for theorys and such but not when they try to insinuate that people are not at risk for hiv if they arnt black or gay, and thats not cool. it just fuels the epidemic.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 06:02 AM

>>>wrong I disagree with this 1 conspiracy and NOT all of them. I am not going let you box me in with your black and white logic.

Why is it black and white logic if it is an opinion? I disagree with your world view and could easily say you view things black and white also, but I don't because of course you are entitled to your opinion.

>>>are you trying to say no one is allowed to question statements[/quote[

There is nothing wrong with citing opinion. And there is nothing wrong with questioning concepts. I just felt your first post was of debunking nature as opposed to a discussion(especially for a first post but thats my opinion). You have questions or objections by all means state them. Sorry if I made it seem as if you aren't able to question theory or belief.

I am all for theorys and such but not when they try to insinuate that people are not at risk for hiv if they arnt black or gay, and thats not cool. it just fuels the epidemic.

I never insinuated any such thing. All I said is that it has hit the minority community the hardest(statistics show this to be fact). But that doesn't mean that others out of the risk zone aren't able to contract say that would be ignorant. Anyone can get it. But lets not kid ourselves to think that upper mid to upper class are hit as hard as the lower mid to working class with old and new infections.

PS To lazy to spell check as it is really late(or should I say early morning ).

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