posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Hello all...
Thank you all for your responses. We've had more than 120 volunteers contact Springer or myself via U2U. Unfortunately, for organizational purposes,
we couldn't pick all 120 people, and based our decisions on how you related any previous experience, and your prior involvement in ATS.
For now, the first big push is on a rather large collection of UFO-related documents (over 1,200). As time goes on, we'll be getting into other areas
such as covert operations, secret projects, and more. At that time we may reach out again for more volunteers. But for now, we have our initial
As you may have seen, some of the documents have begun to trickle into the public
Documents forum... and more will be appearing shortly. If you're not on the volunteer archivist team, but still have a keen interest in these
documents, this is your chance to offer assistance. Our archivists are doing the "basic grunt work" of cataloging and providing preliminary
commentary on the documents. The goal is to get the material into the public eye, with some descriptions and comments, as quickly as possible... but
this is by no means the end of a document's life-cycle, it's just the beginning. When the documents go public, now it's your opportunity to provide
your own analysis to augment the first-pass work of our archivists. With the intelligent comments and analysis of our members creating an evolving
study of previously secret documents, we're certain we will soon see some stunning discoveries that would not have happened without you.
Also, visitors to the
FOIA Documents forum, and threads in that forum, will begin to
see an increased level of advertising similar to what you see in Conspiracy Master forums. A significant portion of the ad revenue will be sent to
Sergeant Clifford Stone so that he may finally enjoy some level of reward for an amazing body of work. And if we can all discover some stunning items
that draws significant attention to these documents, his reward may indeed become significant.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm in this fascinating and potentially important project. With our first-ever large-group analysis of these documents,
there are stunning discoveries just around the corner.