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Corruption of the Bible!!!

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posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 01:45 PM
This is the real source of Christianity's problems. The bible just isnt what it was. yet Christians are still clinging to what it is now. read this and tell me what u think.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:21 PM
DAMN that's alot of stuff to digest.

The bible isn't what it used to be. The Xians are clinging to it. The brain washing has worked.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by tiegm
This is the real source of Christianity's problems. The bible just isnt what it was. yet Christians are still clinging to what it is now. read this and tell me what u think.

It appears that some of the posts to this thread have disappeared.
Anyways, I think that this is a very important article that everyone, especially those who preach or blindly accept the infallibility of the Bible, should read. It is not an attempt to discredit Jesus' teachings. It does, however, do an excellent job of demonstrating the reasons and ways in which it's original words were compromised.

One of the best parts of the article was this,
"The great truth which the modern Christian fails to comprehend is that, even in its corrupted form, the Bible as it has been passed down to us is sufficient to manifest the Living Word of God in the life of the individual believer. One only has to open the New Testament to almost any page to find the message: If the believer consecrates their lives -- becomes teachable by releasing their minds from an adherence to the doctrines of men -- forgive and judge no one -- live a simple life that is unencumbered -- do no harm to any of God�s creatures -- and seek in solitude the companionship of the Lord in the inner Temple -- that the Holy Spirit will Anoint and Teach you all the Mysteries of God as the believer begins the journey home to the Kingdom. If the believer begins to live the consecrated Christian life -- free of the thinking and entanglements of this world -- then the indwelling Word will reveal all things to those who are sincere in their search for the Truth."

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 02:05 AM
very hard to read and too long. But there is one thing wrong with his whole post.

he says you must search for God an he will show you.

What did he say to the apostles?

Matt 28:20

"" Go (teach) them to (observe) all things that (I) have (commanded) you ""

He revealed to them the new testament, how to observe the laws and commands and truths he gave them. So how can you search for trtuh when it has been given? The apostles were taught the truths of God and his tradition of his sacrafice which were not mentioned in scripture.

The bible itself says that if they were to mention every once of Jesus life it would fill the entire earth with books.


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Your just now figuring this out!!! I've been saying this all along. Why do you think they left out books and only used the ones that fit there agenda?

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by jezebel

Originally posted by tiegm
This is the real source of Christianity's problems. The bible just isnt what it was. yet Christians are still clinging to what it is now. read this and tell me what u think.

It appears that some of the posts to this thread have disappeared.
Anyways, I think that this is a very important article that everyone, especially those who preach or blindly accept the infallibility of the Bible, should read. It is not an attempt to discredit Jesus' teachings. It does, however, do an excellent job of demonstrating the reasons and ways in which it's original words were compromised.

One of the best parts of the article was this,
"The great truth which the modern Christian fails to comprehend is that, even in its corrupted form, the Bible as it has been passed down to us is sufficient to manifest the Living Word of God in the life of the individual believer. One only has to open the New Testament to almost any page to find the message: If the believer consecrates their lives -- becomes teachable by releasing their minds from an adherence to the doctrines of men -- forgive and judge no one -- live a simple life that is unencumbered -- do no harm to any of God�s creatures -- and seek in solitude the companionship of the Lord in the inner Temple -- that the Holy Spirit will Anoint and Teach you all the Mysteries of God as the believer begins the journey home to the Kingdom. If the believer begins to live the consecrated Christian life -- free of the thinking and entanglements of this world -- then the indwelling Word will reveal all things to those who are sincere in their search for the Truth."

That's what I've benn trying to say. Thomas Crown needs to read this thread.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:44 AM
This is also what i've been trying to say:

The problem is that, regardless of how much evidence is shown to the majority of modern Christians -- evidence which demonstrates conclusively that the New Testament scriptures were severely altered by the Church of Rome -- they will refuse to acknowledge the facts. Why? Because the majority of modern Christians are a disenfranchised people -- severed from the presence of the indwelling Spirit which is given to the truly faithful disciples in order to teach them -- and they are afraid to deviate from their present-day doctrine and church dogma. In the Living Spiritual Church of the New Covenant that was ordained by the Son of God, all revelation is made directly from God to the faithful congregation. But because the modern believer has been alienated from the very essence of the fundamentals of New Covenant teachings, they fear the spiritual journey associated with the beginning of the walk in The Way. The Son of God calls out to them -- but because they are anchored to this world by the doctrines and traditions of men, they are afraid to actually pick up their own crosses and follow in the Master�s footsteps in The Way..

When directly confronted with the overwhelming evidence and facts with respect to the wholesale corruption of the scriptures, the fundamentalist defensively responds with the rather absurd assertion that "God wrote the King James Version of the Bible". Thus, no amount of rationale will convince them that because we are the prodigal sons of our Heavenly Father, and the Kingdom is within us (Luke 17:21), that all those who truly live a consecrated life will be shown the undefiled Word of God that can be accessed by journeying along the narrow path that opens the "strait gate" that leads to the indwelling Temple (1 Cor 3:16).

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by DaTruth]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:08 PM
k so....

if the bible can be corrupted.. does that not meen god can be too ? i meen if his book the one book the only book the only " true religion " can be twisted and distored by men does that not meen the great infalable god can aswell ? and if so does that not make us the supreem being's? i meen if we can twist and distort god what else can we do.. maybe collectivly shed this crutch that has held us back since ohhhh i dont know lets say since the first historical evidence of religion was ever found ? when people wake up and realize we created a need for god and then created that god to fill that need our fear of death and the unknown we needed someone / something to hold our hand's because of our fear...... its been going on since our ancestor's hoped out of tree's and desided not to let there dead be eaten by lion's and tiger's and bear's oHHH my... and they started to put them in the ground and the cerimony's became more elaberate ... eventually evolving over time like we did into what it is now and what we are now... anyway those are my 2cents....

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by CanadaCANfight
k so....

if the bible can be corrupted.. does that not meen god can be too ? i meen if his book the one book the only book the only " true religion " can be twisted and distored by men does that not meen the great infalable god can aswell ? and if so does that not make us the supreem being's? i meen if we can twist and distort god what else can we do.. maybe collectivly shed this crutch that has held us back since ohhhh i dont know lets say since the first historical evidence of religion was ever found ? when people wake up and realize we created a need for god and then created that god to fill that need our fear of death and the unknown we needed someone / something to hold our hand's because of our fear...... its been going on since our ancestor's hoped out of tree's and desided not to let there dead be eaten by lion's and tiger's and bear's oHHH my... and they started to put them in the ground and the cerimony's became more elaberate ... eventually evolving over time like we did into what it is now and what we are now... anyway those are my 2cents....

I see what your saying but I don't think that God can be corrupted. Why you ask because if that were the case we would never know that the bible was tainted. The truth always comes out no matter how much man tries to distort it. This is God at work, opening the hearts and minds of people but only those who take that initiative to search for the truth. If you just accept what has been told to you and don't even attempt to search for the truth then you really don't deserve "salvation". I look at it like this God gave you a mind use it.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:56 PM
" created a need for God "

Unbelievable. tell that to millions of men and women who have seenmiracles happen including me.

God reveals himself to people, peopledo not reveal themselves to God.


posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Truth

" created a need for God "

Unbelievable. tell that to millions of men and women who have seenmiracles happen including me.

God reveals himself to people, peopledo not reveal themselves to God.


The question here isn't about God Truth, it's about the Corruption and manipulation that the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church has been partaking in for the last 2000 years!!!!

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by DaTruth]

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:19 AM
Im part of this church, so am I corrupt? Are you saying that every catholic leader back in the old days who were ordained ministers
from the apostles were all corrupt?

If you are catholic and fall into sin then are you still catholic?

See I dont think you undersand what (holy church) is. It is a collection of souls who all strive for (perfection) while using these ministers to guide them, the good ones, and is not centered in an
orginization you think it is.

I believe rome has been infested with freemasons with the creation of V2, yet this is what you consider the church? If there were only two people left in the world and they upheld these teachings of the church then that is where
the church would be.

Our church does not teach to hate or cheat or lie, but to strive for perfection, this is what the true church lives by.

Im sorry you think you know the story from 0 to 2000 from a different bunch of websites who can lie all they want, and exagerate stories to fit their hate, and then use passages out of the same (corrupted) bible to use against
our church when they miss the other passages in the same chapter the used to disprove it.

I hope you understand one day what the definition of church really means.

God Bles.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:30 AM
It's a little hard to argue corruption about a book by some 60 different authors that was put together over a period of 150 years by a number of committes that tended to overrule what previous committes had said and who held faction wars (which included pronouncing each other heretics and so forth.)

A lot of Christians assume the Bible just showed up in a complete manuscript form somewhere. It didn't.

The torah (Old Testament) wasn't put together until 70 BC, and there's a lot of Jewish religious and philosophical and historical writings that did NOT make it into the torah. The Bible was supposed to represent the Jewish religous books that Jesus would have studied plus accounts of his life... but they really couldn't get people to agree on what he might have read, since there wasn't any record.

Revelation and Song of Solomon are two of the more controversial books; most argued that they had no place in the Bible.

So it's a little hard to shriek "conspiracy" here.

Whose conspiracy? The Rabbis who put together the Old Testament (after a lot of arguing and fighting?) The ones who wrote histories of Jesus some 40-100 years after his death (that would be the Gospels)? The ones who selected the books over that 100-150 year time span?

The writer of that site has something that they're inspired about, but their knowledge of how the Bible was written is pretty bad.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:00 AM
Don't get me wrong either because I was born into Catholicism, but after a while I realized that we don't even practice our own religion, I came to realize we were practicing Mithraism(thanks to certain popes)...Catholicism is Mithraism working in the disguise of Christ...

The christians of this world worship the Roman cult of Mithra(highest orders of masonry study mithraic doctrine) and not their own 'savior'..Basically you don't gotta goto church or submit to the Roman pontiff (, search: mason), you can be a good christian by being a good person..Religion is an excuse to turn good beliefs into systems of control..Rather a way of life is a life to be living.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:18 AM
"" you can be a good christian by being a good person "'

Ok, but what is a christian? who is the gathering of them? who revealed to them what to uphold and believe? you see jesus said to the apostles, teach
them to (observe) all that i commanded you. Jesus told peter that he has the keys to the kingdom of God when no other apostle holds this honor. He told peter that to him
wiill i build my (church) and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Jesus said in timothy 3 that this church would be the pillar and foundation of truth the kingdom of heaven on earth. How come jesus says in scripture that you must be baptised by water? or that when you come together in church have manners? How come
his sacrafice and offering is mentioned in the OT, and was giiven at the last supper, and told to the apostles to do (this) in memory of me?

How come our church has had atleast 25 anti popes in its history if they are only there to be obeyed? how come popes have been labeled heretics and apostates by our own church members many times in the past?

The pope is only the leader of the spiritual head who can fall into sin and has, and has been thrown from office for doing so, so don't think they are some kind of immortal soul who cannot sin, our church does not teach this.

basicaallly you cannot have it both ways.

You cant say.

" well your passages about communion and a church are from a corrupt bible ""

then say.

"" well im a christian ""

You either believe in scripture and reaalize what it says and tradition which Jesus has passed down from the apostles, or believe the entire bible is corrupt. you cannot use passages against the church then say the ones which support a church are false. because being a christian is to believe what God says and Jesus christ and this has been given to us through scripture and the apostles own letters from which jesus taught them.

God bless.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 11:28 AM
you learn the truths in the BIBLE(BasicInstructionsBeforeLeavingEarth) from the translations and hacked up literalist translations of the true message..but the truth is still embedded, and although the truth is there, and ye practice Mithraism..God still pushes people forward to make sure they're practicing the best belief they can trust, even if they have to do some info seeking, because info seeking does not hurt..Faith exists and all, but you can't condemn man to only know a small portion of belief..Man should know all belief in order to pick which he chooses best to suit him..Mithra/Isa/Issa/Jesus be getting mixed up all the time.. do some encylopedia reading on Mithras.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:15 PM
A alot of people think that the NIV is corruption of the bible, that the original kings james is the only book that we can trust.
(I didnt read the link so if this is in there then oh well)


posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:26 PM


heheheheheheh . . .NICE!

Ya know, I also believe the RCC has corrupted christianity and the Bible. Before the Canon was put together the early church read from the Books of Enoch as well as other non~canonical writtings. Now they say they are of no use.

I have also wondered about the "Secret Vatican Documents" that they do not make public and admit they have.

Jesus also mentions "Have you never read in the scriptures" Is this the Torah or Could it be the Books of Enoch?

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by ME]

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 06:05 PM
you wont find an unedited version of the bible unless you wanna try a non-linear(hebrew,greek,english) version. trust the king games version? lol, this is after constatine, so why trust at all? the message is still there though, god shows his power thru all works made thru those with life force. but yeah why practice mithraism any longer than these 2000 years and pretend we're worshipping christ?

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 06:06 PM
check out the coptic church website or nag hammadi library for the texts admitted but not included in bible.. they are gnosis in nature and lead to much of the creation of the matrix ideologies.

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