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History Channel 9/11 Conspiracies

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:44 PM
"9/11 Conspiracies-Fact or Fiction"

I recently saw this show on the history channel and didn't see a thread on it so I thought I'd make one. I'm new to the 9/11 conspiracy ideas but I thought this show did a pretty good job showing both sides. Has anyone else seen this, and did you think it was good?

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:00 PM
I have not watched it, but I think its probably a whitewash piece full of fallacies and intentional misinterpretations and distortions.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Unplugged

Well, it didn't conclude that either side was right and it gave about equal time to both sides. Is there something about the History Channel I should know about?

It also presented a history of 9/11 conspiracies, which I thought was good. For example, before the invasion of Iraq, the popular theory was that Israel knew about 9/11 and may have been behind it.

I don't know if many people believe that now, but I think it's interesting how the movement has changed through the years after various events have occured since 9/11.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Chyort
I don't know if many people believe that now, but I think it's interesting how the movement has changed through the years after various events have occured since 9/11.

Well i think the truth movement had changed due to infomration that has come out.

Where the people that beleive the official story still stick to the same old stuff they have been told by the media.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:33 PM
I also watched the show..and was a bit disappointed.

They did list the conspiracies but I think they spent more time using experts trying to disprove the theories.

I would of liked to see a little more expert commentary on why the theories could be feasible.

It was like some guy said the sky is black and a brief statement by a voice over restating what was theorized. Then they went to experts to state why it is a bad theory: not giving much time as to why the theory was proposed.

I must realize that it was the History Channel where they must have commercials and have a limited amount of time and not ATS.

By the way I am making no commment about what I think about 9/11 just the show.

-Thank you for your time.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Chyort
reply to post by Unplugged

Well, it didn't conclude that either side was right and it gave about equal time to both sides. Is there something about the History Channel I should know about?

Yeah...the History Channel are nothing but NWO Shills working in conjunction with Fox news, CNN, ABC, NBC, Turner broadcasting, NYPD, NIST, FEMA, the FBI, CIA, State Department, Department of the Treasury, The enire Admistrative branch of the Federal Government, FDNY, The Port Authority, Time-Warner, Halliburton, Raytheon, The JREF Forums, the DOD, the "offical" Barney on Ice fan club, Killtown, The BBC, the Texas Rangers (the baseball team, NOT the law enforcement agency), certain "rogue elements" of congress, 99.9% of the worlds structural and civil engineers, 7-11 employess (just because 7-11 is so similar to 9-11, coincidence? Yeah, riiight!)The Harlem Globetrotters, Larry Silverstein, and of course...yours truly.

"Sheeple or Shills...Sheeple or Shills people are either Sheeple or Shills." just keep chanting that and it will all become clear.

[edit on 13-11-2007 by Taxi-Driver]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:15 PM
For me, finding out the "truth" about what happened on 9/11 happened in sort of a backwards-order.

I began to hear a lot of buzz about the income tax and federal reserve, and eventually got around to watching some videos on youtube and google.

Once it was clear to me that the government, irs, and federal reserve were pulling a fast one on us, I thought to myself "if they could lie about something this big, what else are they lying about?"

Next logical step was to gather up as much info as I could on the 9/11 subject. I heard and read a lot of arguments on both sides.

Today the certainty I have about the Federal Reserve being a scam sits at around 99.998%

And my certainty that we've been utterly lied to about 9/11 is at about 98.5%.

If you're interested in seeing the videos I have, I would recommend

Money as Debt
Freedom to Fascism
Press for Truth
911 Mysteries
Why We Fight

You can find them on youtube or google. That will give you a place to start, there are many many others on the web.

Always take everything said with a grain of salt. Use your intuition, experience, and intellect to decide for yourself.

"Believing without hearing arguments on different sides is not decision-making, it's jumping to conclusions."

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by logan_macio
I also watched the show..and was a bit disappointed.

They did list the conspiracies but I think they spent more time using experts trying to disprove the theories.

I would of liked to see a little more expert commentary on why the theories could be feasible.

I think you're right, they did spend a little more time having organizations like Popular Mechanics giving their responses. They also had the pilot of the C-130 from the Air National Guard who was flying when the Pentagon was hit, and other interviews of that nature which I thought was informative.

The History Channel did spent quite a bit of time with the creators of Loose Change and the 'leaders' of the movement as well, but I'm not sure what other experts they could have found. Anyone have any ideas?

Haha I thought you were serious when I started reading your post Taxi-Driver.

Originally posted by dionysius9
Today the certainty I have about the Federal Reserve being a scam sits at around 99.998%

And my certainty that we've been utterly lied to about 9/11 is at about 98.5%.

If you're interested in seeing the videos I have, I would recommend

Money as Debt
Freedom to Fascism
Press for Truth
911 Mysteries
Why We Fight

I'm not really sure what this has to do the History Channel show... but I have seen a few of those movies and they're definitely one sided. I don't believe they present evidence as this History Channel show does and they don't include alternative ideas.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:19 PM
I've gotta get some sleep...10 hour shifts should be considered abuse!! Just a few moments ago I was watching a show called "9/11: Zero Hour" on the National Geographic channel. If you pause the show EXACTLY at 11:02:53 (which would be 2 mins 53 seconds into the program, I believe...I'm in Central time so this obviously shows what time I'm watching), they CLEARLY ADD a plane into the blurrey security shot that caught a "plane" going into the Pentagon. (If this has been posted before, please forgive/ignore me, but it's new to me so I had to share this lil' tidbit). There's no way that was a plane...ya just can't ignore it!!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Eighty59

I don't know about the National Geographic program, as I haven't seen it, but I'm surprised they would add a plane to a video.

In the History Channel show, they showed a video from the Pentagon security camera, but it only showed a before and after the plane hit. They said it was because the video only captured one frame per second, and the plane was going to fast to record it actually strike the Pentagon.

They also showed plane parts and gave interviews of emergency workers and engineers who were there. They even showed black marks where the wings hit and a small hole that was created on one of the inside walls I think.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Chyort

I was going to say the same thing, to me it almost seemed like a debunkers show it was mostly narrated by the Popular Mechanics guys and the Skeptic Magazine owner editor guy. To me it seemed like they touched on only the basic conspiracy theories like the missle at the pentagon or the WTC being a CD. To make it worse they had Fetzer and Alex Jones arguing CT points. Which I think we all will agree those two guys have a special finger nails across the chalk board way with words when they speak.

I wouldnt recommend wasting the 2 or so hours of time it will take to watch it.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911

I wouldnt recommend wasting the 2 or so hours of time it will take to watch it.

I think it is worth watching. At least it showed two sides of the debate and interviewed people who believe and don't in a conspiracy. The show also did not take a side. Should people waste their time with "Loose Change" or "911 Mysteries" that are completely biased?

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 12:11 PM
I liked how the experts on every angle and subject were the Pop Mech. guys. There were others but it was pretty ridiculous. Obviously biased.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Chyort

I think its worth watching but so are the other videos on the internet that you don't see on TV. I can just imagine it, that night that it aired, 200k old guys sitting in their lazy boys watching this and just b/c the "history" channel concludes that the conspiracy theories are wrong (which they did), so does everyone else watching the show. The history channel... just think about it, they are the ones writing American text book history as we know it.

The problem I had with the show was it didn't question obvious things, like with the pentagon for example:

They show that video the pentagon gave us (which didn't show #) and said there you have it, you're proof! Well they forget to mention that the FBI confiscated all the other videos that supposedly showed this plane crash. And just LOOK at the lawn! Could it be more obvious that a plane did not crash there? My god, there is no damage to the lawn, its totally ludicrous to believe that a plane that crashed at the very base of the building did no damage to the grass. NONE! NO DAMAGE TO THE GRASS AT ALL!!!!!!!! Go look at the frekin pics.

They also forgot to mention a very important fact about the CD theory. There was smoke rising from the base of the FREKING BUILDING! The plane crashed at the top of the tower... why is smoke coming up from the bottom of the tower??

No they won't mention things like this. I could go on and on and on but I won't mainly b/c idc. It seems like the history is written and set and stone and anyone that believes other wise is crazy.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Techsnow

They show that video the pentagon gave us (which didn't show #) and said there you have it, you're proof! Well they forget to mention that the FBI confiscated all the other videos that supposedly showed this plane crash.

Well, the show said that the videos were being used for the trial. The reason they gave for there being no plane on the video footage that was shown was because it only took a one frame per minute video.

And just LOOK at the lawn! Could it be more obvious that a plane did not crash there? My god, there is no damage to the lawn, its totally ludicrous to believe that a plane that crashed at the very base of the building did no damage to the grass. NONE! NO DAMAGE TO THE GRASS AT ALL!!!!!!!! Go look at the frekin pics.

I don't know why there was no damage, but there were firetrucks and emergency personnel on it.

They also forgot to mention a very important fact about the CD theory. There was smoke rising from the base of the FREKING BUILDING! The plane crashed at the top of the tower... why is smoke coming up from the bottom of the tower??

I think they mentioned it, and the reason they gave was because jet fuel was burning and causing a fire.

It seems like the history is written and set and stone and anyone that believes other wise is crazy.

Well I believe history is constantly being modified and changed as new evidence is revealed. But this show did not call anyone crazy. And I'm not trying to be a 'debunker' or anything, I just want to make sure people get good information about this show.

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