first off,you'll all have to axcuse my english grammar
i'm from Antwerp,Belgium,and so english is not my native language.
secondly,i'd like to thank everyone on ATS for the wonderfull years you've all given me so far.
i'm still verry new to posting but have been reading up for a couple of years now.
i first came to this site about 5 years ago,while researching stuff on the internet for my own purposes.
i'm one of those people you could realy call an "information-addict"
i'm interested in everything and anything.the more i know,the happier i feel...i'm allways looking for something new.
now the formalities are all done,on to the actual point of this thread.
what i'm about to tell you happened around a month and half ago.
the reason i'm posting this just now,is because i didn't realy know where to go with this story,and the fear of beïng ridiculed (kind of a sore
point for me right there...bad memories)
i'm not even sure this is the right forum...
anyway,here goes...
i was driving down the highway,it was about 2 in the afternoon on a wendsday if i remember correct.can't recall the precise date.
my buddy was sitting next to me,and we where just chatting about unimportant things,like bored people do,and listening to music for the duration of
the ride.
like i said,it was about 2 in the afternoon,the sky was overcast,a solid grey in colour.
all of a sudden,my friend interupted the sentence he was saying,and asked me "hey,what's that over there?"
what was there,was about i mile out in front of us,not straight in front of us,but about 20° to the right.
it was a little yelowish-white light.i think it would have been no larger than 1 centimeter across,and round,from where we were sitting at least.
we first dismissed it as a low flying airplane,but then my friend said he did not see it moving.
so i pulled the car over on to the right hand lane wich is used when your car gives up on you (sorry,don't know the english word for it) and
we sat there for about ten seconds,watching the tiny light in the sky ahead of us,and as i was just about to say to my friend that it was indeed not
moving,but that i thought it was helicopter.we both saw the light shoot up straight in the air,drawing i little white vertical line in the sky (like
the lines u see on a picture drawn by lights of a car passing by,taken with enough shutter delay),and then disappear into nothing.this took no more
than a second,but we both had our eyes wide open and confirmed what we had just seen to eachother.we sat there for about ten more minutes,wondering
what the hell we'd just witnessed,and then drove off,continueing our journey.
all of this happened about 2 miles over the border between Belgium and the Netherlands.driving direction was towards the Netherlands.the particular
border crossing is the one closest to Bergen Op Zoom,the Netherlands.
i'm not trying to convince others here on ATS that we saw a UFO.
we'r not even sure what it was ourselves.
but that's wgy i'm posting this here.
as i said before,i'm an information addict,and having seen this happen,right there in front of me,with a witness who confirms that he had seen the
exact same thing at the exact same time (and had actually seen it before i did),really makes me want to know what happened at that time.
what exactly did me and my friend see?
please don't ridicule this story,it is hard enough for me to talk about this as it is already.
any feedback is welcome at this point
because i'm trying to read the book,but there are some blank pages there wich i would love to see filled out
thank you