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My sister! and a vampire!

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posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 10:57 AM
Fine. But I don't think a person wants attention on this thread. Now that I think about it, in my old neighborhood my mom was taking my bro to school, and on the way there she saw a man with blood on his white shirt, as soon as he saw us he hid. I think the blood might still be there, but it's probably coagulated.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by hawckman
Fine. But I don't think a person wants attention on this thread. Now that I think about it, in my old neighborhood my mom was taking my bro to school, and on the way there she saw a man with blood on his white shirt, as soon as he saw us he hid. I think the blood might still be there, but it's probably coagulated.

Wow, your going for chapter 2 on your sci fi book huh?

What's next...

You fell one day and blood came out, then you realized you were a vampire also?

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Ha ha your funny, but no!

I can say what I want.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:14 AM
ok, your a young kid. im not saying your lieing or here for a wind up but,, i think other people you know maybe playing with you, to see how much you can be fooled. and in light of the fact that the next big blockbuster will be "i am legend" witch is all about vamps, i can understand y they picked the subject. just out of interest, what is the age margin of the people that are telling you they are vamps, and how old is your sister?

if people are winding you up then i think thats just sad and evil on there part and you are just the victim. of a bad joke

sorry dude..

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Well my sis is 16. But I don't think she is lying. ANd the guys who say they are vamps, I don't know because they are my sis's friends.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:23 AM
so we are talking pubesent mid teens that think being strange and difrent is cool, htey may even want to be vamps so bad they truely think they are,,,is your sis a bit of a goth? she have a lot of black clothes? pair of newrock boots maybe

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:29 AM
She doesn't have boots, she wears some blacks clothes, and she's definately not goth.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:42 AM
You kids should be very careful in what you get sucked into. This guy actually had his own mother believing he was a vampire.

If I were you I would get involved in something more positive as one day you will look back and wonder why you wasted all that time on this vampire crap. Get good grades, go to college and get prepared for life because vampires aren't going to be paying your mortgage when you grow up.

As for your sister, it's imagination and nightmares, nothing more.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:44 AM
I'm getting A's and B's in school. I don't really think about them thought. Like other creatures more. But thanks for the advice.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by hawckman

Good for you! I'm glad to see you are doing well in school. I can tell you from experience that nonconformity is great in that you are your own person but there is a point at which it can have detrimental effects. You are entering a phase of life where kids want to identify with something and be a part of a group whether it be positive or an anti-clic type thing. I regret some of my choices of alienation. This usually starts around the age of 14 and somewhat dictates how your entire high school experience will evolve. Also, if you read up on the "Vampire Killer" you can see how easily certain personality types can be effected. At least 3 of the defendants would probably not have even been involved had it not been for the right time/right place/right state of mind/right leader. Even the strongest of minds can be manipulated.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:00 PM
Yeah I know. That story gave me the chills. If he was raised with better parents, that whole ordeal might if never happened.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:04 PM
Stop picking on him because he's a kid, if he had never mentioned it hten you'd probaly accepted his thread more. Just listen to what he's got to say. Pick on someone your own size

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by open mind

Thank you so much!

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by open mind
Stop picking on him because he's a kid, if he had never mentioned it hten you'd probaly accepted his thread more. Just listen to what he's got to say. Pick on someone your own size

I agree! I think we should take this opportunity to educate this young'un and open him up to the truths surrounding Vampirism instead of berating him for being ignorant to the real topic. As the little brother of a teenage girl, he has probably been the victim of their sibling status teasing and wants to learn more about the subject. To empower himself with knowledge. I think it's GREAT he came here to do that and we should help him discover what the truth is.

hawckman, welcome to ATS! Look around. Read read read! You're smart and get good grades. THAT means you know the benefits of hard study. This is the place to study hard. Get the knowledge you need to shield you from your sister's obvious taunting. You'll laugh at her eventually.


posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:27 PM
So far I only know of one person in existence who is as close as you can get to being a Vampire.

He had to drink blood or else he felt like crap. Though he had a girlfriend that voluntarily gave blood to him, and he wouldn't kill others for blood.

It was in a documentary about ''real'' vampires.

Most of them were sensationalists that wanted to be cool and drink blood and do leather & sm orgies though.

Though by no means necessary did they have the trademark fangs & cape, or the ability to transform into a bat at will.

[edit on 15/11/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:30 PM
i hope at no point did i make out that i was moking him or attacking his lack of knoledge on the subject, my point was that it is most likely a wind up by his friends or sisters friends. for him to no the comon and not so comon "facts" about vamps would be good as he can then point out with some education that the ppl that are playing with is mind in such a way, are wrong and should live there own life and not some common fantacy in order to fit in.

oh and as for they guy at the window.. i to have leather trusers, that make me a vamp?

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

Hehe Thank you!

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by talon

Oh my sis doesn't talk about fantasy to fit in. She already does, everyone lieks her!

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:44 PM
im sure if you fretan to stab 1 in the heart with a wooden stake they will soon come clean lol......that was a joke

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Yeah I know
But heck I wouldn't stab one, I would run.

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